Memo pad
This is a great app memo pad I like it went you can use the dark background is making it look awesome thank you for making this memo pad
Notes f
Practical! Thanks
I’m glad
Very helpful for my needs
Simple but ok
Simple but ok
Works as intended
Simple, secure, and easy to use :)
Simple and easy to use. Just what you want in a note pad app. Also, not bombarded with ads to buy, buy, buy.
Very happy with this app and use it every day.
Very happy with this app and use it every day.
My Poor Dear Ads Annoying,
You mean to tell me that these guys, who barely make revenue of the ads that annoy you, have the b**ls to put some advertising on their App to pay some bills?????
How dare they have the cheek to do this to you -
These are probably trying to break into the market.
Mistakes happen, sometimes the APPs have issue, which, if you contacted the designers and told them, I’m pretty sure they’ll make every endeavour impress.
Reminds me of guy I went to school with (I’m in Australia),
He had grown up in Hong Kong, at 15.
I remember walking out of the front gate to see a hideous, soul crunching, unsatisfied human being
It was Sidney’s Father. He was not only humiliating Sidney, but with Sidney on the ground in the foetal position as his father kept trying to kick him. A Teacher and Sidney’s much older brother managed to drag him some 20 feet away.
First responders were called, the Paramedics rushed Sidney to the Cairns Hospital. There they discovered numerous legions, scars, the like all over his body. His Skeletal X-Ray looked like a jigsaw puzzle.
VERY LONG STORY SHORT Sidney’s father bashed, abused and made death treats to the boy. The question on everyone’s
Lips - He’d come home wth an Advanced Physics Exam Paper he’d completed the week previously. The Mark 99/100.
Sidney’s mother praised him for his hard work and achievement to the Family. Sidney’s father would not acknowledge or congratulations.
The question on Sidney’s Fathers how he could punishing him for ONLY getting 99/100.
So lighten up ads annoying!
Actual bad things are happing in the world.
P.S. This neither paid or requested statement in no way represents the policy, procedures or indeed of any employee or the network I only just discovered this thread, and saw the sook and she got me on a bad day.
Can’t we make an annual holiday, “People with Sticks Up Their A**es Removal Day.” We could even burn the sticks like Cochabamba!!!
PPS Ads, ever heard of the Notebook & Pencil?
FFS - J K Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series on Coffee Shop Napkins.
How dare they have the cheek to do this to you -
These are probably trying to break into the market.
Mistakes happen, sometimes the APPs have issue, which, if you contacted the designers and told them, I’m pretty sure they’ll make every endeavour impress.
Reminds me of guy I went to school with (I’m in Australia),
He had grown up in Hong Kong, at 15.
I remember walking out of the front gate to see a hideous, soul crunching, unsatisfied human being
It was Sidney’s Father. He was not only humiliating Sidney, but with Sidney on the ground in the foetal position as his father kept trying to kick him. A Teacher and Sidney’s much older brother managed to drag him some 20 feet away.
First responders were called, the Paramedics rushed Sidney to the Cairns Hospital. There they discovered numerous legions, scars, the like all over his body. His Skeletal X-Ray looked like a jigsaw puzzle.
VERY LONG STORY SHORT Sidney’s father bashed, abused and made death treats to the boy. The question on everyone’s
Lips - He’d come home wth an Advanced Physics Exam Paper he’d completed the week previously. The Mark 99/100.
Sidney’s mother praised him for his hard work and achievement to the Family. Sidney’s father would not acknowledge or congratulations.
The question on Sidney’s Fathers how he could punishing him for ONLY getting 99/100.
So lighten up ads annoying!
Actual bad things are happing in the world.
P.S. This neither paid or requested statement in no way represents the policy, procedures or indeed of any employee or the network I only just discovered this thread, and saw the sook and she got me on a bad day.
Can’t we make an annual holiday, “People with Sticks Up Their A**es Removal Day.” We could even burn the sticks like Cochabamba!!!
PPS Ads, ever heard of the Notebook & Pencil?
FFS - J K Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series on Coffee Shop Napkins.
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Ads annoying - disrupts creative thought
A notepad is a place for creative flow; it’s precisely where ads are most disruptive.
For me it renders this otherwise great ap completely useless.
For me it renders this otherwise great ap completely useless.
Don Takatsu
I just love using this app! It is just so smooth and easy to use.
Perfect •••
Excellent •••