Ultimate Wolf Simulator User Reviews

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  • Winter’s Story

    Hi, me again with another story…

    Winter and Shadow were at her den hungry. “I will bring food, Winter.” Shadow said as he left. 20 minutes later, Winter gave birth to four pups, Everest,(girl) Piper,(girl) Hunter(boy) and King(boy). They all squeezed in tight. When Shadow came back, he was limping, bleeding and whining. “ He is coming, Winter. You and the pups run. If I die, tell them I loved them. I love you,Winter.” “No! Please don’t! I…” “ Ahh, so there you are.” Fang snapped. ”I brought some friends that will take care of your pups. Oh yeah, I guess I will be their NEW father.” He pounced upon King and, sadly, killed him. Winter burst into tears. “ I.. HATE…YOU” The pups who are still nursing let go of Winter. She immediately ran into a fight with Fang. The other wolves attacked her too. But she howled so loudly that Shadow ‘s pack came and defeated them. Winter’s white fur was red with Fang’s blood. She saw Shadow laying on the snow. “ He is gone.” Winter said sadly, wishing she was never born. But she remembered she was the Princess of the Magic Wolves and she thanked her father for her. Later that year, the pups are playing when Winter and Everest saw Shadow and smiled. They will never forget that day

    The End🐾🐾🐾
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  • Winter the wolf pups story

    A mother wolf fell in love with a fellow wolf from the dark lake pack. But he was murdered by a wolf from the pack that was a M4. The mother was pregnant and had one wolf pup. The others.. failed to make it. She named her wolf pup winter. He had white fur with dark brown eyes. One month later winter could leave the the den and eat solid food. He asked his mum “ Do I have siblings?” He would ask. “No.. why?” The mother said.” I erm..” he stoped suddenly and froze. A alpha from the dark lake pack was there. “ look..a fellow wolf pup.” He grumbled.” I see these to often I must get rid of some peculiar ones…” he said drawing his claw up to winters forehead. “Leave him alone!” Winters mom said leaping towards the alpha. “RUN WINTER!” His mum said hissing from the top of her lungs. Winter raced through the meadow and found a spot of grass he could hide in. Winter gasped a long moment. “I hope my mum is okay..” He said whining. He swore he could hear his mums faint screaming in the distance. “When I’m older…..maybe..” He froze again. “ What will I do when I’m older?…” He kept thinking for a while as he gazed back where he had ran. Well I’ll hopefully see my mum soon. He thought. He fell asleep ready for the next adventure…
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  • New stuff I want! Plz use

    Emotes and online option! Islands more mountains a volcano would be awesome. a UNICORN would be amazing a dragon too! And dogs that could be in your pack! An option of who to breed to and a mode with unlimited pack members one EVERY TIME YOU LEVEL UP! And a dig action so I think if you did that it would be so that some places on the map you could dig a den, once you get in a den you can sleep, mark the entrance so you can breed and respawn there! Breeding could be more realistic, instead of the baby being there and walking immediately your female wolf that was bred would get pregnant, that wolf would stay in the den and rest you would have to bring her food and take her to water once the puppy was born it would stay in the den and not be walking like a real puppy it would have to be brought food and be carried to get to water until level 3 then it would be playable and could follow the pack!
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  • More games please

    i love your games, since you made that Tiger game this year, I would really really really like a leopard simulator 2 please, with African people, all animals in Africa, you can create a family with cubs, up to 7, and hunters, not small, but like 4 feet tall, and a pride Lions, animal bugs, lizards, and a Lion boss, + gazelle herd of 10 and dogs for hunters, and we can climb trees too, and pls make it realistic, and some groundhogs, zebras, monkeys, birds, crocodiles, all animals of the savanna, and you can live up trees or on the ground floor, and put houses for the African people pls, cars so hunters can chase you down, and big cat center, for ingerd big cats, you can play as Adults or Cubs, pls make it next month or after next month, please, oh and pls make it free, thank you for your games!
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  • Wolfs sorry

    I woke up and yawned I looked up and said today’s my day! I was age five so I went to go find a mate I saw a black headed white faced I said hey wanna be friends she glanced at me and said oh hi in deep voice and then she said sure I said hey my names spike what’s yours? Winter o that’s nice! I blushed I said in head that name it’s perfect! Here I’ll show u my den. Spike said winter said eh I don’t have a den could I have a part of yours spike sure envy thing for u! Winter blushed next year PUPPYS! :0 spike said winter said haha ones biting u aaa! Spike said it’s such a cute nibble! Winter ha it is pretty funny that’s snowy awww she’s cute spike said spikes sister came out of distance hey spike :0 spike says blackout is that you yeah brah who’s this winter said we’ll she’s my sister blackout meet winter winter meet blackout are those puppy’s blackout said yeah wanna live with us winters family and blackouts all lived together happily ever after wolfs lived happily in there own den together and there it ended spikes story
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  • Story time :pups rescue

