Learn Coding at Your Own Pace with Sololearn

Yeva Hyusyan’s Sololearn is teaching pretty big groups.

Learn Coding at Your Own Pace with Sololearn

Yeva Hyusyan’s Sololearn Inc. is teaching pretty big groups.

‣ Company: Sololearn Inc.
‣ Founders: Yeva Hyusyan, Davit Kocharyan
‣ Mission: To teach coding by breaking things down into manageable lessons
‣ App launched: 2017
‣ Team size: 130
‣ Go-to emoji: ❤️😉👍

If you’ve ever felt lost staring at a line of code, you might be ready to join the 22 million people finding knowledge and community in Sololearn. The app is a comprehensive coding resource that breaks down complex topics into bite-sized lessons, allowing you to learn on the go and at your own pace.

“Everyone needs a bit of a technical background to do their jobs better,” says Yeva Hyusyan, who co-founded Sololearn with Davit Kocharyan. “We wanted to bring a person-to-person classroom setting to everyone.” And this is no three-month program: Sololearn is an avenue for people to continuously learn, no matter where they are.

Here’s how Hyusyan and her team achieved it:

Start small or refine your skills with lessons on HTML, Python, and more.

How did you decide to create an app for coding?
Years ago, we founded a coding boot camp program that was doing really well but was difficult to scale. You can always rent 10 more classrooms, but then you need to hire 10 more instructors. Sololearn was a way to scale our impact.

How is Sololearn different from other coding apps?
I’ve always admired teachers who can make complex things easy. I had a math teacher who could help you understand something in five minutes that would take others a whole semester. For the app, we came up with a very simple format: My technical co-founder would create a course, I would try to learn it, and the moment I could understand it, we would publish.

What has creating the app taught you?
Coding is the new literacy that all of us will need to move forward in our professional lives. And personally, I’ve come to understand how the technical side of a company works. I couldn’t do that before I started learning code.

Coding is the new literacy that all of us will need to move forward in our professional lives.

What’s the best feedback you’ve gotten?
We’ve heard from students who learn more with Sololearn than they do from their university professors because we’re much more fun and interactive.

How do you see Sololearn evolving?
Learning is continuing to shift online; many traditional programs don’t work in today’s reality. We’re at this point where disruption is inevitable—I don’t think there will be four-year university programs because, by the time you graduate, your skills are not relevant anymore. It’s about reskilling every day so you can continue to learn.

Sololearn: Learn to Code