Flo Period & Pregnancy Tracker User Reviews

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  • Deleting the App

    Gave a 5 star so this will be seen.
    I have been using this app for well over 5 years, it used to be so great and user friendly. And I really appreciated being able to track my cycle and have insight as to what I was going through, all the way up to when I got pregnant early last year with my daughter. & then the app didn’t really have much to offer compared to other apps as far as tracking my pregnancy. I redownloaded the app once I started having periods again postpartum and every so many minutes within using the app, it prompts me to purchase the full subscription to be able to use even basic features that used to be available to everyone without purchase. In addition, when it prompts you to make a purchase, it literally forces you to agree and continue into the purchase by not allowing an exit button or anything to back out of the ad until you’re having to deny the purchase when it tries to ask for a payment method.
    It’s ridiculous that they are so money hungry that they now feel the need to try to force you into a purchase. It will also offer insight on your cycle but then pop up with an ad that you need to make a purchase to even see the insight. Other than being able to enter when you have your period and look back on the calendar, it is now a pointless app, I can literally use the calendar on my phone to do the same thing.
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  • Rare: Excellent App AND Customer Service

    I love Flo, the premium features are worth the price, it has so much useful content I’ve never used a tracker app like it! To all the people who are complaining about it being pay to access simply need to go download any one of the dime a dozen, free, simplistic period/pregnancy trackers since that’s what they actually want. Flo is so much more. The extra course in awakening/taking control of your desire (or a name something along those lines) was incredibly helpful and insightful, especially for someone not knowing where to start. The little q&a message boards, articles, live sessions, etc were also great for more inexperienced ladies to get solid info plus dispel some myths about women’s sexuality and body insecurities which I would have loved to have as younger person. That’s not even mentioning the insanely insightful tracker part itself! Then, to top it off, the customer service is excellent which is so unusual to have one or the other let alone both. I had a misunderstanding about the subs/billing and they cleared it up with absolutely no problem at all. The creators of Flo are brilliant and genuinely doing a service for us ladies interested in more than finding out when our period starts,
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  • Only some features are useful, predictions poor quality

    Flo is a decent way for me to track basal temperature and symptoms throughout my cycle, but I’ve found its cycle predictions to be inaccurate. I appreciate that it collects and graphs patterns of my body in a way I can see over time. However, the app consistently thinks my fertile days are at the end of my cycle, and predicts my period many days before it should start. I’ve logged 5 months of data, including period start dates and ovulation time, but this has not yet affected the predictions. Luckily I’m 33 and have had a consistent 27-29 day cycle for years (and three pregnancies), so I know these predictions are inaccurate and can make my own calculations. It is frustrating though to have to look at the calendar Flo provides and know that it’s all wrong, and have to do the math in my head every time. Isn’t that what the app is supposed to do, at the most basic level? It is also frustrating to be fed articles about why my period is “late,” when it isn’t late at all. It’s unnerving, even though I know better. The somewhat condescending tone of the articles in the app, along with the poor timing of their appearance, is the most bothersome part of the user interface. It would be helpful if there was a way to override the algorithm to make your own cycle calendar if needed.
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    Developer Response

    Hi Lllww999! We’re very sorry to hear about the predictions! We would love to help. First, we need to know your identifier in the app to find the reason for the issue and provide a solution. Please contact us from the app (Menu — Help — Contact us), and we’ll get back to you with more details on your request. Kind regards, Flo Team
  • Good app, but needs some additions

    I used to use this app before I had my baby, and eventually switched over to a free one. I used this app during my pregnancy. I think the pregnancy version could use some more variety in symptoms, but was otherwise good. My main complaint is when I had my baby, the app had no information or changes for the postpartum period. It didn’t take into consideration that I’m breastfeeding or anything. I’d like to see an app that not only considers how your cycle changes during breastfeeding, but also pushes out more articles and short reads that can help a new or experienced mom with a young baby.
    My last complaint is the normal cycle tracking is also lacking in symptoms etc. Why can’t I put in that I’m having a heavy cycle AND clots? Why can’t I put in that my skin is more oily, but I’m not having acne? There is a notes portion, but I think these things deserve their own button too. And in the exercise portion, your options are very limited. I personally train Brazilian jiu jitsu and none of the exercise categories fit into that kind of thing.

