Uber User Reviews

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  • Useless Customer Service

    I have only been driving for a month and 141 rides but have been in contact with Uber customer service 4 times and they have never resolved an issue any of those times. 1 - Received a 1 Star rating and wanted an idea on what I did wrong and then explain I did have a passenger with special needs (his words) have issues getting out of my vehicle and left his phone in my car. Mom called and apologized and we took care of it but just wanted Uber to know.
    2 & 3 - I have had 2 riders call me and want me to cancel the ride because they can’t figure out on their end how to cancel on the Uber app so I cancel and get dinged.
    4 - Acceptance rate - For some reason I keep missing rides with the Uber app and not Lyft. I’m at 97% on Lyft only missing 3. On Uber I can’t get above 84%. I think it is because when I am helping with luggage or opening the doors for riders the rides are coming up. On Lyft they automatically put them in the que and I asked if I can make it so Uber does the same thing because I can’t get to 85% to become GOLD.
    On all these issues they just keep saying no one can call me back but they will pass on the information. You would think they would want input from a new driver learning for the first time but that’s not the case with Uber. Just go out and have fun giving rides and enjoy your riders and try not to worrying about the stats because they don’t track them fairly...that is my opinion of coarse.
    Have a great day..
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    Developer Response

    Hi, we understand your concerns with the rating, cancellation fee and the acceptance rate. We want to take a closer look into this for you. Send in a quick note to t.uber.com/drivercontact and we'll connect.
  • Keeps logging me offline

    I recently had a trip which I accepted, half way there the trip disappears, I close out the app and reopen it and the destination is back, I continue to the destination, pick up the passenger, drop her to her destination & complete the trip. About 20 seconds after I pull off the riders destination pops back up as if I hadn’t dropped them off yet. I click complete ride and it goes away. About another 20 seconds the same exact thing happens again. So I click complete ride once more. He continued doing that for about another 15 mins even while I’m going offline and canceling the ride over and over. Even while “offline” it would pop back up telling me now that I still never even gave the rider a ride at all, it would tell me her starting destination again. So I jus kept canceling the ride. Eventually that ride issue stopped and now whenever I go online, I’m online for a couple mins, put my phone down to down whatever, but leaving the driver app open to hear and see if a ping comes in. I’ll randomly look back at my phone and it’ll say “offline” when I know I was “online”. This JUST started happening so I’m a bit confused. It’s a nasty glitch that I’m afraid is causing me to miss $$. 😔
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  • This app needs work

    I have only been working with Uber for about 4 weeks and have been VERY eager to earn money !! I have done OVER 137 trips and it says I have declined 30 trips !!!!! There is NO WAY I have missed that many and I have NEVER declined 1 trip !! But the WORST one is where the app messed up while finding trips, and a customer called me from a previously accepted trip that ‘dropped off’ and went back to looking for trips. He seemed desperate to get to the airport so I agreed to take him. I verified with Uber that I would be covered insurance wise even though the app was OBVIOUSLY having issues. I tried 6-7 times over 10 days afterwords to reach out to CS to get this trip ‘fixed’ so I could be paid. The kicker was when I received an email notice that I would NOT be paid due to NOT contacting them within 10 days and to “in the future be sure to notify Uber within 10 days of any issues”. To say I was upset would be putting it lightly !!! In calling CS I informed the rep that it was not their personal fault but I was VERY upset and took it out on them. And she was able to ‘fix’ it right then !!! WHY DID IT TAKE 10 days & 6-7 reps before I could get it resolved !?!?!?
    I am gonna get my CDL license so I can make REAL money driving for delivering goods instead of people so I can provide a living instead of just side hustle money with Uber .
    This is such a shame since I love to meet people and drive my car !!!
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, we're sorry to hear about your experience the trips. We want to look into this for you. Please contact our Support team at t.uber.com/drivercontact and we'll take it up from there.
  • 4.98 driver here, the app is broken since last update!

    Hi, hopefully someone from Uber (whom has any kind of authority) reads this. Not only are pick up locations wrong - I had to start calling every passenger during pick up, to confirm there location - but they also added a terrible function where if you decline 2-3 requests in a row it will log you out of the whole app, not just put you unavailable, so you have to put in your screen name and password and get it going again and turn on rides.

    Obviously during that log out multiple bad things could have happened like you lost your surge, you missed a turn, your focusing on and being required to do touch the app and try to type in names and passwords while driving - a safety hazard as well as chance of a ticket .

