Ultimate Savanna Simulator User Reviews

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    OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! I love all your games!❤️❤️ You make THE BEST simulation games I have ever seen!!🤩 I am a HUGE fan of gluten free games! I have your dog 🐶 cat 🐱horse🐴 and SavannaSim🦁 games! I’ve tried sooooo many other sims and they all sucked! They were so stupid! 😤 No offense to anyone who likes any other sims than gluten free.😬 that’s just how I feel. Gluten free games is the best! The only thing I would recommend is that you look into making sims where your a human and not an animal. Love your games soooooo much!!
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  • It’s great here’s my idea for your next game if you make it

    Please make an ultimate swamp sim ideas for animals: you start as a panther, and there would be otters, and gators, and a gar. Other then those I don’t have any specifics on animals just please please please make a ultimate swamp sim it would probably be my favorite of your games(even tho I’ve only played UltSavSim) I also want a ultimate rainforest sim I know you guys already have a ultimate forest sim but the animals in the forests and rainforests are different. Animals I want in the rainforest would be a jaguar, spider monkey, basilisk(a basilisks is a lizard that runs on water), and a woodpecker. I think I forgot about a gliding lizard called a Draco lizard and a beaver. I also was wondering about an ultimate desert sim as far as animals go I’ll leave that to you guys
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  • I love it! Here are a few ideas I have

    I love this game, I think it’s so cool that you can play as so many different animals (my favorite being the zebra) and they all look really realistic. The way they are animated is also very smooth. I do have a few ideas though, I think that the game should be connected to Game Center so that you can save the progress on any device, the other idea would be to just have a sign it place so that you can save your progress that way too. My last idea is a multiplayer option, so that you could play with your friends and stuff I think that would be lit.

    I love this game so much and it’s so fun!
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  • Die a hero or live a coward?A cheetah sim story.

    Rush the cheetah sat down with her mate Blurr. She felt the cubs she was pregnant with squirm in her stomach. Suddenly, Blurr got up quickly and tensed. “Lions.” Blurr said stiffly. “How
    close?” Rush asked,worry in her voice. “Pretty close.” Blurr replied. “Should we run?”Rush asked. “You won’t be fast enough because...” He motioned to her stomach. Rush squinted against the sun. Then she gasped in horror. “What is it?” Asked Blurr. “They’re so close! I can see them perfectly.” She said. Then, out of the bushes came a HUGE lion. “It’s an ambush!” Blurr yelled. The lion sprang at Rush, tackling and pinning her to the ground. Rush screeched in fear. Blurr jumped on the lion on Rush, knocking the lion off. Then, the rest of the pride joined in on the attack. Blurr jumped in front of Rush,
    facing the lions. “RUN!” Screamed Blurr as a lion jumped on him. And Rush did run, she ran faster than she ever did. She raced across the savanna. Finally, she stopped, out of breath, flanks heaving. She escaped. She walked back to the place of the attack, and found her mate...dead. She screeched in sadness. 3 days later, she gave birth to 2 cubs named Nimble and Lively. They lived happily ever after. She never forgot her mate though, who was a hero to the family. The end.
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  • Computer and IPad issues...

    So, I had the game on my computer and IPad , and they both had issues. So, I’m telling you the things you should fix.

    Computer: I would open up the game and not even three seconds in it broke. It would be like this for hours until it shut off, but when it was working things were a mess! I got in the game, and it set me back to level 1! ( My character was level 73 at the time.) Once I had my gazelle foal, she was flung up and she was gone from the family, so I had to wait another 15 minutes.

    IPad: During eating, family members will sometime fling into the sky and fall down again. When I’m finally fighting a boss my mate will die randomly and come back in the fight quickly somehow. ( And I never play as him. ) And when I kill a fish they expand into a giant fish. Overall, it was better than the computer.

    Please don’t think I’m hating. I do like this game! I’m just asking for a few updates. Good job, Gluten free games!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝
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  • I LOVE IT but here are suggestions

    I absolutely love the game but here are my suggestions we should start as baby animals like we have to drink from our mother and our mother protects us but we do have the natural amount as siblings that real animals have oh and when we are older instead of being destined with one mate our mate tries to impress us and we choose if they go or stay and if we are males like originally we lead the group and protect the pack or whatever but here are my suggestions I hope you listen to them for the next game you create oh and one more thing we have to protect our meals from other creatures and if we are a Jaguar we take meals from other and hide them in trees
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  • Kangaroo sounds good…

    I love all of your games, there very good, and very real, and really nice to play, (and you have a lot of animal sims) but... Could you add a Ultimate Kangaroo simulator? I would really love it!!! And could you make it have a choice to play online/offline? Like when you click on settings could you add a thing where there's a offline and online button and when you click on, other players appear, but when you click offline players disappear. That would ASOME!!!! But you don't have to if its a waste of time and money. But if you don't mind… PLZ MAKE THIS GAME!!! Plz!! (But Do NOT make this game if you don't want to) I would love it and send you a review on it saying all good things. Thanks for your time! Love your games! Best simulators ever!!! Thx for your time!!!
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  • Great game

    Really cool game... but.
    So I’d make it where your cheetah or whatever animal you’re using, should be able to have more babies. Ever 5 levels or so. It’s currently 15 and 25 and maybe more. You should have it kill another animal at age 5, and then you bring it back to life. You should have it every 5,10,15,20, etc. Should also let your animal have twins. So your herd of cheetahs will be unstoppable.
    Also you should have the crocodile or alligator whatever they are, and hippopotamus be able to go under the water. I play a cheetah most of the time, and there’s a jungle area where my group of cheetahs live.
    And less sand storms, even in the jungle area it’s annoying. And then your in your den in the jungle sand goes over the cliff thing into the the den. Also just don’t put any sand storms into the jungle area.
    And please put in a few more exciting fires. The fires are really fun to run from in my opinion.
    But besides those things, it’s a really good game. Please add my suggestions into this game.
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  • AMAZING!!! But I Do Have 1 Request

    Okay this game is awesome! But I do have a request, maybe you could add a lion bc I feel like a lot of ppl wouldn’t want to buy a compleat diff game just to be a lion and you could swap it with something like the hyena, since there is already a simulator about them, but I think more ppl would get this game then but some would maybe want to just be a lion and they would play the “Ultimate Lion Simulator” But that’s just what I think people would do! But this is by far one of the best Ultimate Simulators you guys have made! And I can tell because I have all of the ultimate simulators!

    Thanks For Reading!
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  • Do you guys ever read reviews

    Ok don’t get me wrong this is an awesome game but there is a bug the needs to be fixed in this game if you read this it would be very nice so let’s get started

    the health bar needs to be fixed, after leveling up sometimes the health bar randomly moves from the right place and into the wrong place, seriously people it’s annoying, it also happens in all my other ultimate simulators,

    Other suggestions

    I don’t like how animals look when they are dead because they don’t look normal at all I want the animals to look different when dead examples (look like they’ve been knocked out, lay down while sticking there tongue out,

    ,when playing on the mobile taping on something in front of the night vision button will turn on night vision instead of the button you tapped on

    Those are all of my suggestions, and wait do you even read any of my reviews if you don’t then why would you ask people to rate the game
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