Apple News User Reviews

Apple News
Apple News
Apple Inc.

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  • Designed to irritate loyal customers

    This app is a nightmare.
    If you don’t pay for the subscription, you still get 50% of the articles with a pay wall (even when there are plenty of equivalent from other sources for free).
    This is like the greediest pay per play video game. It seems designed to irritate customers rather than complement the purchase of an iPhone. PAY WALL ARTICLES SHOULD NOT APPEAR IF THE CUSTOMER CHOOSES THE FREE EDITION.

    What is worse, if you pay, then the value for money of the paid articles and magazines is next to zero. ThIs quality should cost £1 pound per months, definitely not £10.
    What is worse the top stories are full of gossips and silly news (my neighbour cat see ghost or similar, Jordan buys a new pair of shoes…) You keep on getting silly gossips no matter how.



    Gossips and silly stuff should appear only in a dedicated section IF the reader choose so, instead they overwhelm the TOP STORIES SECTION.

    I understand that Apple is moving from a phone maker to a service company but they WILL FAIL if they think to survive with low quality services like Apple News, TV, Fitness.

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  • Do I have a choice? Not really.

    Regardless to what the setup protocol says, “select the things that interest you and the media outlets you want to hear from”. I am pounded daily with liberal left-supporting media companies in my news highlights, news of the day, breaking news, and stories of interest emailed to me. I have actively search for the news media outlets I want to hear from.

    Additionally, when I get of story of interest notifications from a news company of my preference, I would click “read story”. Instead, it would simply take me to the Apple News page. While stories from say CNN would populate my screen upon clicking “read story”. As of recent, this no longer is an issue. So let’s call it an intentional glitch that was fixed.

    I’m a loyal Apple customer since the Apple Mac SE! I back and trust Apple with their policies on privacy and security of personal information. However. The intentional push of the company’s political and other views on me via news outlets — even when I request NOT to receive news from specific outlets — you’re not about letting me be me to choose my own preferences. You’re actually not being much better than Meta. Controlling.
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  • Would be fine if it worked - but it doesn't

    1. Links within articles don't work. So, you copy the link, paste into your browser in order to view content. Makes the Apple News app aggravating and rather useless.

    2. Every other article is in fact an ad trying to sell the subscription version. If the free version of the application doesn't work, why would I pay for a version unlikely to be any better?

    UPDATE: App is increasingly unstable. Crashes after a few articles/minutes of use. A few weeks after installation it ceases to load articles at all. I've uninstalled and reinstalled 3 (up to 5 uninstall/reinstalls now) times in less than a month. Glad it's free because the Apple News App is thoroughly useless - and getting worse every day. (And Apple, why would I subscribe to Apple News when you're unable to demonstrate you can build a working application for your own devices?)
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  • News Plus still has ads! Pay more for subscriptions!

    After you pay, they still want you to pay more to subscribe to magazines! The layout is bad. Articles are displayed in various sizes. This makes it absolutely horrible to scroll through articles. I tried the News Plus and it only has articles I mostly won’t read. News Plus is not news. It should be called Magazine Plus. News Plus should have its own tab. There are still ads in the News Plus articles. I can’t understand why I would pay to still have to read ads? You can literally download any other news app and see the same articles with the same ads for free. It’s amazing how dumb iPhone users are. Your paying simply because it has the name Apple in the title. Apple is taking advantage of your stupidity! Probably the same people that pay $10K over MSRP for a new car and $50K over asking price on a house only to go bankrupt in a year.
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  • Suggestions could be better

    I try to read the news, and I see a lot of articles pop up on the feed that interest me, yet when I click on them I too often find the article locked behind a subscription offer. I realize that everyone would love a piece of the subscription pie, but there are only so many times that I will click on an Apple news suggestion to find out it’s a subscription offer before I stop believing that this is a resource for any information at all.
    There should be a preference that blocks headlines from journals that require a subscription & I’m not subscribed to. I’ve had enough already. I hate to say it, but Apple is moving in the direction of bloatware with all this subscription based product. So many things they offer, yet each and every one requires a separate subscription. I once thought that they were better than the Microsoft business model, now I’m questioning if they were decades behind.
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  • Keeps me in the know of most events

