Apple News User Reviews

Apple News
Apple News
Apple Inc.

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  • Drains your battery quickly (with a fire hose)

    I’ve enjoyed using Apple news because it seems to be well targeted and well rounded, as well as being convenient and up-to-date. I don’t have much time to read the magazines offered so that’s a waste of usage. That being said, I was constantly wondering why I was having to recharge after three or four hours of reading news, and looked at the health of my battery and which apps were using the most power. Apple news was drawing an amazingly high 52% of my total! There are other good news services without the huge size 18 combat boot footprint. And having to recharge constantly as a pain. People have written that their phones discharge even in airplane mode on a flight, no matter what settings you put on them. If you fix your problems I might come back. But until then… I have Reuters, Euronews, NewsNation, AP, and Haystack News which offers a bunch of the majors…. all for free! Euronews is one of the most well-balanced news shows I have seen, and it covers the globe instead of just American provincialism.
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  • Solid, but misses the mark in places

    The interface could use some work (why do we have to go to “following” to search or find puzzles?). Furthermore, though I love Quartiles, this and other puzzles should be in a separate app, makes no sense to have them in a news app. In the news part, blocking a source has little effect, you still see the headlines and article placeholders in the “Today” feed. If I block a source, I don’t want to know they exist in the app after that. In an article, it is annoying to have to swipe back up at the end of an article to get the UI to reappear so as to have a back button. And if there needs to be an ad-free tier. It’s annoying that there are still ads all over the place, obnoxious and irrelevant, even as a News + subscriber. I don’t ever want to see ads, would pay a premium to not see ads, and thought that’s what I’d be getting as a paid subscriber. Having more granular control over what content triggers a notification would be welcome. Sports: I need the option to turn sports off. Sports isn’t news, I never want to see it. The above gripes aside, it’s a solid app, with a wide array of content sources that I appreciate.
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  • I clicked a link for a free trial and got charged $20

    I wanted to see one short Courier Mail article and wondered if I could use Apple News. I saw there was a free trial so I clicked the link. I didn't realise the free trial link went directly to purchasing an over priced paid subscription and immediately asked for a refund. They denied my request and appeal, saying only that it was ineligible but I think the ombudsman will have a different view of such deceptive practices. They can see that I requested a refund within a few minutes of the purchase so it’s beyond me why they would deny the refund request.

    The short courier mail article I wanted to read was hidden behind a payway within apple news so it was a complete waste of $20 at a point when I can least afford it.

    Apple News is one of the most annoying Apple apps that I don't subscribe to. I often see news articles on my iPad and have to click them to find out if it is from a free news source or just Apple trying to squeeze money out of me. I have never been tempted to get an apple news subscription but they finally tricked me with their bait-and-switch scam.
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  • Old news, advertising and paywalls. Save your money.

    What’s the point of paying for “news” when the vast majority of stories, are often weeks old.
    There are usually perhaps a dozen or so stories that are new, then the remainder of the feed, consists of the same stories being regurgitated day after day. Often, these are stories that are four or more weeks old, still appearing as if they were current or new.
    More and more of these stories of late, are being made up of click-bait fluff pieces, thinly veiled ads, gossip pieces or tittilating ‘nothing’ stories.
    It seems that word count and advertising are the primary drivers. Content, relevance or currency don’t even get consideration.
    I’m returning to Google news. It’s free, and just as biased, but at least it’s somewhat current and I can see more than one version of each story.
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  • A few glaring flaws keep this from being 5 stars

    I’ll hit two flaws here, because they’re major. (1) Apple skews its news sources to the cultural left rather than aiming for the center or center-left. And on some results, for example, a search for “Elon Musk,” the NEWS app seems to actually avoid anything complimentary.

    That’s irritating, but one flaw is utterly offensive: The daily crossword puzzle is composed by someone utterly consumed with sexual references, particularly trans activism. And to make it clear why I take offense: I don’t want ANY crossword puzzle to make frequent mention of ANY sexual themes, hetero, homo, trans, or otherwise. This is not a matter of being prudish on the customer’s point; it’s a matter of a puzzle maker who appears obsessed and determined to make the puzzle a personal crusade to inject sexual themes at every opportunity. Why not get a job with an adult rag, rather than with an organization that, despite its regular pride themed products, at least doesn’t make them mandatory for ever consumer?

