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  • Very simple, and very money hungry

    I downloaded this app just to be able to monitor when I go to the bathroom!! At first, it seemed simple and like a nice app, but then I went to settings. The app offers a “stealth mode” that I’d LOVE to use. Basically, notifications do not say anything about pee, and widgets only say “log” instead of “log pee”, so it seems really nice to use, you wouldn’t have everyone that might look at your phone knowing extremely personal stuff.

    So I tapped on it, and I needed to pay for a subscription, which I thought was a stupid thing in the first place because that setting should be allowed for everyone. I ignored it and went to other settings, and almost all of them needed a subscription too.

    So, I checked the subscription prices. The “lifetime subscription” is **$120**. That is an INSANE amount of money for an *extremely* simple app that lets you track your pee. I already deleted the app, but I remember the other subscription prices being very expensive too.

    So, if you don’t mind anybody accidentally seeing a notification on your phone that’s telling you to use the bathroom, when you last used the bathroom, etc. and you don’t want to add simple notes for when you pee, this app is good for you.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! I am sorry to hear you think the optional subscription is too expensive for you. You could have contacted me to ask for assistance in covering the cost or explore other options. As one person making this app, on a mission to help people with their health, it makes me feel sad that you think the pricing of the optional subscription warrants a 1-star rating for a great app that offers all the core features for free with no ads. At the current pricing, the yearly option works out to less than $2 per month, which many people find very reasonable for the additional features, especially for a health app that they use every day. You say it is an “extremely simple” app, but it’s more complicated than it may seem, and the subscription revenue is the only way I make money for the many hours I have spent building this app, and continue to put into it.
  • Insightful and fun hydration tracker

    I’ve been using this app for a fortnight and have found that I’m more motivated to drink water! Using the app is super easy and comes with tons of useful information about hydration but also specific insight into your hydration levels. I love that it’s science-backed and a novel way to be challenged to drink more water. I really enjoy the friends feature because I get to remind my people to drink more water and be reminded!!!
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    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for this nice review! 😊 It gives me motivation to keep making it a better app!
  • The App you didn’t know you needed!!

    I love this app because it is exactly what I need for tracking my pee. As a chronic illness patient I like to track everything I can but I did not want a potty chart with stickers as if I was a potty training toddler.
    It has many features like washing hands helps with hydration and gives you the average time since you peed. I get not everyone would use this app but I believe everyone should.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for the nice review! I’m glad you find the app valuable.
  • Great app for someone with prostate issues.

    I think I discovered this app in 2017 when I was experiencing some issues with my prostate. At that time, I wanted to track the duration between my bathroom breaks, which the app incredibly helped with. I have an on-and-off relationship with the app because sometimes I didn't need it. Well, I got tired of logging pees every 40 minutes or so; so I stopped. However, as my prostate issue came back and I just had prostate surgery, so I decided to give the app another "full-time" go to help me track the time duration between my bathroom breaks. I even subscribed to John's fancy subscriber options (which are amazing, by the way). It's true that this app is designed for hydration reminders, but it's been incredibly useful for me as a prostate issue tracking app. Before my surgery, I would need to go every 30-45 minutes, but now the app shows me that I can wait for at least 2 2 1/2 hours or more. I feel much better, but I still use John's amazing app to keep me updated with my "new" prostate. I'm forever grateful to John and his P app. Even though I didn't use it regularly over the last 5 years, I have logged every visit to the bathroom since my surgery. Thanks a bunch, John! Yes, you are the best.
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    Developer Response

    Wow, thank you so much for this incredible, detailed review! I'm so happy to hear about how you use the app, and that you find it so useful now after surgery. Knowing that people use it as a pee tracker than a water reminder helps me as I consider future features and the development roadmap.
  • I love P

    This app does what I actually need. I don’t want to track or measure my water intake - I want to track how well my body is doing what a healthy body is supposed to do—- pee! With these reminders - I’m able to actually pay attention to whether I am hydrated enough or not and see how the lack of actually affects me!! Beyond just seeing it — I can see it and address shortcomings- such as “have you had enough water!!!” If you did —- you would have P…. But since you haven’t —- domino crash!!! I love what it does in the free version - ZERO ADS… and so I’m moved to support the developer and purchase the pro version.
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    Developer Response

    THANK YOU so much for this amazing review! I love working on this app, and reviews like this show me I'm on the right track creating something that has a positive impact on people's lives. I'm so glad you find it valuable, and thank you for subscribing!
  • The best adhd bathroom hack!!!