    This is an informative app n newspaper, only thing I wish they would show more positive news. When every news circuit runs the exact same things, it can be negative overflow. But, in terms of having factual data of all the craziness in the world today it’s key. Especially since it’s time to be active voters and stop our country from going bk to the dark ages. I usually don’t comment on politics, but in light of all the evil going on now. All I can say is if you stand for a gov’t that’s constantly taking things away, or are ruling through unhanded n unfair practices, then you stand for nothing. When has moving backwards ever won any races? What mks OUR US great, Is that despite the inequality, evils, mismanagement of pwr; we at the moment are founded on believing in striving 4 rights. N that should be EVERYONE’s rights 4 life, liberty n justice. Have your opinion or view, but when you seek 2 control, abuse n divide then your opinion changes 2 an unGodly action. No matter where you’re from, race, color or creed at the base of everything we’re humans. We all want the same basic thing: a home, food, clothing, good surroundings n education 4 our children, good health n transportation. There is 2 much wealth in this world that everyone can’t have a piece of the American dream. So, vote n pray, pray, pray because if we ever needed Jesus it’s now.
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  • Is Apple interested in making this app work?

    Agree with so many comments in other reviews. I want a balanced feed of the current affairs, breaking news, etc. I don’t want a Facebook style thought-bubble outcome where I only see what I’ve previously read. That way lies conspiracy theory thinking!

    But if I block or thumb-down another trashy article from the Mirror, Hello (UK - there are others!) then I don’t want to see that type of content again!

    * Ads in a paid subscription - no thanks
    * I have tried using the ‘thumb down’ for celebrity, trivia, etc trash articles but seems to have no effect - still get fed trash. What does the thumb down actually do (or thumb up)?!!
    * have blocked certain sources, but still get fed articles, sometimes with the ‘you blocked this but view anyway’ prompt - I blocked it, so I don’t want to see it!
    * I am interested in US politics but live in UK. Just because I’ve read a few articles I don’t want to be bombarded with every US news source!

    There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the content, and certainly no intelligence to how content is curated.

    You can do a lot better than this Apple!
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  • The Greatest News App

    I’ve been using this App for well over a year now. I did not subscribe, therefore I only read the FREE articles, which there is a plethora of from different News Publications with an expansive range of different genres and topics of discussion. Because of this I didn’t really feel the need to get a subscription, but because I come across so many articles that seem very interesting and that I would like to read, I’m considering giving in and paying for the subscription 😂. If you’re an avid reader and/or like to stay current on events, advancements, breakthroughs, advice, politics, etc. I greatly recommend getting an Apple News+ Subscription. And for those that are on the fence about getting a subscription or if you are a little cash strapped that’s okay, just stick to the free articles for the time being. Just read and enjoy the app 😊
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  • Quality app.

    It’s a high quality news app for sure. And the best “news” is that when you subscribe to Apple News, it now includes access to The Dallas Morning News articles! I love that newspaper so much. Any my daughter lives in Los Angeles, so it’s great to be able to also read her local newspaper, The LA Times. l definitely favor those newspapers, but it’s also nice to get the Wall Street Journal articles too to get a different perspective. And there are plenty of conservative options as well, if that is your thing (if you must lol). And then, there are just about every magazine in the world open to you as well. Very much worth $9.99 per month to get ALL my news sources in one place with Apple’s excellent format.
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  • Missing Nursing Student in Gillette, Wyoming

    I think the information provided by the journalist could be helpful to finding out what happened to the missing girl Irene. Although I don’t anticipate a happy ending here? I believe the digital trail is quite obvious. 40 years ago we had the paper trail and things took longer to complete a puzzle.
    Sadly with online dating apps and people meeting up like this, there are too many questionable intentions with what obviously seems like malicious behavior of a male predator. A petite, young, awkward, and introverted young woman…a nursing student (as she is portrayed) points to a vulnerable victim of intimate domestic relationship abuse. The story states family members reporting she had considered options that potentially could have helped her with changing some of those “ softer” traits (joining the military, becoming a nurse) and neither of those options are easy. Nurses are generally and often genuinely trustworthy and trust others until proven otherwise.
    I just hope the answers come soon for the family to put this at rest. Sadly, the police involved are surely overwhelmed with so many others to devote the necessary time and money to solving these cases.
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