Apple News User Reviews

Apple News
Apple News
Apple Inc.

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  • Apple, please sort this out

    I’ve finally been pushed to abandon this app. The new iOS 15 layout is maddening. Even stories with a super-short headline and with no photo occupy a massive amount of screen space. I want to quickly browse as many stories as possible. It has become like hunting for a serious read in a fashion mag. It’s mostly filler, whether ads or excess space. The end result is that I’m closer and closer to abandoning this app. The only reason I persisted was because I could previously scratch my itch by selecting Reuters UK, and then scrolling through their excellent, condensed articles, many of which don’t waste space with photos. But now in iOS 15 I can barely see 4 headlines to a screen (only 2 when there’s an ad), because their boxes are all gigantic.
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  • Constant crashes

    I appreciate the different news outlets avail able in the app. What I hate is the constant crashes that occur without warning. It doesn’t matter if I am scrolling or not, tapping or not: crash, crash, crash! I can be in the middle of an article and it will quit without me even touching the screen. To make matters worse, reopening the app does not take me back to where I was. So I have to try and remember which news feed I was looking at and then scroll, scroll, scroll until I find the article I was viewing and then hope it doesn’t crash again before I finish reading it. Crashes occur at least twice during a news reading session, which is daily. It gets very frustrating. I have the latest iOS, 15.1 as of writing this. C’mon Apple, this Is pretty basic stuff. You’re better than this.
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  • Subscription based news stories even with subscription?!?!

    So apple news isn’t the worst, it’s handy that it picks news stories from all over but, a lot of the news stories it posts for you require their own subscription?!?! Also, with having a subscription there’s ads?

    I think you guys should pull it down and remake it. The magazines are fairly good but, I’m not paying for something that requires individual payments to read more. Especially when some newspapers (Huffman post I think it is) wants $60 a month to read it! Hahaha who the hell would pay that?
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  • Partisan and pay walls

    I have not paid for a subscription so maybe the experience is different if you do. However, I have found the articles they post to be very left leaning. I lean left myself but I don’t need to be in my echo chamber of righteousness all the time… I like articles that make you think and present both sides. I understand this is rare because of where the content comes from but at least they could present articles from both sides in my feed. I also think there’s a fundamental problem with Apple (or Google) being in the news game. Companies with so much access to our personal data should not be charged with informing us of the world around us. Sadly there are no easy answers here… I’m not the first to say that this is one of the biggest challenges we face today as a society. Anyways, as much as I would prefer to use this app and its beautiful layout (which imho is its greatest strength… it really does LOOK good) I will continue using Google as my primary news feed. It’s free and, at least in my feed, seems to feel more like news than propaganda. OH and the notifications that I never asked for from this app are click bate at its worst, leveraging your fear, anger, and self-righteousness to get you engaged.
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  • Very irritating app

    Multiple poor reviews and ratings on here. So why is Apple not reading them and doing something about it? I totally agree that if you block a channel, stories shouldn’t be shown with “you blocked X - show story anyway?” - so silly - they just shouldn’t show them at all but have something else more relevant to your interests. No sort of order. There are some good articles, which is why I haven’t stopped using it, but they are interspersed with complete trash about people like Katie Price and Coleen Rooney, and American articles which are irrelevant in Britain at present, since they won’t let us travel there. Plus the new “continue reading X?” popping up every time you open the app, multiple times for the same article which I finished reading the first time I opened it. Please improve this app - it could be so good and fun but just isn’t.
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  • Ads… ads everywhere. Why pay to read then?

    I just don’t understand. I pay monthly to use this app. I see dozens of ads all day while reading. The ads are all irrelevant and useless anyway; listicles and repetitive, suspicious bogus sites/scams. One cannot enjoy reading the app with these ugly ads between paragraphs. Again… why make us pay to use it?!
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  • Way too many large ads that repeat over and over

    I pay for the news app. Why am I also seeing ads?
    It’s like paying for YouTube and also seeing the ads after. Doesn’t make sense
  • Clearly biased news app

    I have the paid version of apple news. One of the options is to block publishers you don’t like to read and “like” publishers you do. You would think the point of this is to customize your news feed with articles you would be interested in reading. However it does almost the opposite. It seems apple is intent on pushing their stories regardless of my preferences or directly against my blatant request to block specific channels. Why provide the feature if you are simply going to avoid it. As a company that holds itself as the protector of privacy and rights, this is a sad and obvious example that actions speak louder then words. Case in point, to see how ingrained this was to the algorithm that chooses stories on my main board. I blocked the channel “the Washington post” I also disliked every story they posted for the past 2 weeks. I likewise did the opposite for the daily wire. Liking the channel itself and asking for “request more” on every story they published again for two weeks. What was the result? I still get headline new feed stories with “this article you’ve blocked, would you like to ready it” from the Washington post and still nothing from the daily wire. I get it, maybe you have a clear biased against specific news outlets, but don’t hide behind creating hallow user rights and fake choice options for your readers.
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  • Awful for so many reasons

    Infected with ads even if you subscribe to News+. No ability to order topics in any meaningful way - no facility for breaking news or headline news from preferred sources. Even when blocking unwanted sources, the news feed still gets populated with stories I have no interest in from sources I don’t want. If you block a source, in Top Stories it will leave a black square telling you the story is blocked - and would I like to see it anyway? Baffling. Also mixing news items with magazine articles and pushing News+ articles everywhere interspersed with ads makes for a chaotic mess of irrelevant articles.

    The whole thing is disorganised and confusing. The bottom line is that if you spend five minutes with the app, the chances are you won’t be sure that you have been served the main stories of the day, some stories will be repeated but from different sources, you’ll have no idea which stories are more significant than others, and when there are relevant articles they are buried amongst a pile of stories you aren’t interested in from sources you don’t want to see.

    There are other News apps out there that do this so much better. Give me curated headlines from sources I explicitly specify, have them in some kind of order, don’t repeat news items and keep the interface clear from clutter, ads and irrelevant topics. It shouldn’t be that hard……
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  • Ads all over the place.

    Why are there so many ads everywhere. App is slow

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