    It’s otherwise a good app, and helps a lot with informing you about your reproductive health and whatnot. They also gave me an awesome deal for a year long membership, so I’m not complaining. Just a couple things that I think could really make this app stand out from the rest- mostly just adding more symptoms.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! Thank you for your thoughtful feedback. It’s comments like yours that help us to continuously improve. We’ll be sure to pass your feedback along to our team to review and determine if it's possible to implement. Best Regards, Flo Team
  • Woman’s health needs to be improved

    It’s already a struggle to get women’s reproductive health information nowadays especially with all the protesting at the planet, parenthood or mothers, who just don’t want to take you, but on top of this, you have to pay for information like this. If you need help there should at least be some free stuff in here but I’ve been using this for about a month and there really wasn’t much it tracks. My period really pretty OK, so I’m not complaining about that i’m complaining about how I can’t really get help because I don’t have money and I get it. This is sort of an app for older woman or women who have money in their 20s but teenagers also need help too and I want to learn about why I’m spotting and why I’m feeling this way and why am I hormones acting this way but I can’t because I need money, I just feel like even with the doctors that they are paying to help women is of course wonderful, but what about people who don’t have money we also need help especially teenagers since they’re barely starting to figure this stuff out and some of us may not have parents to tell us stuff like this, and I speak from the stand of someone who doesn’t have a parent who can tell me about this I just feel like there needs to be more help for women who can’t afford it that are older and for teenagers who just want to learn about this without having to be constantly bombarded by this $40 year plan.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! We understand you’re upset that some features are now available only on Flo Premium. Funds from our Premium subscriptions allow us to keep building and improving the app, while keeping basic cycle tracking free for everyone. We welcome your thoughts — email us at support@flo.health Kind Regards, Flo Team
  • Messed up

    Money hungry. Every time you tap on the app it will pop up with an screen forcing you to either choose a plan that requires money, or they have a small and faint "x" in the corner. Now this is often used by a ton of companies as it is a marketing strategy. Older people may not see the "x" and might click on something else which would lead them to a purchase if they are not careful. Additionally, the big screen provides several options for plans all of which you need to pay for. This is the "illusion of choice" and pressures the user to want to read about these plans. Unfortunately, you would hope that human beings who say they want to help women with their health would actually want to do so but alas this is not that app. Making a profit is indeed a choice and not a necessity but in this day and age people choose to not believe that.

    In addition, it is not trans-masc friendly. At all. Oh well.

    Just be weary and if you do download, be mindful of the tactics they will use (as every app will eventually use) to make a profit. There is no reason for them to ask for this much money this many times in order to keep running their app. That is a lie and that is a common excuse companies will make. Don't fall for it. Proceed with caution and if you do make the choice to use this app just only use it for tracking and nothing else because that is basically all you are able to do without being pressured.
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  • Love this period tracking app - could be improved though

    I’ve been using this app since Aug/Sept of 2023. I like it for the most part but I think there are some opportunities for improvement. First, I am using this app for period tracking only, I am not trying to conceive. I informed the app of this when I signed up and I assumed it would then tailor my content based on this information, but quickly realized it doesn’t and is heavily focused on users that are actively trying to conceive. I indicated that I have PCOS (which is why I need to track my period) and again, assumed it would customize my content based on this information. After completing my assessment, it indicated that I might have PCOS… I know. I told you that when I signed up? I do not recommend this app for the infertility community as I can see it triggering a lot of folks that can’t conceive naturally. Although the pregnancy notifications don’t necessarily trigger me, they annoy me because I am simply using and paying for the app to track my period. I wish the list of symptom trackers were more expansive (re: how are you feeling?). The assistant and educational content has been SO helpful. Lots of great things about this app but I wish it was more customizable to me, my goals and that I could turn off the constant pregnancy tracking content and indicators. Great start, but plenty of opportunities for improvement.
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    Developer Response

    Hi huliejunt! Thanks for your idea! We pass all ideas along to our Product team. If your idea is supported by other users, our team will consider adding it to the app. User ideas aren’t the only deciding factors of what Flo’s going to add next. Updates are also based on our business strategy, the impact we can have on our users and information from research. Kind Regards, Flo Team
  • It used to be amazing but now you have to pay for literally everything.