    Guys, there are reasons we don’t take every request that comes in, there are rating reasons first off. You have your multiple reasons too, like not showing destinations of the rides until they are picked up etc. please revert this log out function. I’m 4.98, have a new 2019 car, a completely clean driving record for over 20 years, and never have a problem. If I dont want to accept a ride from a bad apple or one that is behind me while I’m on the freeway with no exits in sight, or ones that are 16 mins away or even more, while I’m stuck in downtown after a mlb game, then I should be able to do that without punishment. Please revert to the app pre-most recent update.
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  • Recommended Uber driver app improvements

    I give it a 3 because after Ubering for a week, sometimes it takes me on toll routes without notifying me ahead of time. Since I don’t have a sunpass in the state of Florida. Then I have to go online and look for the bill for my toll. I wish it had a feature where I can avoid tolls like the app Waze offers. Also one the iPhone gps. Another reason is it’s not current with road construction within the city you are driving. This would be an amazing feature to avoid long drive times with and without the customer in the vehicle so we can avoid traffic build up. Also I’ve noticed when it tries to cut through some turns within plazas or a neighborhood, sometimes I approach an intersection that’s only one way and then I have to think quick and come up on when to bust a U turn so that the gps can reroute quickly. As an Uber driver I am required to have a profile photo. When an alert comes through on the gps I wish I can see my Uber riders photo so that in a large crowd, I know who to look for and kind of know what he or she looks like. It would be helpful if the rider is ordering a ride, that they confirm how many seats would be taken. I’m aware that it gives you the option to use waze but I like to stay within the app since everything I need when I’m “on the clock” is there all in one screen.
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  • Uber Review

    Im enjoying driving Uber meet any ethnic nationality and driving with the spirit of Aloha. here in hawaii very high cost of living
    i got 3 wonderfull kids that keep me going. when my fren Paul introduce to me if I wanna do Uber sure why not i started my application last 3 months ago and did not meet the requirements for my 02 honda odyssey. so i ask my family if i can borrow money so i can start Uber i waited 3 months finally somebody got good hearts to land me money i find this car on social media its 08 honda fit so this month i continue my application and thank god went thru so i started driving i did finish my 30 trips in 3 days so i contacted Uber if do i get the promotion bunos ive been notified that ive alredy pass 90 days my heart sank i didnt wanna talk and quit should be considerate and understanding that i did 30 trips in 3 days cuz my application doesnt went thru when i started my application how can i starts picking up passenger if i didnt have the ride and its denied should be better if im approve and then starts counting 90 days. im expecting my bonus to pay my brother i should be more enjoying and happier driving with Uber if i got my bonus luckily my fren Paul convince me keep going and i try my best to go back on the road..
    Mahalo Nui Loa!!
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  • Uber is on its way out

    If you have not noticed Uber is trying everything they can to stay relevant, everything except the things that really matter. The first being listening to their customers both drivers and riders. Notice they change their logo, their app, their surge pricing, but they won’t change customer service... the reason this matters? Here is a real world example. The app automatically initializes the next part of the trip without me pushing a button. The reason this matters is because I had a ride with a stop and when I clicked at the stop, I let the passenger out. I then had to move the car to park and when I did it assumed we were done at the stop. As a result I missed out on roughly $6. When I called to explain this the lady that answered did not seem to have English as a first language. After that call she actually adjusted the ride so that I made less money. I called a second time and the gentlemen seem to struggle to understand my English as well. He too did not fix my issue. Do yourself a favor and avoid Uber.

    Now the developers want me to take the time to submit another report about the issue. As I said uber does not get it. When drivers are out there and an issue with pay or trip arises we need it fix ASAP so we can get back to work. Missing out on money when the margins are already thin is crushing. So no I will not message you again, and like you are seeing everyday I am another driver who has moved on from Uber and not looked back.
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  • Uber has failed

    What can I say about Uber. Although I have a great record/rating as a driver, Uber has failed me multiple times with there glitches and errors. I didn't think I would ever have to write a review until now. I am very upset! The whole purpose of drive Uber is to make quick cash. I drove Uber for several hours last night and my funds were not available to me. The reps on the phone couldnt give me any type of time frame or estimate when this mistake may be fixed. I stopped doing Uber for the night since I couldn't cash out. This morning, I expected to cash out, but now my funds won't be available to me until the 17th of September!! I needed that money to pay on something now which is why I drove last night!! On top that big problem, Ubers drop off locations for passengers are still not accurate. I took one women to a location and she didn't even stay in that area. This has happened multiple times. I try very hard to give my passengers the best experience possible(and it shows on my account) and Uber can't even give me that. If the money issue happens again, I may switch to lyft. As a company, you can not promote your business telling people you will make quick money or earn money fast if your app doesn't work correctly. Thats considered FALSE information. I understand that apps/programs have issues sometimes, but one thing you must try to avoid is mess with someones money (and I mean hold/freeze it).
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  • Hope for a minor change

    Thanks Uber for giving me a way to earn extra income. As of now, I have had only good experience working but one incident.. A customer reported that I was driving while intoxicated and was swerving, which I can only laugh at the report.. My body rejects alcohol and even smelling it causes me to lose my breath so in no way can I consumerist.. I probably would not have made a big deal about it but, there was a concert and I was unable to drive... Uber should force each driver to submit to a alcohol and drug test any time a report of this topics is made so drivers can quickly return to work.. if driver is has a negative result, the rider who report the issues should pay for the test and any lost wages that has occurred due to the false claim... Uber has already given me 2 drug test which I passed so I was willing to submit to a third.. Uber should also have bonus like Lyft does so we can be encouraged to drive... One last issue, for whatever reason, a friend I invited to drive always gets promotion bonus and I Never do.... being here for 2.5 years you can only imagine the bitterness I feel towards this issue.... can someone please let me know the EXACT reason why I’m not able to get the same promotion bonus...
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