Square Appointments User Reviews

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  • Wonderful!!

    I really enjoy using this app for scheduling my hair appointments is makes everything so much easier on me I can easily view when they have booked the appointment. In addition to that adding discounts and things of that nature makes it a lot easier on me because it calculates the percentage and allows me and them to know how much they will be paying. The only thing I do not like about this app when it comes to scheduling appointments is that when 1 person makes an appointment it sometimes makes it difficult for another person to make an appointment for that same day, but honestly other than that I am really enjoying this app for booking my appointments! I really recommend this app for anyone who is looking for a scheduling system and honestly its hassle free.
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  • Appointments ap for square

    I’m struggling a bit with navigating this app. I am a therapist and am only able to check clients out on my phone or device. I also would like it if the app had a way to allow clients to book certain types of appointments on their own, while I manage and have control over the other appointments. I also dislike the appointment reminders automation. I have no way of confirming they are sent. Lastly, what I really dislike about square appointments is the website integration. My clients would have to click a link to click another link to pull up a page full of redundant info to book an appointment. This app and integration can not be modified for branding and is difficult to navigate. I hope for a lot of significant changes, in the update, so that I and other therapists can find it integrates well with our business.
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  • Almost there

    Square appointments has the potential to completely save SO much time for me and my business but there are a few obvious features I am shocked it does not have.
    1. A notifications center on the backend. I would like to have a place where I can see new activity (New requested appointments waiting my approval, New messages, etc.)
    2. Making the "appointment notes" section in the form clients fill out to have the ability to change from "optional" to "required". We are limited in the types of appointments we can hold and we have to have our clients tell us what their rental entails.
    3. Being able to add tax onto services and not just items.
    4. Allowing clients to add on items to their selected service so that they can be charged all at once when they book. (We are a photography studio and have hourly rentals as our "services", we need to be able to have clients add on additional equipment rental "items" such as paper rolls upon booking and have it pre paid because sending a separate invoice for a paper roll after they have already paid is frustrating.
    5. If there was a "recently declined" page or something. If we decline an appointment by accident, It doesn't archive that appointment/customers info so that we can bring it back up and fix it.

    The design and so many of the features are so amazing and would be close to perfect if these super simple changes were made!
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  • I’m still learning

    Although I’m in the process of training myself, my associate and my clients. I don’t consider myself a semi pro let alone a pro at this on-line booking service. With that in mind, it would be best for me to not give a full 5 stars. Most of the features the app offers work great. Although my clients and I are unhappy that the app service doesn’t offer a response back to their confirmation appointment. The client and I are used to communicating with each other. So a respond feature a simple “yes or no”. would give my clients and I confidence that they are keeping their appointment or not.
    For now, it works, but I’m not sure if I will stay with this service. There are a few more dysfunctional details. Not worth sharing at this time.
    Good Luck
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  • Pros are obvious with a few cons

    I think this has many great, well-thought-out features and it’s great in its current form. I’m surprised by all the consideration given to this app/software.

    A few things I wish would be available are specific to my business as a hairstylist. (1) I wish I could see client notes on each appointment in calendar view. I know how to find it, but I have to dig and I think it could be more easily stream-lined. (2) I also wish there was a way to easily jump forward in the calendar by a specific number of weeks to easily pre-book client for their next appointments. (3) I wish I could easily click and drag appointments to a new time slot without editing the appointment itself: click & drag. (4) I wish the software would integrate with Cash App so I could accept payments via mobile transfer and still have it reflect in my reports.
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  • Easy to use but would be even better if...

