Fitbod User Reviews

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  • Good but..

    Honestly, its a good app but there are some bugs that dont seem to be the priority to the developers.

    For example. The are muscle groups to choose from to create a workout. The option is given to choose a secondary muscle (calf, traps, forearms etc.) but when you click on save it doesnt generate automaticaly. I have contacted support and searched the forums and it hasnt been fixed in a year.

    Why buy this app that is supposed to create your workout when you end up having to create it yourself.

    I might be picky but for an advance weightlifter, ill just save my money and create my own workouts. There are TONS of free workouts online and free apps.

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  • Need a family plan!

    I LOVED this app until my free trial ran out. At that point I couldn’t use it since my husband is already using it on the same apple family sharing plan. We would pay more for a family plan that we could both use.
  • Revolutionary idea - still some more work to do

    I really like this app a lot. It has an intuitive interface, and gives me challenging workouts that I look forward to every day. Like a lot of other people, this app has also exposed me to many exercises I wouldn’t have otherwise tried. I know that I will continue to use and enjoy this app for a very, very long time, and for that I thank the developers.

    The reason I gave 4 stars is because there are still some bugs that I feel need to be worked out. For example, one workout had 2 exercises that were both “max effort” days on the same muscle group. Maxing out one muscle group on a given day is taxing enough, but maxing out the same muscle group twice in a day will give you inconsistent results. I’ve also seen very strange weight/rep recommendations. For example, I maxed out one exercise at 13 reps for 50 pounds. A couple days later the app wants me to do 15 reps for 40 pounds. That’s practically maxing out again.

    Besides that, there are lots of little bugs that I’m sure will get sorted out over time. For example, the timer beeps are inconsistent between sets (sometimes it’ll beep and other times it won’t). I also wish you could tell the app that you don’t have fixed barbells. Most barbells are 45 pounds with no plates on them, yet there are barbell exercises in the app calling for 30 or 40 pounds, which is impossible. Again, I’m sure this will get sorted out in time, but they are still a minor annoyance.
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  • Used to work

    The generated workouts used to match my criteria .... but they now fall short.

    I reached out to customer service and they offered a fix, which worked for a week or two before things started to break again.

    I’m really disappointed because the workouts are great when the app generates them correctly, but that no longer happens.
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  • Almost a 5

    This app has legitimately changed my life. I would recommend it to anyone and the issue with Apple Watch syncing has been largely addressed.

    The only things keeping me from giving five stars are one major and one minor issue.

    Major: App struggles on iPhone 8 when launched. Freezes a lot and is often unresponsive for a while, almost like it needs to warm up. This might just be due to older hardware but good to be aware of given the price (which is totally worth it).

    Minor: On the Apple Watch app the timer disappears if you do any navigation while the rest period is active so you can’t see how much more rest you have left until it vibrates.
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  • Beginners luck

    Six month update ***
    Still absolutely LOVE this app. It has made ALL the difference in my time at the gym as a beginning lifter. If you enjoy the feeling of clicking “done” at the end of a set to see progress, this is for you. If you need to see examples of how to do the exercises, this is for you. If you need to be pushed into exercises you didn’t know existed, again, this is for you. Well worth the money. I just open it, make adjustments based on how I’m feeling and then go. No thinking involved after that. Looking back at my past sets and seeing progress is phenomenal. My ONLY complaint is that it picks a few exercises and will not let them go. I love being asked to do new things, but it seems to be desperate for me to try some things over and over when there are even more new things to try. And that makes the reps get crazy high!! Doing 5 sets with 42 reps of ANY exercise is a LOT. I want it to cycle through all the things I haven’t done before it gets that high on one particular exercise. This would save the time replacing those with new things on my own before each exercise session. Otherwise, this is the best app I’ve ever paid for. Hands down. 100%.
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  • Lacking

    I find myself spending more time altering the daily workouts than anything else. The order of the exercises within a set often makes no sense. Also I am CONSTANTLY adjusting the weight used in the exercises as the recommendations are too low. I increase the weight and log it with every workout. You would think the app would adjust the reco over time but it hasn’t. I would like to be able to exclude muscle groups permanently rather than having to do it with each and every workout. I’m an avid cyclist so between rides and other workouts I do.. so for example I should be able to exclude glutes and quads permanently if I choose to. I have my Fitbod account linked to Strava so Fitbod reflects the rides but I still get a reco for those muscles groups even when they’re fatigued. I also thought there would be more variety in the structured workouts but there isn’t. This doesn’t make sense to me as it looks as there is a database of dozens of exercises for each muscle group.. but I keep getting the same two over and over. I really wanted to like the app but after a month I don’t see the value in paying 10 bucks a month when I have to spend 5-10 minutes a day customizing the workouts along with the other issues I mentioned.
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  • Huge design flaw

    Tried to renew my subscription, paid the money, and my account is still locked out. Completely unable to restore a subscription through the app. Now I’m paying for something I can’t use while I wait for someone to finally get back to me and correct it.
  • Best Workout app on the App Store

    I Want to say a massive thanks to the development team for continuously bring updates and making the functionality of the app better every month.

    I searched for along time to find a Gym app that could do what I wanted and I was very happy when I got a trial to test Fitbod out. It’s refreshing having new and different exercises each workout that changes for you so that your workouts don’t get stuck in a boring routine.

    I have been using it for well over a year and have really start to fall in love with a lot of the functions.

    If you are looking for an app to kick start your gym life or help bring it back from the boring state it’s in then this is the one for you!
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  • Took 2 weeks and now love it

    I’ve been using the app for 4 weeks now- at first I was excited to get started but let down quickly for personal reasons, not the App per-say.
    Background - I work with a trainer at the gym and do a push-pull workout 5 days a week with cardio. Of course the trainer works around my injury and recovery... I had wrist surgery last year and still have limitations, for example can’t put body weight on it and can’t do any type if push up yet. So frustrating!!
    Now, with not having the gym nor my trainer available and fast forward 2 weeks- I’m loving it! Found the perfect workout regimen for me within the App! I really had to play around to see what would work best for me with my injuries. I tried to set it to push/pull but without gym equipment there isn’t much push you can do.l without push-ups, which I can’t do....So was getting frustrated with the workouts. I tried different settings for 2 weeks and found one that is working around my injury!!
    I love that I can customize the app - exclude exercises I can’t do, set the type of regimen and equipment available or that works for me. The app changes up the exercises, this prevents me from getting bored and keeps my interest with my at home workouts right now. I can truly say I get a better workout then the gym at times - I’m sweating, my heart rate is up and I feel fulfilled at the end of the workout!
    I’m going to be using this when the gyms open back up - this is my own personal personal trainer!!
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