Amino User Reviews

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  • They allow NSFW content!

    Please do not let you child download this application! The new update allows lives that shows sexual content to minors! This update will be dangerous because pedo will have more access to it.

    Please be safe until a new update get rid of this content(which I really doubt will happen)…
  • Yeah

    I’ve been an amino user for 5 years now and the recent removal of the users ability to disable advertisements irritates me. I can completely understand the company needing to remove the feature due to a lack of funds, but it would have been nice to have better placements of the advertisement. The biggest issue here is the promotion of dating and live applications to underage users, which I know myself and a few friends have received. These could be quite dangerous if accessed by a minor on the app, no? Some people have a large advertisement inside of their Chatrooms which makes chatting uncomfortable and feel less private, whereas the advertisements upon opening the app and within the feed are much better and more discreet. If you’re going to force users to engage with advertisements, at least make them less bulky.

    Furthermore, as of the recent update, 18+ content has been appearing on the livestream feature, does amino not prohibit this content? How can we expect it to be a safe place for its age group under these circumstances.
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  • Why the Live Stream Feature?

    Seriously… I swear Amino is slowly drifting from a Community based app where you can make friends… to a place where girls can promote their OnlyFans thanks to the stupid live stream feature.
    Please why did anyone thing this was a good idea… Amino is not an 18+ Streaming App!
    What is worse is that it seems it’s connected to Kik Streaming, so even more Horny guys in Amino Stream chats!
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  • Take down the ads and livestream

    I have been using this app for years and it’s been great- until now. I appreciated the fact that ads were optional to begin with, but now they are not and they are extremely annoying to view, and there isn’t even a coin reward for it anymore. Additionally, the live stream cannot be disabled which is problematic. It takes up an entire tab of the main page, and be globally pinned to every community, unable to be disabled by us. It is filled with inappropriate content, and is akin to what is known as “camming.” Think Twitch hot tub stream type stuff. Highly suggestive, with real money involved to “tip” these streamers.
    As this is an app primarily aimed at a younger demographic, this is absolutely deplorable. No one comes on amino for this type of content. I urge everyone to leave a 1 star review of the app in your respective store, and report it on iOS to the App Store to get it taken down immediately. We have to force them to remove this feature. TA (Team Amino) has been failing us. They have refused to give us proper updates or bug fixes, have done no marketing, leaving us as Leadership in every community to fend for ourselves while swarms of bots have attacked our members, so they could take the time to force us to watch ads and implement this softcore pornography feature.
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  • Was good but isn’t so much now

    In my close to 5 years worth of using amino i’ve had many good and bad time. Recently however it’s just plummeted with the servers always being screwy and many many people getting banned for no reason. One example of that is myself as i admit i have had many accounts before that were banned due to less then proper Pfp’s or the such and often i would get warnings before then to tell me to fix mt act or face the consequences. But recently i had a perfectly fine account with no warnings or strikes get banned and i had been talking about a different app called Project Z. I then learned that alot of people were getting banned due to talking about that other app was blacklisted which made sense with how i was banned. I have since then ceased using amino and thusly lost the ability to talk to can communicate with many friends i have made over the years there only really keeping one or two due to them using other social media outlets like discord or Project Z. Im not here complaining about being banned or demanding my account resorted cause I don’t care i just hope that those there at amino know that by banning talk of other apps or banning users without warnings will just cause your app to fall even more until it’s over shadowed by most everything else
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  • Gets buggier by the minute

    While I find this app to be useful for blogging and to have a good interface and community, I can’t say it’s annoying to use on mobile. If the adds aren’t a pain, then having to reinstall the app every time it crashes once is. I hope the team can sort out whatever bug’s causing this, because I really want to have a good experience with the app. As is, I’d struggle to recommend getting Amino on iPhone at the moment.
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  • Fun but some errors-

    I’ve always enjoyed Amino. It’s a fun Roleplay game to find your inner creativity and to make new friends who share the same ideas as you. It’s a great idea, although there is a few complaints. One of those complaints being that it’s always “out of service”. I swear almost every day Amino is having an issue with all the servers. Sometimes for a few minutes but other times for hours, which makes it extremely frustrating when you’re trying to text someone who has no other social you can text them on. Another issue I have is with some of the people ON amino. Which is the children. Not all of them are bad but most of them cause issues by trolling and bullying, a lot of them reporting people for no reason just because they don’t like you.

    I do wish to say, that amino is a fun app nevertheless for finding friends, creating stories, aesthetics and OCs. It does help me store future book characters away there until I’ve had a chance to put them into a real story. My only real complaint is, again, the “out of service” errors I constantly receive when trying to log on...
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  • Old things & New problems

    Hello I been using amino for at least 5 years and I still use this app! I’d like to explain some impressive things, improvements needed and old things that should be brought back: 1. There’s over load of ads. And even if you turn off ads you still gain a lot of ads. 2. Removal of the mute button for everyone. Being able to mute one person who’s probably being too loud in vcs. 3. There’s a lot of people that get banned but still have access to the banned account. I get invited by banned accounts please make sure that people can gain access to banned accounts. Overall it’s a fun app to chat and roleplay with others with the same interests as you! I’m glad there’s more events added to have fun and win some price's!
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  • Lots of problems as of late

    I’ve literally been using this app since 2016 and all the updates seem to just be making this app worse. Not only are people not allowed to really have their own voice anymore, there’s also a bunch of bugs throughout the app. Like not getting told you’ve gotten a warning, the chats not sending randomly for like three days straight (telling you to retry and only when you’ve pressed that ten times does it send). Amino, you really need to step up your game…
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  • It’s kind of slow

    Amino is a great place to meet new friends and join communities. But I have a problem. When I tap the Amino icon, it takes a while for it to load. I have to wait for a lot of minutes for the community pictures and banners to appear. And after it loads, it will sometimes freeze. I have to refresh it and wait for it to load again. Is there a way to fix it?
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