Supercharge Your To-Do List with Things 3

Discover the power of Things 3, the award-winning to-do app that helps you prioritize tasks and stay focused.

The brilliance of Things 3 lies in its ability to highlight urgent tasks while allowing you to easily hide less pressing ones.

What we love: With Things 3, you can categorize your to-dos and assign start dates, ensuring that they appear in the Today view when needed. You can even differentiate evening tasks for added convenience. Plus, you can embed checklists in the Notes section to effectively track multistep tasks.

The Today screen displays all your calendar appointments and next actions in one convenient view.

Quick tip: Enhance your task's Notes section using Markdown formatting. Use a # at the beginning of a line to create a header, or surround words with * or two colons to italicize or highlight them, respectively.

Meet the creator: According to CEO and founder Werner Jainek of Cultured Code, the developer behind Things 3, the app's strength lies in its unparalleled simplicity. Rather than adding new features with each update, Things 3 focuses on making existing concepts even simpler.

Things 3