    I’m only giving this a 4/5 star because I wish the app would allow calendar syncing directly to my iPhone’s calendar the way they have it available for Google calendar. I don’t use Google calendar because I’m able to sync my full-time work schedule onto my iPhone’s calendar (enabled through a payroll/work schedule app). Two more suggestions that I believe would totally improve the app would be a confirmation button for the client in their reminder emails so we can know to still expect them and then a “thank you, please rate your experience, etc” follow-up email to the client like other appointment apps. Other than these suggestions, I appreciate how seamless the app works with adding new appointments, importing contacts, sales reports, etc.! I hope Square can incorporate these suggestions soon!
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  • Need to switch between locations more easily

    Just set this up yesterday. I’m a massage therapist and work in 2 locations. I hate that I have to sign out and then back in to change locations. Very inefficient. On the computer I just use the drop down to easily switch but not on my phone. Might be a deal breaker for me. And once people start scheduling themselves maybe it would not be as big of deal but I have a good amount of elderly clients that won’t book themselves but appreciate the text reminders. Or a lot of people just schedule again at their appointment so I want to just put it in quickly. The client part where they book gives them an option to change locations. Why shouldn’t I be able to as well? Also-why can’t I see all of my appointments regardless of the location? Maybe with a different color or something but I want those calendars to be able to merge. Otherwise it seems simple and I like it. But if I can’t toggle back and forth or quickly glance at my week with ALL appointments then it is just another unnecessary step that makes use unlikely. Please change this! I really like it otherwise!
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback about switching locations, we'll share this with the Appointments Team - we understand how it would make booking appointments accross locations more efficient!
  • Good and will be better.

    Once all the bugs are addressed, this will be an alright “app” or software to use.
    Here are a few annoyances:
    1. The integration of the booking app and the point of sale app, just isn’t there. They make you enter all your information such as services and the items that you sell twice.
    2. In the reports, the use of the booking app to check your clients out, means your reports will be missing a lot of needed data. Creating a working harder not smarter situation.
    3. There is no way to edit or correct a transaction one it is complete.
    4. Finding specific transactions is next to impossible because of the lack of integration of the two apps.
    5. Pulling up client sales history is a serious pain in the, well you know what. It comes up, if you click on the transaction, you are taken to just that transaction. That’s fine if you don’t need to go back to the list of transactions easily.
    5. They nickel and dime you for everything. Basically if you use all the components that they offer, you can find it for one price less expensive for other softwares. However, the fact that you can pay for just what your using when you use it does help. Although the other components could be priced better.
    6. Gift cards, you can’t use anyone else’s gift cards and theirs are way too expensive.
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  • Need more features

    Square Appointments would be amazing if they gave us an option to accept prepayment in full and deposits for appointments. The issue I’ve been having lately is when a client doesn’t show or cancels their appointment the card they put on file declines and I don’t receive my No Show Cancellation Protection Fee. If they paid a deposit it would guarantee that my time is not wasted if they don’t show. Also a texting featured into square would be great to communicate with customers. Also I’m a small business owner with a team of employees. I would like to hide my customers phone number and email address from my employees because if they happened to quit or get fired I don’t want them stealing my customers information. I just need them to see the customers name, service, and time of appointment. I work to hard on my business for my employees to steal my customers when they leave.
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  • Love it but needs more

    I love this app, especially now that it’s free for individual use. I have been using the app for years, I wanna say the same year it came out, same with using the Square readers, and I must say it helps me out with my business SOOOOO much. When my customers started to ask about using their cards I looked into a machine that was portable and I found the Square machine you attach to your phone. And when I found out about the scheduling app too with the same company I was ALL IN! My customers absolutely love it, they love getting their reminders and that they get a confirmation on their appointments too. The only thing i would love for the company to change is the recurring appointment part and add a bi-weekly & a bi-monthly and not just daily / weekly / monthly/ yearly. Plus add a background color change button for customer when booking appointment so the color behind names can help distinguish the weeks length of time between last appointment and next.
    Example: when booking appointments the background color behind the name is blue and the name is white. But all the customers you book are the same color, Blue. (Which is one of my favorite colors) but I would like the customers who come in after 3 weeks to be a different color to remind me that they have been out longer than 3 weeks so it can remind me to charge more or if they need a certain service. That would help greatly!
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    Developer Response

    It is not every day that we receive feedback as detailed and thoughtful as yours. But trust us when we say that it does not go unnoticed. Your comment has given us valuable insight into the services that we provide at Square and the ways we can improve. We sincerely thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

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