Fitbod User Reviews

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  • Changed the way I work out!

    Cannot speak more highly of this app! For such a long time, I was struggling to find motivation. Stuck with a mundane routine, and couldn’t find any interesting replacements. Along comes FitBod, and it’s free trial of a workout program, claiming to customise itself based on my fitness level and previous workouts logged. Well, there is a reason I decided to stick around after the trial ended. Variety, challenges, and sweat-breaking workouts, all tied into a well designed, snappy app. I have my motivation back, feel like I’m smashing goals, and most of all, seeing results! Thank you FitBod!
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  • My best friend in the gym!

    I’ve been using it for 2 weeks now with the fitness goal option selected in the app to do strength-training, muscle tone, and bodybuilding, and let me tell you it has forever changed how I work out for the better! I’m already seeing a difference in how I look because the app is there to make sure I do the number of sets and reps I’m supposed to to reach my goal. It’s also challenging me to do exercises I was always scared to try as it offers videos and instructions on how to do the exercises correctly with right form. An option that I really like is that I can replace an exercise with another of the same muscle group. I connect this app to my apple watch and it lets me log in each set how many reps of an exercise I’m doing and it calculates the calories burned in a workout based on that data which is very convenient! This app will get you from a beginner at the gym to an expert in no time! Just keep exploring all the features in there and you’ll be amazed of how awesome it is. I would highly recommend this app even with the $5 subscription price per month that I’m paying. It’s totally worth it!
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  • Works wonders for gym newbies

    It’s been several years since I went to the gym & after my first disheartening session back I decided that I needed a plan. I was looking for an app to track my workouts, not believing that I could find an all round app to both provide & track a workout within my price range but then I found fitbod. I’ve been using the app for 2 months now and I’m thrilled with its performance - I get a completely different workout every time, the app keeps track of which muscles are tired (and I can manually adjust this if I’m feeling particularly tired in a certain area), the calorie burn is amazingly accurate when not synced with a heart rate monitor, and now I have the option to link my Fitbit which is fantastic and saves me from manually logging walks! I would definitely recommend this app to anybody who wants variety in their workouts & gets bored of traditional cardio fast.
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  • I love whoever created this so much

    ***9 month update: I ended up losing 40 more pounds using this app and am the strongest I’ve ever been in my life. I wish I’d had this app in the army, because it has saved me from the hip injury that got me medically discharged. I can even run again now! Strength training is the way to go and this app helped me 100x more than that trainer ever did. ***

    I was a member of a personal training gym for 6 months ($700 a month for 3 workouts a week). Having a trainer was great; I built muscle and lost fat (20 pounds total weight loss). But once on my own, it’s been a struggle. I didn’t know what exercises to do together or how they affected my body. I saw this app on an Instagram ad and while I usually take a peek at fitness ads, I ultimately never download or buy a subscription. They’re almost all the same, don’t do much for you and are expensive. This app is EVERYTHING. Jeez- for the price of Netflix, I could’ve been using this app from the beginning and seen the same results. You still have to put in the work, but this is the best tool I’ve found so far and the price is amazing. I bought the annual subscription and am very pleased with my results so far. Great, customizable workouts that take all the I’m-confused-and-don’t-know-what-to-do-so-give-up out of it. This app partnered with a cheap $10 Planet Fitness membership may very well be the best thing to ever happen to me.
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  • Best Fitness App!

    I’m an ex powerlifter looking to tone up my bulky muscle into something more lean and, well, feminine. The thing that floors me about this app is just how much you can customize it to your preferences! When you open the app, it asks the basics: age, gender, height, weight, y’know. Then it asks you what your goals are for fitness: do you want to bulk up? Get lean/lose weight? Bodybuilding? Are you training for powerlifting? Are you training for Olympic weight lifting? Then it asks how many days a week you want to workout (and for how long), what your experience level is, what equipment your gym has (dumbbells, barbells, machines, etc.), and from there it customizes a weekly workout plan that’s perfect for you. And if your preferences change, like if one day you want to just do a bodyweight workout with no equipment, it lets you do just that in the settings! The more you workout, the more the app adjusts to your limits so that you’re neither whipped to the bone nor walking away feeling like you waisted your time doing nothing. It’s as if I’ve found a personal trainer that fits in the palm of my hand!!

