The Fall Guys: A Lemmings Reboot

Learn about Lemmings, a reboot of the original Lemmings puzzle game. Unlock gameplay tips and read about the premise. Download on the App Store.

The Fall Guys: A Lemmings Reboot

Discover the exciting world of The Fall Guys, a reboot of the classic Lemmings puzzle game. Learn valuable gameplay tips and explore the captivating premise of this addictive mobile game. Download now on the App Store.

Self-preservation is not exactly a strong suit for lemmings. These adorable little critters have no concept of danger and will haplessly walk off cliffs or stumble into traps. It's your responsibility to guide them to safety. Can you save them all?

If this sounds familiar, it's because you may remember the original Lemmings. This groundbreaking puzzler, which was released almost three decades ago, has made a comeback in a brilliant reboot.

Assign skills to help the lemmings save themselves.

The premise remains the same: Little blue-robed green-haired rodents march towards their doom. In order to alter their fate, you must assign them specific skills. Some lemmings can act as stoppers, halting the advancing conga line of their comrades, while others can build diagonal sets of steps to reach higher ground or dig through the soft earth to safety.

One smart new change in the revamped Lemmings is the use of grid-based maps. Instead of selecting individual lemmings, you can tap squares that automatically designate roles for any lemmings that enter them. The game's clever environmental puzzles often have multiple solutions and never feel unfair.

Round and round they go...

If you manage to save every lemming on a level, you'll be rewarded with the chance to spin a wheel of fortune. This allows you to unlock fun modifiers like disabling traps or doubling the number of rescued rodents. If luck is on your side, you might even crack open an egg containing a rare lemming type, adding color and character to your tribe.

All in all, The Fall Guys offers a refreshing revamp that brings Lemmings into the 21st century with gusto. Don't miss out on this addictive mobile gaming experience. Get ready to save those lemmings!

Lemmings: The Puzzle Adventure