Yu User Reviews

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.

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  • Stale meta game and slowly introducing paywall is a turnoff

    I’ve played YGO Duel Links since the near beginning and have had a lot of fun. At its peak, it was a game that was very cerebral, encouraged variety deck building, strategic PVP plays, and enjoyable nostalgic PVE events. But then a series of overpowered cards were released and for a long time the top of the meta game consisted of just a handful of decks; same decks and skills over and over again made the game very stale. Konami finally dropped a new ban list to try to remedy this problem and we’ll see what effect it has when the ban list takes effect. At the same time, Konami has also released the first pay only set of cards (structure deck). This is preceded by structure decks that were purchasable with game currency for the first time around and then with real money only the subsequent purchases. Now I have spent some real money on this game and don’t mind throwing a little support now and then because it’s a well made game. However, locking cards behind a paywall with no option to get the them besides real money sets a very bad precedent and I will not support this business model. I think the game the way it was, all cards obtainable by all players whether it be through cash or grind, is the way to go. Play the game for nostalgia, play the game because it can be very fun when the meta game is in balance, but do not support the business model of pay-only contents, that’s how you end up with a dead game.
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  • Great game, terrible PvP

    The game used to be great. However, it has fallen from grace. The events that Konami cycles through are usually very fun and enjoyable. The characters, skills and vibe of the game are easy to pick up - not to mention you don’t have to spend $$$ to get the full experience. Every other review complains about problems that can be worked around, yet none mention the only issue with the game - PvP (the worst condition it’s ever been in, no contest). The added cards come in sets called “boxes.” Each box has a theme which typically contain cards that harmonize together. The newer additions are absolutely brainless and require 0 skill to construct a successful deck. You see morons in the chat spamming what is and what isn’t meta, yet everyone seems to forget what made yugioh great initially - the originality of character personality and their unique flavor of cards. Watch out for the raw skill and prowess possessed by people who use “Sylvan” and “Aromage” cards, they’re sure to out maneuver you or maybe even win in one turn! Such fun! The catering to amateurs has undoubtably destroyed the PvP aspect of the game but fortunately there’s more to do than dueling other players. Although this is simply an opinion, I believe this review holds some merit as I’m a multiple-time KoG player and have played for over a year and a half. Enjoy the unlocks and atmosphere of the game & approach PvP cautiously at your own risk.
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  • Great app for Yu-Gi-Oh lovers!

    I’ve been a long time Yu-Gi-Oh lover and have been playing the physical card game for many years now. When I first heard about this app I avoided it like the plague for the first year of release because I thought it was just going to be another awful Konami cash grab and I’ve personally not been to happy with the company as a whole for a while now. It was my little brother who got me into playing and I’m glad he did! It’s been a lot of fun, and I’ve been able to enjoy it WITHOUT having to purchase anything. Yea, its a bit annoying at the start, but there are plenty of great free to play decks that you can do fairly well with (my favorite one being Aliens at the moment) that’ll help you earn gems to get more packs and build up your collection. If I had to nitpick, I’d say the micro transactions are definitely tempting and annoying at the same time and some of the characters don’t seem as balanced as other with their skills and level up rewards, but hopefully this will improve with time. Konami still hasn’t won me over, though, this is a great step forward!
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  • Great App but needs a few major improvements

    I was a huge fan of the anime of this app when I was a kid so I knew I’d have fun with this. I really like and appreciate the app from the cards, the packs, the duels, everything, but I have to only rate this app 3 stars because of 3 major flaws. 1st off, the least amount of cards you can have in a deck is 20 and most of my decks only have 20 but too often, have I dueled and I lost because my starting hand was all spells, traps and monsters that needed to be tribute summoned. Also, when receiving a staring hand like this, my next 3 to 4 cards that I draw will all be spells and traps the majority of the time which makes it impossible to win. This needs to be fixed. 2nd, most to maybe all of the cards on this app were on the actual series but do not have the same effects which is a huge problem. Lastly, if you but a lot of packs and I mean a lot, a lot, the chances of you receiving UR and SR cards should be way higher than what they are right now. I understand that the developer of the app may never change the effects of the cards but the starting hand and drawing cards issue and the packs issue being corrected and fixed would be highly appreciated.
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  • Pay to win or not

    This game can be played using free to play, and they have come a long way in that regard. I have been playing since the game came out and absolutely love it. My only warning to people is that if you enjoy it as much as I did and would like to be able to play competitively you will have to drop quite a bit of money. For instance if a new box comes out you would have to drop 100 to 200 dollars to get three copies of the cards. They do have sales, ranked tickets, and events that are a good way to get cards for free, but like I said before without dropping some money you will not have the advantage some have, and depending on the deck type it could be a huge disadvantage. I have notice recently that when a box comes out there rares are now becoming much better cards, which is easier for F2P people to obtain, and they have events all the time to collect cards. Lastly if you want to be competitive at this game you will also need to spend a lot of time! If a event comes and you miss that chance to pick up those cards it can mean you will not be able to use the best arch type for a long time. So remember the facts, the games is fun and well designed, it is free to play if you just want to have fun and be semi competitive, you will drop a lot of money to stay current with the meta, and you will have to spend a lot of time playing events and ranked or fall behind. Hope this helps anyone wanting to play.
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  • Where are the holograms it’s 2018..