    It’s only been the first week I used this app, but I’m already so thrilled with how well it’s made that I’ve subscribed to the $60 a year plan. This app is well worth it in so many ways. It even lets you add recovery and warm up exercises!
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  • Glitches

    I was wowed with this app. Unfortunately, lately I will log my workout on my Apple Watch 3 and it won’t record it though I press the log button or it will mess with my sets and reps and I have to go into my phone and log manually. If I try to use my watch regardless , I will flip my wrist to press log on the app and it will glitch after I press it and go back to my main watch face. It then says it needs to refresh with my phone. So I get my phone out to sYnc and my sets and reps that I know I logged for previous workout moves are gone and the sets AND reps are messed up! So I have been just logging through my phone and my app on my watch messes with it yet again! My watch will keep reminding me how many exercises I have left when I never logged into it with my watch . I have to go in and fix all my exercises that got reset or deleted again! I have now deleted it from my watch (one reason I got the app was I could workout without whipping my phone out) in hopes to get this sets, reps, deleting issue solved . This app WAS awesome! But the glitches has made me kind of want my money back! Don’t ask about updates, I have updated my watch, phone, apps, shut down and turned back on. Still an issue. This seems to be the only app on my watch with an issue as well. All my other apps work just fine .
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  • Good app but workout programming isn’t great

    The app works fine as far as function goes. However, the main purpose of a workout generator is so that people that don’t know what they are doing can have some guidance. There is guidance with exercise instructions and demos but the guidance for an optimal workout is subpar. I am a personal trainer and a natural pro bodybuilder. I would never program an isolation movement before a compound movement unless it was a pre-exhaustion type of routine. There is no rhyme or reason for the way the system generates exercises for a routine. I was playing around with it to see what the routines looked like and it generated a chest and tricep routine that started with 6 sets of 2 reps with dumbbell flys. That doesn’t even make sense. Why would an isolation movement be put as the first exercise and why would an isolation type movement only have sets of 2? That should be compound movement in that spot. I tried to regenerate the routine and it kept coming up with the same first exercise so I manually had to go in and replace the exercise and move all the exercises around to arrange them more logically. Too much work for something that’s suppose to be a no work no hassle workout generator. This is the same problem that I’ve found with most computer generated apps that works off of algorithms.
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  • Good when it works and doesn’t crash

    Probably the most unstable app I have ever used. I purchased it as it was recommended as an app that worked with the Apple Watch and would allow me not to keep my phone with me in the gym. Unfortunately the app seems to rely on regular connectivity to the phone or it can’t remember what weight you last used and constantly crashes if you try to input a weight, or if you want to increase your weight e.g you have improved and want to increase weight mid set. The other annoying issue is if the app crashes you need to go back to your gym locker, open your phone and wait for it to reconnect to resume. Better to stick with the free or cheaper apps that don’t support the watch and keep your phone close by.

    I wouldn’t bother with a purchase as it is overpriced for the quality.
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  • Mostly excellent with a few flaws and a high price tag.

    Overall an excellent, easy to use app.

    On the positive side this is a superb app if you want to just get to the gym and workout. No need to plan, no need to think about what to do. Just a turn up to the gym, start the app, follow the plan and leave. Workouts are tailored to your freshest muscle groups and you can easily track your progress. The app has helped me develop a habit of going to the gym.

    The most annoying thing about this app is the erroneous weights it suggests. Perhaps the developers have never been to a gym outside of the USA, if they had they’d know that you never see 16kg or 18kg dumbbells, they are always 15, 17.5, 20, etc. Same with cable machines, the suggested weights don’t match standard metric gym equipment. It’s no big effort to select a different weight then manually change the weight in the app but it is slightly annoying in an otherwise seamless app. Why not just have the weights standardised to real world gym equipment?

    Lastly this app is expensive. At AU$90 per year it is something I would use for a year to develop a habit and routine but probably not keep paying for every year. A one off $90 fee and more modest subscription cost would seem more appropriate for the content.
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  • Great if you’re anxious to go to the gym

    I’ve always had a lot of anxiety around going to the gym but decided to join earlier this year. I can confidently say that without Fitbod, I would be completely lost when it comes to what exercise to do and what machines to use. I am 4 months into my gym journey and I already feel so much stronger and better in my skin. That is greatly thanks to Fitbod. I love the workouts that the app puts together for you. I like the fact that you can replace anything you don’t want to do. You can exclude equipment that your gym doesn’t have. You can create different gym profiles if like me you work away from home and have to use hotel gyms. The gifs with each exercise are really helpful. The achievements help me to push myself to lift more for longer.

    Only thing I wish the app has is an integration with Fitbit or Garmin. I want to get a smart watch but want something that works with Fitbod! I hope this is coming soon 👍🏾
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