Apple News User Reviews

Apple News
Apple News
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  • Good — But Limited

    I subscribed to this service because it has an excellent roster of member publications and subscribing to each of them individually would be prohibitively expensive. I like that the app lets me read articles of interest that I spot around the web. The $10 monthly cost is well worth it when I can copy a headline into the search box and read articles from top newspapers and magazines like the Atlantic, New Yorker, et al.

    There are times though where I have to have a subscription to the individual publication to read an article, which defeats the entire purpose of paying for News Plus! I think Apple should bar member pubs from paywalling.

    My only other irritation with News Plus is that there isn’t a publication-specific search. That would be a worthwhile improvement to the app.
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  • Awesome way to receive news

    I really like having access to hundreds of magazines and newspapers from the convenience of my mobile device (when you consider what the cost would be for getting individual subscriptions, Apple News+ is a significant savings). The Apple Conversations are a great way to listen to news while riding in the car. The notification feature is especially useful in alerting me to articles around my interests (I would recommend adding a feature to make the notifications even more specialized - being able to specify specific words or terms to send notifications). One newspaper that I would like to see on Apple News+ is the New York Times.
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  • Great news, and also some wrinkles to be worked out

    I love this program, at least for the most part. I look would love it if there could be a better variety of worldviews, i can’t remember a single story that painted the overturn of roe as anything but an attack on a “right” of women. I have read the bill of rights numerous times, it makes no mention of abortive rights, at least i didn’t notice it if it was there. Or for another matter i have seen little about trump that wasn’t yet another not well thought out decision he made. Show more points of view and you’ll get 5 stars.
    This isn’t really a problem but i would love more technical information and updates about wildlife and natural, i couldn’t care less about whatever the famous people are annoyed about this time.
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  • Great Concept but Needs Improvement

    I enjoy Apple News + most of the time. Instead of subscribing to many publications, I can read from many newspapers and magazines in the app. For that reason it’s a great value for someone who likes to read.

    What I don’t like: the search functions leaves so much to be desired. It seems to work less and less as times goes on. Sometimes if Google shows me an article I know I can access in Apple News because on Google that paywall won’t let me read it, why shouldn’t I be able to find the article readily when I have copied and pasted the title into the search box?

    I sometimes know exactly what I want to read and I don’t need to rely solely on Apple’s suggestions to access content. It may be that it doesn’t work because my iPad is too old…is this a hint to make me upgrade? I would not be surprised.

    I haven’t yet figured out to go directly to the current issue of the magazine I want to read. It seems it’s much easier to visit the search engine that doesn’t track me to access the article.

    I know my data is being tracked. I streamed a documentary on a uncommon subject and a few hours later Google is presenting me with articles to read on the some subject. Google and Alexa are data sharing…so Apple must do it too.

    Please make Apple news searchable. I want to choose what I read.
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  • Facts everyone should know

    I read on average 3 to 4 hours a day and fact check my facts which can send me down a bunny trail for weeks sometimes.
    One thing that I find extremely concerning is the fact not one doctor in the hospital or my GP doctors office seems to know anything about PFOA’s or any of the forever chemicals.
    The main focus in all hospitals is do you smoke pot or not and everyone is tested for this instead of testing for these forever Chemicals that unlike marijuana have serious consequences.
    I have also found most people do not even know their blood type and on top of all these true and very scary facts Red Cross does not check for these Chemicals either which could very well mean death or a serious illness because for whatever reason the focus is not where it should be.
    I would love to know what all toxins are in not just my blood but my young children who have nose bleeds and vomit more then what most would say was normal.
    I think some accountability on the medical professionals to be made aware of these forever chemicals and stop focusing on the natural herbs the truly do no harm.
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  • Love almost everything about it

    I love the presentation of timely articles that reflect my priorities for news consumption. I appreciate the suggested additional articles presented at the bottom of each story I read, which often leads to greater understanding of a particular topic or issue, or leads me to new relevant information. For example, if I am reading about the highest rated movies on Netflix, I often am presented articles about the best movies on Disney+, etc. Or if I am reading a story about, say the FBI raid in Mar-a-lago, I will be presented with op/ed pieces, as well as articles relevant to the topic, such as threats to the FBI in the aftermath. I love the magazine selection that is available, such as Newsweek and Time which expands the range and depth of suggested articles. Many articles have embedded. Hyperlinks to past referenced material, too! My only big complaint is that I often like to read at bedtime, in the dark, with the brightness turned very low. The color of the hyperlinks is either dark red or blue, which is often impossible to read when the surrounding text is white in a black background. I sometimes have to turn up the brightness to read them, which I hate doing. Sadly, the colors or style (such as underlined or bold text) is not user-selectable. I would love to see that changed.
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    While I enjoy being able to briefly scan news across many varying sources YOUR suggested selections are for and geared toward people who only look like you! It I’d difficult to find news outlet written by other culturally different communicators. There is absolutely no diversity and when something does pop up it’s from a caucasian european american or european outlet. Why are you not seeking sources that are reflective of this country and in fact the world!? Just as the world is full of many different things in it, so are people too different and all have amazing stories to tell. Honestly, I’m sick of the narrow european view of news in the world! And, having to seek out sources YOU won’t even place on the news platform! Are you picking up what I’m putting down!
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  • Great content but usability problems persist

    The content on Apple News is terrific, especially compared to Google News (which is full of clickbait and ads).

    However the app needs work. It shows little improvement in usability since launch. There is no way to search for text or a phrase within a story you are reading. Sharing news stories is not a great experience unless you are sending to another Apple user (walled gardens!)

    Publishers often choose fonts that are difficult to read for people with astigmatism. For example some of the fonts are so thin as to only be legible on the best of days. Increasing the text size is no help. There should be a way to select your preferred font. This is a big accessibility failure.
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  • An App That Grows On You

    I wasn’t a fan at first of another news app, especially one that promised to aggregate news from multiple sources, and even added magazines and audio stories for good measure. As if there’s no dearth of news that we are fed round the clock on social media. However, Apple News is different. First, it shows you what you want to really read; then, it starts learning from you read more often. Finally, the Good News and audio stories really complete the experience. Not to mention your favorite magazines that you can browse at leisure. There’s still much to be done; for instance. synchronizing the experience across iPhone, iPad and the Mac. How Apple News team will keep simplifying the app while delivering just enough news so as to not overwhelm the reader is going to be most interesting. I look forward to future updates…
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  • Looking for fair and balanced news reporting

    Your news content is, in my opinion, 75 to 25. 75% left democratic leaning and 25% conservative leaning.

    I has served our military proudly and have made a career as a public servant. I do not side 100% with Republicans but do consider myself conservative.

    I thank you for the ability to block some sites that are far left leaning, however I know I’m missing some information they put out that may be unrelated to politics. That said, they’re stories are off base and radical that I would rather not see any of their content and risk missing an interesting story they may put out from time to time.

    Balance you’re news content more, yes Trump has issues and wasn’t our finest POTUS but the same can certainly e said about the current POTUS. Transgenders deserve to be heard but so do our military veterans who served our country voluntarily. Yes immigrants trying to get into the the U.S. are humanitarian stories that deserve to be told but so do all the homeless U.S. citizens, especially the ones who are mentally ill.

    Improve on that and I would read your content more, trust in your content more, rely on your content more, tell family and friends about your improvement and I would give you an above mediocre rating.
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