    One morning Bluestar woke up to the packs pups whimpering “ help,some wolf help!!!!”the pack shot to there paws the went outside there den and saw the pups getting cornered by a bear but that bear was not a normal bear, it was a dire bear!!( dire wolf +mad bear ) but the pups where already bleeding (the pups names are willow, forest, rose, winter and ocean) then a hunter wolf said “look!!” A ray of light came down on the gleaming plains then the sun wolf spirit sol came. Right after sol gave us extra power a dark storm came over the Devils forest and the evil wolf spirit shadow came too “ if u try to lay a claw on these pups I will leave you whimpering away “ said sol “Try “ said shadow a battle of light and dark went on for 30 minutes but sol one “I will be back” said shadow finally sol used a sun blast and killed the bear “ food for weeks!!” As the pack diged in Bluestar and tiger claw thanked sol and gave him a amber and sol flew away but during the night something strange happened......to be continued. Ask for me to make more if u want more
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  • Came from good to horrible!

    This game use to be fun. It was easy and it was peaceful. But now when you run it goes so fast it hurts my eyes. Also I noticed you made all the animals run fast. Like when I try to get a sheep it turns so fast I can’t even see were it went. It’s so hard it’s not fun. Since I just got the game WildCraft I would rather play as the wolves in WildCraft then the wolves in here. I used to think this game was the best but now it’s 👎🏻😡 and it’s just makes me mad. I finally got used to the game but then y’all ruined it and changed it! It’s not one thumbs down it’s 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻😡😡😡😡😡 so it’s very bad. Even my friends agree it’s to fast. And my friend Abby said that the game is so horribly bad. So to let you know I’m not going to buy your sims anymore it there not fun, and if there to hard. Because I could buy three new WildCraft skins for this price. Three. Think about it. So plz fix this game because I don’t like games like.... 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻😡😡😡😡 so yeah. Fix it or I’m not buying your games anymore and that’s Final. 😐
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  • AMAZING!!! But...

    Ok look hear me out i love the game but i dont understand how to bond with other wolves i got one wolf in my pack but idk how i never followed the bonding thing when I got my first wolf but I tried everything to get more wolves in my pack but it never worked and I think that the actions of the pups are not that realistic b/c pups don’t howl like adults and they should never be able to come out of the den until they are at least level five and they shouldn’t just instantly be an adult at lvl five they should grow bit by bit also I don’t think that there is enough prey in the game... honestly it’s fun but it needs to be more realistic maybe you can find some ideas of how the wolves act and stuff mainly with the wolf pups. Some other thing I found kinda annoying is that every single time you howl the other wolves come to you (pack), you run out of energy rlly fast and in a matter of minutes your at the other side of the map, the wild wolves need to act more like wolves as well. Finally I think each pack should have an two alpha’s so like the wolves with the highest level are the alpha’s (must be one female and one male) and the pups of the alpha their rank should be “alpha pups” and the weakest adult wolf should be the omega and some wolves should challenge the alpha(s) for the alpha position. That’s all thank you.
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  • Shadows story/a story about a dispersal wolf

    Ghost alpha male was hunting wall ginger was napping in there den he saw a bear kill a buffalo and the bear was very weak so he killed it then when he was dragging it back ginger woke up the she asked surprised how he killed it he told her then a black wolf named shadow:main character: he was a dispersal they both growled and shadow was limping then they whispered well we mite as well let him join the pack then after angle the omega was ok from the spirits angle could see and here so then when she had seen shadow shadow fell in love with her and angle fell in love with him to then the alphas told shadow that angle was the omega then they both thot that if they were mate’s then they would be the alphas then they told ginger and ghost they sed no unless you fight ghost then shadow sed that he was limp so he would do it when he heels then one month later shadow was fighting then shadow concerd ghost snarling at ghost wall shadow was on top of ghost then he submitted then ginger sed you she’ll be the alphas with who ever you want to be with then one year later angle and shadow had a pup the end
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  • Please read for the people who are interested in this app!!!

    So when I saw this game I thought that it would be amazing and beautiful I thought that the graphics and animations would be right on but now that I have downloaded this app I have noticed that this app when you kill something I just glitches out everywhere and the fact that you can’t turn around or jump when dragging food makes it very difficult when your den is the one bye the waterfall and when your hunting it’s very difficult cause unlike in fox sim in this app you cannot jump attack which makes it very difficult and when you hunt when you push the attack button your speed turnt off so you prey runs off and it’s very annoying and it’s soooo much harder than all of the other gluten-free games to level up and everything moves around like when you sleep or go back into the game everything moves like the trees but over all the graphics and animations are so beautiful I’m very sorry that this was so long thank if you read this bye!!!
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