Apple News User Reviews

Apple News
Apple News
Apple Inc.

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  • A great simple news reader that replaces other news apps for me.

    I used to use flipboard as my reader for awhile until this came along. It works well, and delivers the news and is easy to favorite the topics and publications that “I” want to see.
    I’ve seen others who complain about this showing a bias here and there but, you can always block topics easily or dislike an article so it learns what to show you in the future. All works well for me that way.
    99% if the time I go to the topics I follow, go in settings and “ restrict stories in today “ so it keeps it limited to what my followed topics are ( doesn’t show everything but it’s irrelevant because I click into the topics anyway ) and I’m good.
    My only critique would be, or maybe something I’d wish for, is for there to be more outlets than simply the general type or allow more of a way to follow topics then it would be perfect. So for now, it’s a 4 star.
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  • Accessibility needs improvement

    There are lots of reasons I enjoy this appl however, it would be improved greatly for me if it were able to be pinch-zoomed. I know I can change the font size. That’s good. But having less on the screen at a time causes other problems. I would like to have a reasonable size font but be able to zoom sections at will as I do with some other great apps. ( have become legally blind but still rely on vision to access things like this. Please consider upgrading to allow pinch-zoom soon. Thanks.
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  • Too far left - Telling It Like It Is

    Stop making the right look like the villains using every chance you get to bring down former President Trump and others. Omit the propaganda. My brother was a graduate of Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism. I may know more than most about journalism because of him, and the fact that I also write. I do not need cooked-up “factual” opinions - to convince me of anything. Drop the opinions and deliver the news. You seem to do a reasonably great job on everything but politics - the things that make our lives, nation and world go ‘round. It’s far too important to be unable to strike a balance instead of further creating a division that will take a miracle to bring together. Of course I know there are those who do not want a balance. That would be - the Left with their fake news taking us down a road of ruin and destruction. Please Do Not Be A Part of That! Thank you for allowing me to vent. Of course, you do have some great writers. Thank you, again.
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  • Clunky, unintuitive, not worth the subscription

    I had high hopes when offered a free trial subscription, sadly it’s a letdown and I won’t be continuing beyond the trial period.
    It doesn’t update to the latest news stories so stories from a couple of days ago will be at the top making it seem like nothing has happened. Once in some news stories, there’s no quick and easy way back to the top menu. The only option is back tracking until you get back to a menu. And, if it’s a paid for service, why are there still ads? To be frank it’s just not up to the standard we’d expect from Apple. I suspect it is not a favoured product and therefore gets no investment in improving it.
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  • You need better stories

    Better and more in-depth stories are bedded as well a more open and unbiased language! Wether a leftist or right need to be able to understand and see the truth without being led one way or the other! In this day one would assume there would be more integrity and more writers and companies being held accountable both legally as well financially or either jail time for false or stories misleading! The truth is more important than a hot story. Find a base of readers because the truth is more important and your base will only grow and will stand by you thru peaks and valleys. Quality well what is quality? In my mind quality is knowing wether 16, 25,40,55 or older all Will understand the story the same and get the same storyline for the truth is never changing as a lie does nothing but change. I know competitive markets push stories to be overwhelming and it is possible to overwhelm with truth other than fiction. Life is short and legacy’s are only what one prints, so one will either be remember as a truth based foundation or found fraudulent over time! Which would you prefer to be is what you will be for what one puts out is simply what one is. I have so much more to say but that would take so much time. Thank you for your time…
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  • Getting Worse with Each Update

    I don’t fault Apple for offering news (or claimed news) from a wide variety of outlets in the app…that’s a good thing. Where I do fault Apple is in forcing content to users when they’ve explicitly said they don’t want such content. If you read an article that is pure propaganda and against your beliefs (literally offensive content), this app lets you “block” the news provider. In prior versions of the app, no articles from blocked news providers would be shown. The latest version of the app now shows article titles even from blocked news providers. Also, blocking some news providers is also met with a warning that basically says future stories from that provider will be shown if deemed appropriate by Apple News editors. Apple seems to think their customer here is the news provider, not the reader…good luck with that model. I won’t be using this app moving forward.
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  • Ads, ADS

    Call it ADS
    Makes articles unreadable with ads. I counted 38! Ads in one article. Many doubles and triples of the same add.
  • Scam

    The worst app of all. A waste of space with bogus articles trying to get you to pay for their premium lol. Simply search the article title within google and you’ll find the free version on another site. Scammersssssss.
  • ADS! They should call this app ADS!, lot’s of ADS

    Irrelevant ADS everywhere. Doubles and triples of the same AD in a single article. I counted 38 ADS in a single article yesterday. They break up the article into incoherent and chaotic paragraphs. The ADS are even relevant to Canadian readers.

  • Get rid of the full page 3 month trial ad

    UPDATE…deleting this app for good. Contacted Apple Support and was told the only way to get the nagware ad to stop was to accept the offer. No one should be forced to subscribe in order to use a free app with a paid option. Sadly I was considering buying a subscription later this year, but will not even consider it now. I will not support this type of behavior from any company’s Marketing Team.

    Following the IOS 16.3 I am getting presented with a full screen “Activate Free 3 Month Trial” page every time I exit an article. This has made the News app unusable. I do not wish to activate the trial and should not be harassed to do so. This is an unacceptable level of “Guerilla Marketing” and frankly I’m a little disappointed that Apple’s Marketing Team would stoop to this level to increase their subscriber base. If this persists after the next IOS update it will be goodbye to Apple News for me forever. If this marketing approach permeates to other Apple “free” apps, you will be saying goodbye to a long standing loyal Apple consumer and beta tester.
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