Amino User Reviews

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  • Alright if you can look past the bugs :,)

    It’s great for getting into niche communities or even bigger communities for things you love, but there have been numerous bugs and glitches (seemingly increasing in numbers recently) from not being able to chat with some people and saying to update when there is no update to straight up saying my account doesn’t exist and refusing to let me sign in on my phone (this one has been happening for just over a day now ;v;) I also wish there was a way to not have amino+ but still have coins. I’ve looked up online how to unsubscribe, but it says I’m not subscribed in the app, but continues to take out Amino Coins every month to pay for features I don’t necessarily need. If the bugs and glitches stop, this could be a really good app :,)
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  • Expect hackers, and errors. I'm disappointed.

    Honestly, Media Labs has ruined this app after they bought it. I've been on Amino since 2017 maybe (ish). I've been on probably every community here. Amino is good for making friends with same interests, even finding dates and even getting to roleplay and find people with similar thoughts and things as you. I've roleplayed here many times and have never had a bad experience until Media Labs bought it. But, as more and more error messages come and go, I'm upset. Everyday, your found with 404 error messages, wifi problems, them saying "Please be patient as we fix this." messages whenever you open chats or try and post something. Stickers are messed up, your constantly refreshing your page, and you can't even post things with images now. Wikis are sometimes broken, and let's not get started on hackers messing up with scripts and hacking through ACM. They're able to access your account through everything even with a unique password. They change ur password and hack through it, and sometimes, you can't even access your account. So, as I say, amino is a dumpster fire. The engineers don't even take the time to fix anything, and they constantly say they will, but don't. Notifications sometimes don't go through, it's just a mess. Download it, but when you do, expect error messages every time you click or do something, expect hackers getting into your account, and finally, expect TA and Media-labs to not do anything about it, literally.
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  • Allow Appeal for Banned Users

    I was a passionate Amino user for seven years straight until I messed around and got my account banned, with little to no hope of getting any closure on the issue. I understand that there are certain guidelines that need to be followed, but it was never my intention to break even one of them. And I know that I was in the wrong, but at the last minute when I tried to fix my mistake, it was too late. But I truly believe that it is unfair that disabled users are unable to get an appeal for their ban, even if they were disabled by complete accident. Most of all, users should at least be able to talk with a real staff member, rather than an automated message that states that they cannot do anything to recover their account. Again, I spent seven dedicated years of my life to building up my account in the one and only community that I was a part of, and to lose all of that without any guarantee of being able to make up for it, it just makes me wish I could give up on the app entirely. So please Amino, consider an appeal for disabled accounts, because everyone makes mistakes, and it’s just as important for people to fix their mistakes, rather than dwell on them for as long as they can. Thank you for reading.
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  • Allow Appeal for Banned Users

    I was a passionate Amino user for seven years straight until I messed around and got my account banned, with little to no hope of getting any closure on the issue. I understand that there are certain guidelines that need to be followed, but it was never my intention to break even one of them. And I know that I was in the wrong, but at the last minute when I tried to fix my mistake, it was too late. But I truly believe that it is unfair that disabled users are unable to get an appeal for their ban, even if they were disabled by complete accident. Most of all, users should at least be able to talk with a real staff member, rather than an automated message that states that they cannot do anything to recover their account. Again, I spent seven dedicated years of my life to building up my account in the one and only community that I was a part of, and to lose all of that without any guarantee of being able to make up for it, it just makes me wish I could give up on the app entirely. So please Amino, consider an appeal for disabled accounts, because everyone makes mistakes, and it’s just as important for people to fix their mistakes, rather than dwell on them for as long as they can. Thank you for reading.
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  • Please help

    So I’ve used amino for many years and it was amazing in the beginning and i loved making friends and exploring creative writing and character creation. But lately there’s been so many issues and bugs and it just lags all the time, half of my existing chats have had to move to a whole other platform because amino is so laggy. You guys need to do something about it.