    I Definitely go to the bathroom more and I’m conscious about how much liquid I drink in a day. I’ve been gushing about this app to my friends and I’m pretty sure they got it as well. This app is so worth it!! Even my doctors have Seen an improvement Of my health because Of This App!! Edit: Ive used this app for 100+ days and genuinely it helps me realize when I need more water and when I need to cut back. If I could give this app ten stars I would!!!
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    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for that nice review! I really appreciate you telling other people about it. Lots of big improvements are coming soon!
  • Great but needs a symptom tracker

    I was looking for an app to track my pee habits so that I could discuss/show my doctor what was going on and I settled on your app as the one that would be the closest to what I needed. There are a few features that I wish this app had though. The app really needs a symptom tracker (color/pain/urgency/leakage). Is there a chance that the app could get these features added? The notes option is quite handy. I currently use that to note any symptoms.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Thanks for the nice review. The app is designed primarily as a way to monitor hydration and drink more water, but I am considering adding a separate mode for people who want to just track pees for medical reasons. Thanks for the suggestions!
  • Last update doesn’t sync data to Apple Watch

    (DEVELOPER REPLY BELOW FIXED THE ISSUE! THANK YOU!) I have the new Apple Watch Series 9. It has been working fine until the new app update two days ago. Now when I tap my Apple Watch to log the data, it doesn’t show the correct amount of hours since my last entry. It’s just stuck at 19.9 hours. But if I scroll down on my Apple Watch it shows the logged times, but the hours won’t update. Now it won’t show the hours at all on my Apple Watch face, it’s just blank. I have done a hard reboot on both my Apple Watch and my iPhone. Running WatchOS 10, and running iOS 17.1 on an iPhone 14. Please fix.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Unfortunately, this is due to a bug in watchOS. Please change it to any other complication (on the Apple Watch itself, not on the Watch app on your iPhone), and then change it back to P. That should get it working again. If it doesn’t, please let me know with the link in the app to contact me. UPDATE: Were you able to get it working? If not please contact me so I can help you figure it out to get it working again.
  • Really useful!

    I love using this app! I was already tracking all of the pees I take everyday in my notes app, and this really made that process easier. The two things I would like to see different about this app: I’d like there to be a way to log what color your pee is! I usually use the 1-8 scale to keep track of the color of what my pee was in my notes app, but if this was implemented into your app, I would just use pee and see. The second thing is that if I pee at 1 in the morning or midnight, the pee is counted for the previous day, so it messes up my pee counter for each day. If this bug was fixed, the app would be perfect!
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    Developer Response

    Hello! You could keep track of the color in the notes section. I was originally going to add a way to track the color, but found that it generally correlates to the time since last pee anyway, so it didn’t add useful information for determining hydration. Regarding which pees count as “Today” or “Yesterday,” the default cutoff is 4am, but you can adjust this in settings. If you change the “Today Start Average” to midnight it should behave the way you want it to. Please contact me with the link in the app if you have any additional questions. Thanks!
  • Great App

    I’ve had problems with UTIs most of my adult life. From October 2021 to June 2022 I had 4 UTIs. When I saw you on To Tell the Truth I said to myself “I need to get that app.” I installed it and it has really helped. It’s not fail proof but there have been times I haven’t drunk very much water in the 3 hrs. but I go and try anyway. I find I did have to go even though I did not have the feeling that I had to go. I have not had a UTI in a year. Thank you so much for creating this app and being on To Tell the Truth for me to see you. I tell everyone I talk to about it. I even told my urologist about it.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for the nice review! I'm glad you found it on that show, and that you find the app so useful!

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