Nerd Out: The Ultimate Fantasy Survival Game

The geeks shall inherit the Earth in this awesomely absurd shoot-’em-up.

Nerd Out: The Ultimate Fantasy Survival Game


The geeks shall inherit the Earth in this awesomely absurd shoot-’em-up survival game.

Fantasy game night with your friends has taken a wild turn, and now the monsters you’re fighting are real! Ward off Nerd Survivors’ wacky creatures by pelting them with magic missiles and exploding pizza slices in this chaotic fantasy adventure. Your ultimate goal: Survive dozens of waves of deadly hordes in a thrilling action-packed gameplay experience. And you thought rolling a natural 20 was hard!

What we love: Becoming more powerful with each run. Your starting hero and his fidget-spinner boomerang may not last long, but as you upgrade essential stats like health and speed, you’ll gain serious might. Defeating the formidable turtle boss to unlock the second world is a fist-pumping triumph—the first of many challenges in this exciting gaming journey!

Your wild weapons and spells fire automatically. Just keep moving in this fast-paced fantasy shooter.

Quick tip: Stick to one weapon category each run in Nerd Survivors, and focus on leveling up the class that increases its damage for maximum effectiveness. Boosting your warrior class makes the bludgeoning books of knowledge and other physical weapons more devastating, while raising your wizard class enhances magical weapons for an epic spellcasting experience.

Meet the creator: HeartBit Interactive’s quirky 2011 RPG Doom & Destiny featured four of the developers’ friends—Mike, Johnny, Francis, and Nigel—as characters. That same beloved foursome has now appeared in all of HeartBit’s games, including the hit title Nerd Survivors.

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