    While this a great game I am a little disappointed in the fact that you only have 3 card slots for monsters and trap/spell cards. That does make games shorter but really who didn’t love a long and epic duel even with some computers from some of the reviews I’ve read it seems like a lot of them can mix it up with the best of them. It’s annoying and tedious how many gems you need in order to get new cards I refuse to pay my actual hard earned money to unlock them.. and my biggest complaint is where are the duel holograms... when I play my buster blader or any monster I expect instead of a moving picture to see my monster pop out of the card and have a different stance when he’s in attack mode vs when he’s in defense mode the older Yu-Gi-Oh! Games have done this so I don’t see why a game that’s been hyped up for so long has failed to do it? I don’t think that I’m asking for the whole world but this is the fundamental part of the show/game I summon my monster in attack position and the creature pops out of the card all I’m saying is they should be working on fixing this issue and making it possible
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  • Believe in the heart of the cards

    I’m really not understanding why Yami Marik level 50 is so overpowered. From the first love he brings out the winged dragon of Ra with atk/def at 4000 each and also has the ability to take my monster off the field before attacking. I’ve done everything short of dumping money into the game. I bought new packs using gems, switched my cards and abilities around, tried using Marik to beat fire with fire but nothing worked. Even when I had all the necessary cards in hand, his card ability still took my card out before I could do anything. How is a regular player supposed to beat him. I love this game. I love yugioh. I love a challenge but with the randomness of how the cards are dealt I spent 2 days trying to beat him. Yes, 2 days!!! I’m not saying to change your whole system around but to have someone have a card that can one shot you IN THE FIRST MOVE is takes all the fun out of the game and brings about a sense of hopelessness. The amount of times I told myself to “believe I’m the heart of the cards” just to lose the first turn...come on guys I’m trying not curse.
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  • It was a great game!

    I have been playing this game for a long time now. I built my own deck, original deck. Lately, an update introduced a new character: Dr. Crowler. His deck has become way too powerful to even enjoy playing this game. I say that because I love playing online. And since his deck is too powerful, everyone knows this so everyone uses him. There is no originality anymore because everyone just wants to use him. I get happy whenever I see a new character, even if I lose. You see, the point of this game is to meet people who have original decks that surprise you. Not to meet Crowlers or Pegasus who spam their powerful and unfair cards. The card “ancient gear castle” should be banned or at least limited. Not only does it allow you to summon monsters over 3000 of power just by using its effect (which I should add, is very easy to use. You and the person controlling this card only have to summon two monsters, and you can happily summon a monster with over 3000 of power.) you would think that this is okay. But the monsters summoned by this effect don’t allow you to use not only traps but spell cards either. So unless you can summon a monster with over 3000 of power soon in the game, you are done for. It is such an unfair advantage, because your opponent CAN use spell and trap cards to defend.
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  • Nice game, but issues must be fixed

    It's a really nice game will keep playing, but will delete if not change that annoying and stupid bugs like when i got some cards on the packs and then after few days or even next play time the cards simply disappeared what's very frustrating you gotta make sure only people what hacks they accounts suffer this glitch not honest people what do fair play....also this crazy cards sequences like some times you don't have a way to play because all start hand cards don't give you any chance even the cards what you draw besides the horrible start hand cards makes you fell mad and you lose even if you have nice deck for exemple have times what i loose 5 battles in a row or even more because the the start cards and following draw cards are very useless on the sequence what they comes...but sometimes i start my hand with kaibaman ans blue eyes equip spells trap cards it's unbelievable and unfair with challengers....should have a better balance with the cards not only a stupid luck it's very rare when i have a real good duel, i gonna give 1 star till you fix it because unfortunately if i give 4 stars for the good game isn't enough to you really take in serious my review, once you solve the issues will be more than happy to change for 5 stars because I love yugioh in special the game, I'm doing this to help the game to become the best ever God bless you thanks.
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  • Absolutely phenomenal!!! How is this free?

    This is probably the most fun Yu-Gi-Oh! Experience I've ever had. And I'm super into Yu-Gi-Oh! In general. I was hesitant at first because the smaller game board. But after playing, I actually really really like it. I like the idea of quick games. It lets me practice certain strategies faster than the original game. It's more like the show that way.
    I also love the voice acting and the time that the developers put into this. I can really feel the heart that was put into this. I am constantly amazed because of the innovative new updates that continually come to this game!!! I really cannot. Believe this game is free! In no way do you have to pay to win. The option is there if you want it, but I've only paid once, and I really didn't need to. I honestly felt guilty that I didn't at least pay a little bit. It's really that good.
    If you like Yu-Gi-Oh, this app is a must have. I've even showed this app to a few of my friends who've barely heard of Yu-Gi-Oh!, and I've gotten a few of them attached. You don't have to be a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh! To appreciate a well made game.
    I just want to personally thank everybody who put in the work into perfecting this game. Every little corner that wasn't cut goes a LONG way, and I'm sure I speak for a lot of people who regularly play this game, Thank you guys so so much!!!!!
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