    Oh and another thing, i paid for Amino premium or plus or whatever it’s called, i paid for the subscription but i only get a few premium things, i think it should be fair to remove adds for those who have the subscription, seeing as we are giving you our money but i’m basically paying you to see pop up ads every 10 minutes.
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  • God Awful

    I’ve had this app for over 3 or more years and it used to be my go to app to talk to people and have fun while chatting with others and uploading pictures Over the years however, the app has gotten worse. 1. The communities have grown increasingly more toxic, people can’t chill out and it’s saddening to see. Communities will always have the small minority who are mean and toxic however it feels that minority thrives here 2. The app is really glitchy! It’s ridiculous, I don’t know what amino has done but it’s made this app unusable! It’s ridiculous if this is what they consider a quality app! The service just goes, it’s super slow, chat glitches, the featured page glitches, and everything else glitches. I’ve been kicked off the app 50+ times and I’m writing this as amino has kicked me out my account AGAIN. 3. When I’ve been kicked out my account a second time, I can’t contact amino because it’s so glitchy. It makes me sick that this is what I’ve put my investment to and considering I’ve got such an important friend to me on my account, it makes me really sad that I can’t reach amino’s team or even access my account through the password (WHICH IS SAVED AMINO) or the website. If this doesn’t get fixed, I won’t consider using amino again.

    Edit: Nothings changed. It’s a dying app. Not worth the effort sadly. Such a waste of an innovative app
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  • Please read carefully (iOS users mainly)

    This is app is amazing, don’t get me wrong. There’s so many community’s to join and you can really share your interests and meet new people. However, for new users I just need to point out a few things: 1) there’s so many bots that can spam your community profile (not the ones you make in community’s, your actual profile). They post unsafe links to hack your acc, invite you to scam chats to earn coins or spam follow you. DO NOT click these links!!! No matter what, those “get coins” links are fake and are not real. If someone pms you asking you to join their community, if it’s just a link this is fake. It’s only real if it shows a preview of the community under the link. 2) recently, amino have joined with Kik- which is another texting site except it’s mostly used for inappropriate content. With the new live feature, it is NOT what amino says it is. It can show you inappropriate content (not every time however) so please be careful and limit using this new feature!! That’s all, have fun :) (In my opinion it’s still good)
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  • Notifications, Or Lack Of, Are The Worst

    I’ve had this app for who knows how long now. I started in one community and stretched out to three making multiple friends and joining in on several different activities that the app has to offer including making posts, participating in polls and quizzes, joining groups to role play or just doing a one-to-one with someone however, despite the fact the apps has literally been slowly dying for the last few years I kept it (Sure I took a break a few times but who hasn’t at this point) and yet, all the years I’ve had it my only complaint is the notifications. I have them all turned on settings but never know when someone’s messages as the badges glitch and always tell me I have 1 notification even if I don’t - so that’s not reliable.

    I highly suggest, and I know I’m not the only one to have this thought or share this problem, that you add a sound notification. It’ll make it better for users to keep up with chats and activity on their posts/accounts - you’re limiting us and yourselves by having no sound and making it so we have to check it constantly like a ticking time bomb.
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  • Progressively Getting Worse

    A couple of years ago, this would’ve been 5 stars. So I’ve stuck by this app. I always looked past it’s flaws and thought it was a good app overall. But now they’re getting hard to overlook.

    This app has a major glitch on the daily. “Internal Server Error” is something I see way too often. I can’t message people through chats because of this constantly. I wrote a story on amino, and I write lengthy stories, and they used to warn me when I hit the word limit. But it didn’t warn me this time. I wrote past it, published it, and it cut off the third act of my story and I had to rewrite it again.

    Things constantly will not load. The app will often crash and kick me out. Ads, which were once optional for optional coins, now flood the place, making it annoying to just quickly check on your aminos and then leave the app.

    I still use amino. I still like the fundamental ideas of amino. It allows your work to be given attention by people who have a higher chance of appreciating it. It allows you to find people who share the same interests as you. But dang, is it buggy. I’m not good at computers or phones AT ALL, but surely this isn’t a normal level of glitches compared to other apps I use.
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  • Bots…

    In just 4 days I have gotten 121 messages from bots… I’m the type of person to keep their messages fairly organized since I hate seeing the red mark showing I have a message, so I keep things organized so I know when I do have a new message- but 121 messages… from bots… in 4 days… it’s just way too much! I know I’m not the only one dealing with this and the app is so much better other then the sometimes glitching and I know your working to fix all the things that have happened but the bots right now are over board…. My best idea is to create something on the profile that mutes messages for just the main account- not for that and all the communities but just that one so people don’t have to deal with constantly being messaged by bots, idk if it will work but it’s only a suggestion because I wanna be able to be on the app without having to constantly get rid of bot messages…

    I hope this can get get through to someone and possibly be helpful because I speak for a lot of people when I say it’s annoying… you can’t just block them because they come on different accounts all the time and the people on the comments mainly are telling them to go away and leave them alone… they just won’t stop!
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