Apple News User Reviews

Apple News
Apple News
Apple Inc.

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  • Come on, Apple. This news app is a mess.

    With all due respect, you can do way better with this app. There should be zero advertisements. If I thumbs down or dismiss a news source / story, don’t show me “you’ve blocked this” as a placeholder from a news source I’ve blocked. If I thumbs down an article, I don’t want to see anything associated with that article / topic / subject.

    Notifications are random and don’t notify me of breaking news from sources I follow. I think because I’ve disabled the setting on my iPhones system settings that allows me to see news from my sources only, it has hindered the apps ability to give me notifications.

    There are many complaints here saying pretty much the same things as me. No idea why you don’t address the above? Apple sees itself at the pinnacle of hardware development and most first party apps are unparalleled. This first party news app mirrors that of other low quality, ad infested apps that are here on the App Store.
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  • Awful. Just Awful.

    First of all, you need to distinguish between Apple News and Apple News+. News+, the magazine subscription service, is fine. It’s an OK selection of magazines, about as good as rivals. The non-subscription Apple News service, on the other hand, is abysmal and should be a source of profound embarrassment for Apple.

    It’s not so much a news aggregator as a mechanism for shoehorning as many intrusive, gigantic adverts as possible into editorial copy, in a way that makes it almost impossible to actually read anything.

    That I, and many others, pay a subscription and are still force to scroll past these ridiculous adverts is outrageous from a company that is literally worth trillions of dollars.

    I am very happy to pay for news. We should all pay for news. It’s an expensive business. But when you buy a newspaper the text isn’t interrupted every third sentence by a giant advert — so why should paying customers be treated so badly online?

    Does Apple need this additional income? No, of course it doesn’t. Why is it happy to do such harm to its own brand in pursuit of what, to a company of its size, is small change? I have no idea. But honestly, if it didn’t come bundled in a wider subscription, I would have cancelled this years ago, and I hardly ever use it.
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  • The algorithms are causing problems

    Every week I need to remove the app and start over again because of I’m guessing the algorithms. I would like a round world view with a mix of new world events, financial markets, science, health etc. I don’t need to be funnelled into topics or stories Apple News believes I should read, it makes my News topics too narrow. I’d like to choose what interests me each time I open the app. I’m not satisfied with the block topic or stop suggesting as it works around the title to keep suggesting. For example I block prince harry, I get Megan markle, block her I get prince William, I block then I get royalty.

    Please don’t make the algorithms so sensitive to content.
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  • Can’t Block Channels

    I’ve gotten used to the huge ads (gotta love Apple Services, right?😏). But what finally made me stop using this app is the inability to actually block a channel. There are some channels that I don’t want to see and some that I find offensive. Apple News will not fully block them. I continue to get the headlines with the message that I blocked the channel, but do I want to see the channel anyway? NO, Apple, I don’t! That’s why I blocked the channel! I tried all the suggestions on the forums. I unblocked and re-blocked the channel, flipped the restricted switch in Settings, restarted the app, restarted the device, deleted and restored the app - multiple times in every conceivable order. And still, the blocked channels show up. I’m done. I just downloaded Google News and wonder of wonders, it actually removes channels from the screen when I block them, even when I use the suggest less option (which never worked in Apple News either). I badly want to use Apple products and services - I like the privacy features a lot. But their quest to squeeze every last penny causes them to ignore the usability of their services. I know Google will use my views to build a profile. But at least their products work!
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  • Excellent app. Spoiled by ads.

