Apple News User Reviews

Apple News
Apple News
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  • My two cents

    I’m not sure who is responsible, and it may not be Apple News Today’s fault, but I’m extremely frustrated that there are more stories that require a subscription than what I can read. I no longer rely on ANT (Apple News Today) for even a quick news flash for what has happened overnight, during my day and the last site I look at before going to bed.

    Very disappointed. Not everyone can - or wants to - spend $$ for a resource for news. It’s heading like charging people for water at a food market. I’m not suggesting you don’t charge people to read news stories that are “extra” like People Magazine but I feel strongly about being unable to teach my kids to be a good citizen or become familiar with what’s going on around the world. We are privileged in the USA for a lot of life wants and needs. Teaching kids to read, comprehend and having an age appropriate discussion is really difficult at best when they see a headline but turn to me all the time and “give up” because they are confused by a (mis-)leading headline.

    Oh well, hope you read my entire post. Thanks for your time.
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  • Why does Apple have the worst app on the App Store?

    I initially liked the convenience of all my favourite news articles in one place on my iphone that I could quickly scroll through, digest, compare and then get on with my day. But having to scroll past so many terribly airbrushed AI generated pictures and fake ads at the end of every paragraph makes the whole reading experience excruciating. Many times I’ve given up on reading an article in Apple News because of all the intrusive fake pictures.

    I have stuck with this app for as long as I possibly could but Apple has succeeded in turning me away from digital news consumption. I now have a strong desire
    to find a newsagent (if any still exist) and pay cash for an actual oversized paper copy of my daily mail news so I can once again
    enjoy the reading I experience!
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  • Terrible and constantly getting worse

    This app is so frustrating. The suggest more or less (thumbs up and down) do nothing, pretty much half of everything is behind paywall these days (even things that aren’t behind paywall on a web browser) if I block a publication, its stories still appear (just without the picture), and, to top it all off, when I do use the thumbs down, block or scroll past things I’m not interested in, they persist in the line up for days, weeks, sometimes even months, so I continuously have to keep scrolling by them. I’ve put up with this for so long because I liked the simple interface better than alternatives I’d tried before, like Flipboard or News360, but recently I’ve started searching for alternatives again.

    Funnily enough, last weekend my husband was web browsing next to me and I looked over to see what he was up to; his search was for “Apple News Alternatives”. Neither one of us had mentioned to the other how annoying we’d been finding it yet, but we’d obviously been feeling the same way.

    We know Apple could fix the problems with the app, but they don’t seem to have the desire—it feels like they are more interested in the publications and advertisers that pay them to be in Apple News than their customers’ user experience. It seems they’re so confident in their standing that they don’t realise customer satisfaction still matters.
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  • Aging as My Surprise

    Accidentally, I listened to the author of the The Age of Dignity. I had taken my mother, 96, for her annual Medicare assessment the day before. During that visit, I tried to hide my tears. She lived independently and refused services or help from outsiders unless from me. I tire of hearing from friends who have deceased parents and try to convince me of the joy I’m getting from just having my mother with me. I didn’t get it.

    I’m a quasi-retired lawyer who had handled many adult guardianship cases but who now just couldn’t get my footing to help others other than giving blood to the Red Cross every 54 days and donating money in addition to monthly deductions to non-profits. I viewed my purpose to be for serving the young and old. All attempts to help children didn’t work out. I was very judgmental as to these programs.

    Hours from now as a provocative writer on, political and personal issues, I’m going to work on my paper entitled, See Me. With this impetus, I plan to research the gaps in care and services to the elderly. With this information, I hope to be a provider to close the gaps no matter how small to answer the question What About Me. Joyce
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  • How do I kill this new “sports” tab

    I have used Apple News on and off for a while. It looks like it’ll be more off than on tho- unless I can get rid of this new SPORTS tab… taking up 25% of valid real estate at the bottom .. Like WHY??? First up … And 2nd why isn’t it easiiy customisable- click hold delete. I have been avoiding sport coverage, comentary, radio, tv, newspapers since 1992.. I turnoff the tv nightly news when they get up to the sport bit I turn of the radio like wise. Local abc radio is completely unlistenable on Saturday And now you do this to me!!!? You even automatically ADDED random sport favourites!! Deleting them all still didn’t delete the sport ap. Ehhh. Sport just makes me feel ill. Complete waste of time. I don’t want to waste ONE single second of my life on it. INCLUDING writting this!!! You’ve instantly ruined an ap I endured bc you already force it upon - I have paid for news+ several times prior. I was thinking about taking it up again.. but I absolutely will NOT until the sport thing tab is gone. Gross.
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  • My source for everything newsworthy

