Rodeo Stampede User Reviews

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  • I need some help.

    I don’t know how well known this is already, but I think there may be a problem. I noticed today a new endangered animal is in the game, a lion (and I checked the Wiki and lion pen, it is a lion) named the Fire Lion. Well it was on the daily endangered as a new animal, so I went to go get it. As usual it takes you to the correct place, being the Savannah, and I looked. I ran again and again over and over and I can’t seem to find it. I have been trying for hours and have seen no sign of this new animal. The Wiki labels it as tier 5 spawn, being a very rare spawn, but I have never had an endangered with such a seemingly low spawn rate. Even with the Lucky lamb, and also the temporary roulette 300% bonus to rare spawns, and my sidekick having a 12% increase rare spawn, it is not there. So I’m wondering, is this Endangered just a stupidly rare spawn, or has something messed up, like the spawn tables or something not being updated? I’ll keep looking for it, but I would love to know what’s happening.

    Otherwise fantastic game I love it!
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  • Very interesting read description

    So I only decided to Download it because of my dad’s ex-girlfriend well her son had itCan I play on his iPad he’s younger than me and it was honestly kind of fun and I think for the producers to keeping us a free game because if it was it I’ve been really bummed so please if you’re hating on this just think about the positivity and yeah because you’re just the weird
    people if you think this is a bad game
    So please read this review in tickets directions but what did you think is hard is first of all of course the missions missions missions in missions I swear so what do you go to tap on it and then like it freezes up sometimes but most the time it doesn’t which is good it only freezes it when I don’t answer the Internet outside anyway so yeah that’s cool so thank you for reading my review I supposed have a good day and this is for the creators keep making great things like this I believe in you and I think that y’all just don’t read the negativity because you don’t need to talk to you no negativity in your life because you’re Games are awesome
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  • Please Fix

    I love this game and it’s concept. The animation and the whole collect them thing is really cute. But that victory feeling of finally catching rare ones (after spending exhausting run after run to find one you don’t have) my game crashes. It’s no doubt that their are constant ads on here. Not just for rewards or double coins or whatever. On top of that every three deaths or whatever an ad pops up. I spend so much time watching an ad and then once it’s done so I can get my rewards the game crashes and I lose everything. It is not my device as I don’t have issues with anything else and other games and apps run smoothly. I love this game, but it turns into a rage game when I’ve done everything I need to and catch and play only to lose everything because of the constant ads!!! Please fix this. I understand why you have ads and everything but having them all the time whether you like it or not ruins the experience for players. I think already having a built in reward system if you watch ads is good enough. That in itself racks up a lot of time but it’s on us cuz it helps us. But the fact that whenever I open up for business or play everything rounds or upgrade something an ad plays and ruins the game for me. I’ll continue playing but I might just not and I’ll complain to others so they’ll know and probably won’t play this game cuz no one wants a wasted unfun time man.
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  • The game is amazing but there’s some drawbacks.

    Starters the ads are ridiculous I can’t even play the game without seeing an AD. The wait time is too long 5 hours just for the mission to appear again or an AD. That’s very annoying most of my time spent is in the ADS. Takes around 5 hours for the visitors to come back in order to make your actual money. The prices for unlimited missions are too much. I can understand revive and double money but 5 dollars for each one. Make a deal where I can buy all of them for the price of two. Add new things not just animals for example stopping poaching by jumping on the poacher or riding on wounded animals to take to your zoo to help them recover. Add more content so we can play and please less ADs. I really hate ads and make more maps with animals. Make a underwater zoo separated from the land animals. Compete against other zoos and have enough variety of animals to be able to trade one another. Have a rarity list from let’s say gold to common. Make a friends list type of system to see how other zoos are doing. The game is a great an fun game just add more content please.
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  • Great game, but one annoying problem

    This game is tons of fun. There’s so much in it, it is great. My only problem with it is that if I tame an animal, there’s around a 90% chance my game crashes when I take the picture. I still have the animal but the picture I took doesn’t save. (Which doesn’t really bother me) However, the game also crashes randomly sometimes, mid run and post run the game sometimes just crashes and it’s decently annoying. I have played the game before, and this never happened so I’m thinking this will be fixed (hopefully.) Otherwise it’s overall amazing.

