Oddworld User Reviews

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  • I love the game but please fix bug

    I have played this game sense I was young on Xbox. I didn’t get very far but now I’m at the part where you return to rupture farms and I’m part 4 of an area I got stuck in a corner with 3 enemies snipping me or killing me before I can move and eventually you become immortal to them and other things only way to die is to explode yourself but it plays the respawn animation with the butterfly’s and it doesn’t respawn you the butterflies keep waiting for you to respawn but you don’t so you have to reset the game. I will up my review to 5 Stars if you fix this bug please and thank you.
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  • Fantastic

    Honestly after reading some of the reviews about the controls ect… i wasn’t expecting this to be any good to play. WOW i loved it, graphics are brill. Im just sad i finished the game. The controls take abit to get used to but you can change them to suit you. You can also autosave wherever you are so you dont have to go back to the checkpoint. Absolutely brilliant game and a bargin at 4.99❤️
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  • More, please

    From the world where things that ain’t broke aren’t fixed comes this wonderful remake of the PlayStation classic, that had us escaping mythical sludge food factories distributing our companions’ canned flesh. Gross and charming in equal measure, the original was so utterly unique that none of the non-platform sequels had anyone in any way interested... at all... and I had a huge fear that this would be a disaster of a ‘remake’ or emulator or whatever it was supposed to be. But it’s great. All of the charm of the original remains, with the control system entirely intact. Comments of caution include potential lack of appropriateness of the controls for iPad (it’s a little tricky to handle without physical controls, but many, many things are). Also, I remember the backgrounds and background detail being a little richer, so I wonder why a full 3D rework was done for this version, but it looks very nice all the same. These are minor gripes and I had great fun playing this. Huge nostalgia for me and such fun for anyone new to the franchise.
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  • A great experience, a few things need fixing

    Beautiful visually, and good touch controls.

    Playing on m1 ipad, there were a couple of issues:

    1. Achievements not working achievements seem to be stuck at 1%
    2. A few visual glitches such as flickering grass (especially in outdoor areas)
    3. Text that is displayed between areas (loading) is not readable (dissappears too quickly)

    Otherwise great
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  • Greatest side scroller franchise ever

    The cinematic cutscenes, the depth, the gameplay. It’s a master piece. There’s no disputing the effort it takes to make such a great anti-hero / protagonist so like able. Abraham Lure is a great example what it means to be put in a position of power and influence for no particular reason.

    Labeled “the savior of the mudokens”, Abe is by far one of the greatest protagonists. He didn’t choose the life of being martyr, he just happened to be pushed in that position.

    Personally, I prefer Munches Oddysee, but the story in all these games is what I thrive on
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  • Love the game …but

    Has anyone else had issues with the sound? Worked fine the first 2 times I launched the app, but after that no sound at all. Checked all settings on phone and app, and tried uninstalling and reinstalling. No luck and the support tab doesn’t work.
    So much nostalgia!
  • Almost like the original

    Beautiful artwork in foreground & background. Fantastic transitions. Controls are too close together and frustrating to use with my thumb or finger. The only effective way to use the controls is with the Apple Pencil. I’m so glad this game is available to play again. Brings back great memories of me getting stuck and my wife suggesting solutions.
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  • OMG

    I use to play this as a kid, and my heart was so happy to see this in the App Store. The graphics are even better, and the controls are super easy to get use to! I’d love to see them put the 2nd one on here.
  • Achievements won’t unlock

    Love the game but Game Center achievements will not show completed. “Locked” reads above them and it shows 1% on most achievement badges.
  • External Display Bug

    Great game, phenomenal work on this remaster. However, I am plagued by one issue that has been present for a long time now. When launching the game using an external HDMI display, the game absolutely WILL NOT LAUNCH. Until it is fixed, my review stays at 3 stars.

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