    I am a premium subscriber. It is worth every penny for the extensive list of magazines and newspapers around the world that are available - I spend at least an hour a day consuming content - sometimes much more if I go down a rabbit-hole of related stories. This feature suggests additional stories related to or of likely interest to readers of a story. Almost always something useful pops up. So I follow it. Then another useful link to a story. Sometimes hours go by. Everything from my favorite newspapers to magazines, as well as science focused magazines such as Scientific American. I am better informed of current events than ever before. I would like, however, a more useful way to navigate the branches of the “tree.” Also, on the iPad and iPhone, the highlight color to links embedded in articles is blue, the color to which the human eye is least sensitive. At night when I dim my screen, reading the links is virtually impossible without turning the brightness of the screen way up, which is annoying because when I read before bed, I try to have the screen brightness as low a possible. I would prefer red link, which would be more legible, or else the ability to select highlight color.
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  • Some Updates Would Be Nice

    I think the overall premise of Apple News+ is great, I am a frequenter of news aggregating sites, but Apple News+ makes it hard to find the content I care about.

    The world is a big place with billions of people, ten of thousands of news sources, and infinite combinations of interests. Even though News+ may not have access to everything, it sure should have access to a lot more than sites that only talk about US Politics.

    Honestly, I am tired of reading about politics. I want to be able to easily find stories that are more applicable on the front page. Stories about the economy or local news. This may be unique to me, but it shouldn’t be hard to tailor the home page to the likes/interests of the user.

    Also, make it easier to tag likes or interests when signing up by suggesting topics for the user to follow. And instead of “blocking” a channel, a user should be able to promote/demote stories they are interested in to further tailor the app, by having a “promote” or “demote” function.

    Yes, there’s a “following” tab, but that’s the news I care about and should be front and center.

    I think there should also be a tab dedicated to BREAKING news so when something new happens, it’s not mixed in amongst other stories.

    Also, if there’s a news source I don’t particularly like to read, why does it still show up in the home page feed marked as “you blocked this channel”? Why not just take it off the home feed altogether?
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  • Apple treats News like it treats Music

    Bought AirPods and got 3 months of Apple News for free as punishment.
    Terrible, terrible App. Anyone paying for this must be mad. Apple excels at screwing up Newspapers just as it screws up Music.

    Apple treats News in the same way it treats Music, that is, with contempt. In the same way Music Match tears up your precious albums and spits them out across your lifelong curation, so too it takes a newspaper, chops it up and coughs it up to make it completely unrecognisable and in amongst the sickening mess it throws in adverts - lots of them. And to the News Editors, please, your 'picks' are of no interest to me whatsoever. I'm 73, I keep fit but I'm not obsessed with gyms even if all your gyms are seemingly throbbing with scantily clad patrons. I do not need tips for talking to my rich friends about money because, well, I don't have any; rich friends or money. Finally, #GetReadyWithMe: inside the viral reimagining of our beauty routines........enough, enough. When I have the audacity to block yet another 'lifestyle' magazine the space is then occupied with a disapproving reprimand warning me it could well reappear if the Editors choose. Apple News is an affront to the newspaper industry and an insult to Apple users everywhere.
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  • Supporting terrorists-supporting new channels

    Apple news selects news channels that are on the wrong side of almost everything. From supporting the LGBT ABOMINATION, the climate change HOAX, up to supporting the terrorists side in the Israel-Palestinian conflict, every news are on the wrong side. Shame to you!
  • Buggy and lacking for an older app

    This review focuses on the shortcomings of the app. I like the content, with many issues below:
    1) why do I constantly have to reset the font sizes for each article to my preferred font size? That’s idiotic. 2) why are there so many old (1-4 weeks old) articles in my “latest news” feed? 3) why can’t I listen to everything, like I could in Safari? The handful of podcasts is not enough. 4) search? No way to search News?!? 5) no Reader mode, with standard text size, font, colors. 6) why in the world would I ever want to read a PDF of a magazine on an iPhone screen? Too lazy to convert it to text, Apple?? 7) blocking channels blocks nothing but the image. 8) the app is quick to forget where you were: listening or reading is a mess when you take a short break. Good luck resuming. News resets. 9) Down voting content does absolutely nothing. News still pushes blocked content; it still appears in the feed. So no matter how much you might not want to read WSJ opinions, they will still be there. Stupid. 10) ads. Yep, $13 per month and you still get endless and often weird ads. 11) audio pre populates with things random content, not why you like. 12) overall, the user experience is basically trash, but the diversity of sources makes up for the terrible app.

    Some things Apple does well News is not one of them. Siri and News demonstrate laziness and a lack of focus on the customer or just plain old incompetence. PS I block the endless ads with NextDNS.
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