Reflections of You: A Memoir Blue - Dive into a Turbulent Relationship

In the interactive story A Memoir Blue, you'll embark on an emotional journey with the main character, an unnamed superstar swimmer. This heartfelt tale explores her turbulent relationship with her perfectionist mother, as she dreams of her underwater world.

Experience Beautiful Storytelling: This captivating narrative unfolds without any dialogue or text. Instead, the emotions expressed through the daughter's face and the evocative soundtrack speak volumes, conveying feelings of anger, regret, and love. As you navigate submerged subways, discard remnants of your old apartment, and uncover hidden secrets, you may find yourself connecting deeply with the story.

Immerse yourself in the daughter's underwater dream world, where jellyfish create enchanting melodies and subways traverse the ocean floor.

Discover Fun Hidden Features: While they may not impact progress, several objects in the game have entertaining surprises. For example, when adjusting the radio's frequency spikes, pressing the top buttons triggers different animations on the speaker. Additionally, instead of simply dragging the ice cubes to the bottom of the drinking glass, try flicking them over the rim. Can you successfully land all three on the table before they melt?

Get to Know the Creator: Shelley Chen is the creative director, art lead, and narrative designer behind Cloisters Interactive. She developed A Memoir Blue as her master's thesis in New York University's department of game design, drawing inspiration from her own childhood experiences.

A Memoir Blue