    The crossword puzzle is should be, like Apple in general, a cut above the others. But it isn’t. It’s actually a few cuts below.
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  • seriously?? Ads, Ads, Stop showing nudity!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m looking over Apple News , kids next to me and from (wallpaper*) full, extra large nudity pic … what the heck??? Those who put up these articles …. Grow Up!! Apple: you should know better then to keep allowing nudity front and center on your news app!!!!!!! apple news reminds me of googles terrible tactics. thought apple was supposed to be better then that. ads, ads, ads designed to get you to buy news+ ????? See a mortgage ad. Then another a short ways down an article, then the same ad again, and again, and again. Apple even allows article which shows some forms of nudity so I decide to block the news source. Apple thought it would be smart to still show blank articles that I blocked with a message saying you blocked this. Do you want to see the article? Is this a joke? If I blocked the news source. Do you think I want to keep seeing this? Tried giving Apple News a try again. Hoping they actually care about there paying customers and put a stop to this nonsense. Nope , permanently deleting Apple News. Tried again. Nope ads,ads,ads. One article had 8 ads, all the exact same ad. Just plain silly!!!!!
    Update , the Sunday times , full nudity . What the heck apple ???? You turning into a porn news source ?????? Fri, jun 7 article . Get this garbage off Apple News!!!!!!!!!
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  • Bias news containing misinformation worthless app

    Journalism is either near the end of dying or dead. Apple News promotes a lot of bias news containing verifiable misinformation & false news (who writes this junk & how is it they aren’t out of business yet). It’s really sad as most just want facts & information without obvious bias (nearly every article you read always states “Republican says without evidence” while they lay out the evidence they do have supporting their statements & you will rarely if ever see any kind of comment like that if a Democrat makes a statement & rarely do they ever give any supporting information. So we are to take whatever a Democrat states by their word & always be suspicious of what a Republican says (even when the Republican has evidence & a Democrat has zero evidence & states it’s dangerous to question them)? Come on, no one is this stupid right, question them all & reporting should be fair. Either make the comment on all or don’t do it at all. Any time an article shows blatant bias like this I immediately report the article for verifiable misinformation & block the channel. I now am left with nearly no channels so the app is useless to me now all because of these biased writers (can’t even call them journalists at this point, zero integrity & care for truth). No wonder the country is filled with so many confused people.
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  • I took off one star because the puzzle section is slightly broken

    The News app’s new word game, “Quartiles” (in the “Puzzle” section of the News app) has a problem, because it disqualifies many words that are, in fact, legitimate words that appear in just about every dictionary of English. For instance, today’s game included the word-parts “ur” and “ic”: so I put them together to produce the word “uric” (which is in most dictionaries), but the game told me that this word is not in the games word-list. This has happened several times, often with rather common words, all of which I have confirmed to actually be in every dictionary I’ve checked. (I normally check at least five dictionaries when this happens, just to make sure). Therefore, this game needs a larger and more realistic word list (so that actual words aren’t falsely identified by the game as non-words), And the user probably needs some way to be told exactly WHICH dictionary is being used (by the game) to determine whether a word is real or not.
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  • Advertising broken

    I’m in my early 40s. Apple News has decided I’m in my late 70s and I’m served ad after ad for hearing-aids, supported living, rebates on aged care and circulation support — and the like. Enabling ad tracking, disabling ad tracking, changing my geographic info, modifying my age in Apple ID, clicking on any other form of advertisement: nothing helped. I even accepted a three month Apple News subscription offer on a brand new iPad and the first advertisement was for aged care rebate. I cancelled the subscription and deleted the Apple News app. I’ve given up on Apple News. I’ve now deleted the app and rely on Google News inside a browser where I can rely on advertising blocking tools and Reader View in Safari. This experience is infuriating.
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  • seriously?? Ads, Ads, Stop showing nudity!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m looking over Apple News , kids next to me and from (wallpaper*) full, extra large nudity pic … what the heck??? Those who put up these articles …. Grow Up!! Apple: you should know better then to keep allowing nudity front and center on your news app!!!!!!! apple news reminds me of googles terrible tactics. thought apple was supposed to be better then that. ads, ads, ads designed to get you to buy news+ ????? See a mortgage ad. Then another a short ways down an article, then the same ad again, and again, and again. Apple even allows article which shows some forms of nudity so I decide to block the news source. Apple thought it would be smart to still show blank articles that I blocked with a message saying you blocked this. Do you want to see the article? Is this a joke? If I blocked the news source. Do you think I want to keep seeing this? Tried giving Apple News a try again. Hoping they actually care about there paying customers and put a stop to this nonsense. Nope , permanently deleting Apple News. Tried again. Nope ads,ads,ads. One article had 8 ads, all the exact same ad. Just plain silly!!!!!
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