Roll Through Marbleous Machinery - A Playful Puzzler by Automatoys
Can you solve these incredible contraptions?
Can you solve these incredible contraptions?
That sense of wonder kids get from real-world marble runs? We feel it while rolling through Automatoys. This playful puzzler’s virtual obstacle courses are mechanical marvels overflowing with ramps, elevators, catapults, and mazes. Tap carefully to nudge a ball closer to the finish line without knocking it over the edge. Whoops!
What we love: Mastering these clever contraptions. Simple, surprisingly tactile controls give each playset startling physicality. Trying to hammer a marble across a gap? Touch and hold too long and you’ll send it flying; too briefly, and you’ll come up short. It takes a delicate hand to ace each course—you’re graded on speed!
Quick tip: Do some recon. Before inserting a coin to start a puzzle, tap to see how each slider, dial, and ramp moves. It’ll help you avoid unnecessary flubs and get a better time on your first try.
Meet the creator: Automatoys is the first release from Idle Friday, an indie studio founded in 2018 by Steffan Glynn, who previously worked on Lumino City, INKS, and KAMI 2 at State of Play Games.