    Apple News is the best iOS, iPadOS and MacOS news app. It features great content, great UX, and respects user privacy. However, all of this is offset by annoying ads that interrupt content flow and degrade the overall experience. News is central to my life and I’ve enjoyed Apple News as a trusted news hub for years. However, Apple has recently decided that advertising revenue is a priority and has increased the ad content in News to act on that priority. Although the increase in ad frequency has been marginal, the impact is disproportionate and has caused me to now detest using what was once one of my favorite apps on iOS, iPadOS and MacOS. Unfortunately, there is no way to elect an ad-free experience with Apple News — even as a subscriber to the highest-tier $33/month AppleOne Premier bundle. As such, I’m left with no choice but to seek an alternate, ad-free news app. Apple, if you’re listening: I’m happy to pay more for the option to turn off ads in News and to opt-out of supporting the corrosive and immoral ad-driven economy.
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  • No access to most News sources

    I’ve been subscribing to Apple News for a couple of years and recently tried to renew my subscription in the U.K. The transaction does not go through despite being properly approved with my bank. I cannot access many of the news media is this app and do not understand why as I have tried numerous times to complete the purchase. I am also having difficulty changing my password, which might be a factor although I can’t imagine why. I’m very tempted to cancel and never renew again.
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  • Propaganda promoter

    I have left so many reviews of this app but still use it because I have no other way to receive news and topics of interests, so I’ve given it one star for this in addition to the obligatory star.

    I own everything Apple, even stocks so I am not only disappointed of the obvious fact that Apple (and many other Big Tech) are so obviously biased that its beyond indoctrinating—its sickening.

    I know what you maybe thinking and judging(shame on you, I haven’t even begun): If I’m opposed to Far-Left everything I’m obviously the problem and am not capable of, or willing to read information I disagree with, which is not true. This is beyond information bias, for instance, if you “block” X News and it displays “You’ve blocked X News, would you like to see it anyway?” Is not really blocking, its making it slightly less obvious.

    My real criticism (although I really do strongly dislike the aforementioned block feature) its the fact that if something replaces it thats even further reaching than before. I’d go to other news providers but I can not afford it momentarily coupled with the fact that thinking like YOURS has made anything else practically criminal so there aren’t any.

    Also, this lengthy article was made even more irritating but a true testament of my dedication and willpower by the fact that the keyboard (cover) doesn’t connect properly and skips, auto-deletes, jumps 4 spaces.
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  • Continuous Crashing

    This app just crashes all the time for no apparent reason, usually right in the middle of reading something. And then when you reopen it, you’re back at the top, far from whatever you were trying to read. After no help from Apple Tech support (although she did see it spontaneously crash during screen share), I visited a Genius Bar and they did a complete reboot of my iPad, forcing me to re-create everything as if it were a newly purchased device. It still didn’t help, and now I’m left with a mess on my iPad. It doesn’t crash on my iPhone or Mac, so obviously there’s something incompatible with the iPad’s hardware. I see that another reviewer noted that the problem started with iPadOS 15 and has worsened with 16. That is my experience too.

    After 4 Apple support phone calls, including one with a higher level tech, and a visit to a Genius Bar, and adjusting various settings and doing restores and reinstalls, it still crashes within 5 minutes!! I don’t know what to do anymore. APPLE, ARE YOU LISTENING?? THERE’S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE IPAD VERSION OF THIS APP THAT NEEDS FIXING!!
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  • Why the ads?

    I love Apple and it is rare that I find myself irritated by anything you do but today I find myself irritated. I pay for News+ each month yet when I am scrolling through articles, they are littered with ads. Are you not drawing enough revenue from the subscriptions? As I understand it, subscription revenue is a part of your evolving growth strategy. If I have to look at ugly ads anyway, why do I need to pay for a subscription? Can you bump me $0.50 more for ad free news articles? I would understand finding ads in the magazines but I don’t understand having to endure them in an article about preventing a railroad strike.

    Edited: I just lowered my rating by one star for the ads. The words respect night mode but not the ads. I lowered my brightness completely but they still glow with a very bright white light. I like to read News in the early morning hours in bed so this is very uncomfortable.
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  • Try rebooting

    Have been reading about the crash problems which, I too, had been experiencing. However, other apps were also crashing. I powered off my iPad and left it alone while recharging. Since powering back on, Apple News has been working normally. Fingers crossed I haven’t spoken too soon. With one of my gaming apps kept getting an internet error message. What the! I thought. So I turned off my modem and that stopped that error message.
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