How to Wake Up With More Energy: Tips from the Sleep Cycle Team

Try these tips from the Sleep Cycle team.

How to Wake Up With More Energy: Tips from the Sleep Cycle Team

If you want to wake up feeling refreshed and energized after a good night's sleep, there are certain strategies you can try. The Sleep Cycle team has provided their expert advice on how to optimize your circadian rhythm and maximize your energy levels in the long run. Read on to discover their tips.

Soak in the Sunlight for an Energy Boost

Spending some time outdoors during the day, even for a short while, can significantly increase your energy levels. Sunlight, no matter how faint, can enhance focus and promote positivity. Take a walk or simply sit outside to make the most of natural daylight.

Wake Up Gradually with Sleep Cycle's Smart Alarm

If you struggle with waking up in the mornings, consider using Sleep Cycle's smart alarm. This innovative alarm clock wakes you up during your lightest sleep phase, minimizing grogginess and helping you maintain that refreshed feeling. For an even gentler wake-up experience, connect the Sleep Cycle app with your Apple Watch to receive gentle taps on your wrist.

Embrace Low-Intensity Exercise for a Mental Boost

You don't have to engage in intense workouts to experience the positive effects of physical activity. Simple movements like taking a leisurely walk can release feel-good endorphins and improve your mood. Aim for daytime exercise close to your wake time to maximize the benefits.

Create a Nighttime Routine to Unwind

Establishing a nighttime routine can help you fall asleep faster and wake up feeling better. Customize your routine to suit your preferences. For example, consider reducing your caffeine intake in the afternoon, dimming the lights, and activating Night Shift on your Apple devices before bed (to do this, open the Control Centre, hold the Brightness icon, and tap Night Shift).

Prioritize Your Wellbeing with Relaxation Exercises

Make your wellbeing a priority by incorporating relaxation exercises into your daily routine. Sleep Cycle offers a variety of guided breathing exercises that can help you feel calm and centered with just a few minutes of practice.

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