    Ive had Flo for over two years now and it has been amazing up until now. Over a year ago, ever since they got an update you have to create a plan and upgrade to premium to do anything besides track your period which at first I didn’t care about seeing as id just go on Tiktok to figure out whatever was going on (I know Tiktoks just a social media app but it can be helpful at times) I use to be able to go on the Flo app and get help whenever I was concerned about something going on, for free, but now you have to pay for that as well. My period was supposed to come on the 8th which was the original date the app gave me, my period has been late for 8 days now but the app never logged my period as “Late” like it usually does, today it finally did but it wasn’t the right day seeing as it should have logged me 8 days late not 1 day late. I tried to get help from the Flo app to fix my period chart and log the correct days but it said I had to upgrade to premium and PAY for them to fix the mistake. Which to me in an inconvenience seeing as it was a mistake that the app made.😑 After two years I'm genuinely questioning if I want to keep the app. Its a great app if you just need a reminder for what day your period is supposed to be but anything beyond that is going to cost you money.
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    Developer Response

    Hi Kaitie! Thank you for sharing this. We’re sorry to hear you’re disappointed that we moved some features out of the free plan. Premium subscriptions fund the ongoing development of the app, while keeping the basics free for everyone. We welcome your feedback. Please email us at support@flo.health. Kind Regards, Flo Team
  • No longer user friendly

    I’ve been using this app for years and years and when they updated the app they really try pushing its users to buy the premium package. Everything used to be FREE. Every single one of these apps are greedy and want to force people to pay for things that shouldn’t need to be paid for in the first place—especially when, again, EVERYTHING in the app was FREE at one point. Apps can still make money using annoying ads. Flo is persistent on trying to make their users waste their money. And the prices are ridiculous. This was my go-to app whenever I would track my cycle, and get helpful health information. This app doesn’t provide anything at all anymore. Its disappointing what this app has come to. Premium should give people the option to make customizations and what not. Not prevent its users from getting necessary information. Anyone that recommends any other app the doesn’t charge its users to track their cycles please let me know! Update: Flo is using bots to write fake reviews please don’t fall for that. This app USED TO BE AMAZING years ago. It’s no longer helpful, unless if all you want to do is track your periods and get nothing else out of it. Don’t ever waste your money on an app. The Flo Team just makes excuses for why they push premium so hard on to their users. It’s sad. Just use pop up ads on go on with your day. There is no reason at all to be charging users for information THAT USED TO BE FREE. We all miss the old app bring it back.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! Thank you for sharing this. We’re sorry to hear you’re disappointed that we moved some features out of the free plan. Premium subscriptions fund the ongoing development of the app, while keeping the basics free for everyone. We welcome your feedback. Please email us at support@flo.health. Kind Regards, Flo Team
  • The #1 complaint you’ve had

    It really is sad that the premium feature is even necessary for this type of thing. I feel the best way to make money would be by maybe adding ads, or maybe people could buy a premium where it just customizes everything.
    One feature I feel should not be paid for, is the thing where you can talk to a professional about your health issues, or trying to find a specific article to read for a major problem you’ve been having, and to see how everyone else has dealt with it. As a woman and tons of other woman who use flo, feel like crap about this. Flo wasn’t just about tracking, it was about relating with all the anonymous people about basic woman problems that are to uncomfortable to talk about in real life. It really saddens me you have done this, especially when the “AI message” or whatever, says something along the lines of “your period is off” or “there could be medical problems, and then let that “AI” continue the conversation, and then wait until the end to tell you to buy premium. I just feel you have many ways around “keeping the basics free”, at least give some things back to us and make more things for people to buy, that are unrelated to something that should automatically be on your app to help women. I know it’s been two years of people saying this on the reviews so this probably won’t reach far, I’m just hoping in some way it’ll be better😕
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. In an effort to create long term value for our users, we recently moved some features from the free plan to the Premium plan. The reason for this is while some apps push ads and sell user data to make money, we are committed to remaining ad-free and keeping our user data safe, secure, and protected at all costs. Our basic period tracker will remain free for everyone, and this will never change. While we started out as a period tracker, we’ve since expanded our vision to become an all-in-one deeply personalized, holistic health and wellbeing platform. This evolution has naturally required our team to bring on additional clinical experts and staff. We now have over 100 medical and health experts from medical schools and universities who make sure all of our content is medically credible and evidence-based. Our product managers and engineers work diligently to create a deeply personalized experience for our users and ensure that Flo is tailored to your needs, goals, and symptoms. Lastly, and most importantly, our data and security team implements best-in-class data security standards.practices. We encourage you to check out Flo Premium. Each day, you’ll find personalized tips based on your unique cycle phase and hormone levels. Our Insights section also offers a robust, searchable library of multimedia health and well-being content. Here at Flo, we aim to take female health to an entirely new level and hope to make our app even more useful and supportive for you. If you have any other questions, please reach out at support@flo.health. Your feedback is truly valuable, and it helps us improve the app for you and for many others around the world. Kind Regards, Flo Team

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