    Okay I don’t know what happened to the game, but for the past week or two I go on the game and it crashes within maybe 30 seconds. I can’t even get the tour because the game crashes before I can claim the money. I can’t start a run because it crashes as I travel to the area, and I recently unlocked the picnic area (or whatever it’s called with the bugs) and I was able to run through it once before this started happening and even then it crashed mid run and the ant I tamed didn’t save. I don’t know what is happening but until I can actually play I have to drop what was a 4 star review to a 1 Star. Please fix this, I can’t even play the game.
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  • Stressful to tame volcanorilla

    It’s amazing and fun but when you tame the volcanorilla is why I’m here. I bought the recovery bird but it doesn’t work for the volcanorilla. It should be there because taming this frickin thing is so stressful. I still haven’t tamed it and it’s been 4 weeks since I had the chance. It’s to difficult to control when you jump over objects so you could be sent flying into the wall. And if you miss the tree by the slightest bit you don’t get to jump over then you have to restart. I’m not a brat but I was seconds from getting then missed the tree by the slightest bit then was eaten by crocodiles, I was so stressed by this that I broke down CRYING and keep in mind that I don’t cry in front of my family. This was so stressful I was SO close to throwing my phone out the window! This game level thing is so annoying, young KIDS play this game and if they can’t handle stress then they might break or hurt something or themselves. I’m only 13 and I broke down crying because of it!! I love this game but this is just marking me hate it slowly. Please, PLEASE, make this easier to do for me and everyone else playing this game, I’m so close to getting rid of it but I love the game to much to do that! Just make it EASIER!!!!!!
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for the feedback. We would be more than happy to assist you further with your issue. Kindly email us at Our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
  • An entertaining runner with lots of replay value!

    *very few spoilers*
    I have been playing this game since 2017 and it is a very engaging runner game with cute art direction and lots of content and animals to be discovered. Even I have been unable to uncover every single type of species in the two years I have played, due to there being so many! The rare ones especially are exciting to find, as well as the bosses.

    The pre-generated names given when naming an animal are funny, creative and suit each species well. The controls are simple and easy to use. It'd be hard not to say the developers did an outstanding job with this free app and I hope they continue to update Rodeo Stampade and add at least one more new area (perhaps even an aquatic land?)

    I have very few inconveniences with this game that if improved would make it a 100% perfect game. The first, it would help a lot if, after watching an ad to continue playing mid game, there was a brief (3 second) recovery period when I revive so that I dont crash immediately after watching said ad. That's a bit frustrating at the moment.

    The last real issue is the "X moves toward your lasso" upgrades could be buffed a little as they dont usually do much for my game, personally.

    That is all complaints I have and I otherwise thoroughly enjoyed this game and recommend it to anyone looking for a fairly lengthy, runner-collecting-breeding game hybrid. One of the best appstore games of 2018, and possibly of all time! Props to Yodo!
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  • Possible Glitch

    Ever since I found this game, I’ve fallen in love with it. So much so that I’ve collected all animals and corresponding babies I can up to the mountains, including the ones in the Jurassic, and am preparing to move onto the next area. However, the Grim Raptor refuses to spawn. I’ve consistently gotten to 5,000+ and found all the other Level 9 animals, I’ve equipped the baby jabberwolfy for a rare boost and bought the lucky lamb, and still I cannot find it. I hope that it’s just my impatience talking, but I think there might be something wrong. Moreover, after I did all the upgrades, I was given an extra set of missions, upon which I was prompted to upgrade my already upgraded raptor habitat. I did so, and nothing happened, or so it appears. I also got a free Olympus upgrade without completing any missions following this occurrence. Please take a look into this as I keep playing. It’s the only reason I give 4>5 stars.
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  • What’s with the new update?


    It seems to have gone back to not having to use coins for everything and being able to watch an ad to double your money. I’m changing my rating to 5 stars now, because I really do love this game!

    I love this game, but now I have to use 1,000 coins to revive once when I used to be able to watch an ad! I don’t revive myself very often, but it was nice to not have to use my coins to do so. That combined with the fact that I can no longer watch an add for a new mission more than one time per 6 hours, and I can’t watch an add to double my mission coins anymore makes me think you just want everyone to buy the cash cow or whatever else does all those things automatically. I really wish you hadn’t gotten rid of the ad options! Like I said, I love this game, but now it is going to take me forever to get to a new level because I have to spend so long getting coins. I guess it’s all for the best since I waste too much time playing this game anyway. Maybe this will help me not play as much.
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  • I Use to Love This Game But There Are Some Issues

    This use to be one of if not my favorite mobile app I had. But now my opinion has changed a bit. Although this is a very fun game to play,I am experiencing some major issues. The first and most glaring issue is that there is no audio in the game anymore. I know that it’s not a problem with my phone because all the other apps I own are fine. Another thing I realized is that the only time there is sound is when there is an add playing, which leads me to my next point. When I first got the app, I remember that the only time adds were to come up was when you chose to watch one. But now I’m realizing that when I do something simple like going to the zoo, a lot of the time an add will pop up. The last problem with the game that I have is that there is a lot of lag and sometimes glitches when playing. Luckily there hasn’t been many glitches but there is a ton of small little delays and lag when playing. I hope that the one ones that created this game can read this review. But with all that said, I still enjoy playing this game.
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