Zones for Training User Reviews

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  • Love this app…but iOS 16 update toggles off heart rate data

    I’ve used this app to track workouts 3 to 5 times a week for several years and love it! However, the Apple iOS 16 update toggled off the heart rate access, making the app useless. To toggle heart rate back on, go into Apple phone Settings // Health // Data Access & Devices // Zonesand turn Heart Rate and other settings to ON. Problem fixed!
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  • Discard workout option disappeared

    I used to use this app and have it running alongside the apple workout app to notify me when I entered a different zone. I would discard the workout at the end so as not to have a duplicate workout entry in my health and activity app. The app no longer allows you to discard a workout when you’ve finished, and also will not let you use the app unless you give it write access to health. Either bring back the discard workout button or allow use without write access.
    This app may be redundant now anyway with watchos 9 so will probably delete it. I will definitely delete it if the above changes are not made.
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  • Works well

    I mainly use this app while cycling, so my review is based around that. I enjoy hearing the zone sounds while I’m working out, since I’ve had issues with recording workouts with my watch in the past. Recently, I was 55 min deep into my ride, only to notice that even though the HR zones were still sounding, the ride had paused at 4 min. Joy. Next day, it happened again, but a bit further into the ride. Turns out that if you take a screen shot (of a song that’s playing and you want to remember it, easy enough to do without looking at watch) or tell your Apple Watch to remind you to do something later (best thinking comes while I’m on the bike), it pauses the workout, and you have no real way of knowing unless you are able to really look at your watch while moving (hard to do on moving bike and watch is worn on forearm). The app pauses when you are stopped, which I like, but since I would have to stop to see if the app was recording… You might be thinking “why don’t you hit resume or continue or whatever?” Because there is NO WAY to unpause the workout!
    So, Zones team, please fix the issue of pausing the app when things like a screen shot are taken or Siri is activated, or at least throw in a “resume” workout option.
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  • Insights Data Missing

    Knowing for how many minutes I am in each zone during my workouts is why I downloaded the free version of the Zones app, and I love seeing the Zones I’m in while completing my workouts.

    I purchased Zones Pro for the analytics aspect of being able to see how many minutes per week I’m in each Zone. However, there are no custom reports that allow you to run reports on Zones. The weekly goal chart allows you to see for how many minutes you’re in the moderate/intense zones. However, there’s no way to break out that chart into the desired Zone. For example, I have a goal to burn fat, so I only want to see how often I’m in the fat-burning zone. Someone who’s strengthening their heart may only want to see when they’re in the cardio zone.

    The app doesn’t have a way to request Support; the Help tab only contains Guides articles and FAQs. Hopefully someone sees and responds to this review!
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  • Gives 250 calories per hour for sitting on the coach

    This app worked well at first but for the last three weeks it gives me 250 calories burned per hour when I am watching tv. And the little green light on the back of my watch is stuck on. I deleted it as it totally screws up what I need to do for the day. Uninstalling & reinstalling might work, but I won’t be doing that as I don’t have time to be uninstalling and reinstalling apps all the time. Either it works or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t it gets deleted. A bummer cause I never had any problem with my Fitbit

    Eventually reinstalled it to try again (2022) worked great until the last few months it starts workouts on its own, nothing hits the face of the watch. I can be sitting or sleeping and wake up to find I played tennis for 6 hours and have 1200 calories. Looking for new app.
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  • Great cardio and Apple Watch companion

    Love this app. Got it when my friend was new to Apple Watch and was looking for a way to monitor her heart rate zones. It wasn’t even for me! And now here I am singing it’s praises. This app helps to give non gym savvy people like me a target for treadmill work so I don’t wind up mindlessly walking at an arbitrary incline and speed for hours hoping I’ll burn enough calories for fat burn. I also appreciate that this app is set and forget! It works in the background and collects useful data without having to be turned on at the start of every workout. My favorite part however has to be that although there is a paid version, all the features I like and downloaded the app to use have been accessible without incessant prods to upgrade to the paid version. In 2022, that’s basically unheard of and it’s exactly why I’m here writing this review. Easy to use, helpful app that does what it advertises without the upgrade guilt trip. Very pleased.
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  • Finally an app with hr notifications during run!

    Finally an app that works with iWatch to tell you when you’ve left you’re HR zone in the middle of your run. I’ve been searching for an app that does this for awhile now. Of the few apps I’ve found, this one has been the easiest to use and the most aesthetically pleasing. Went ahead and got the PRO version so I could have the 5 zones instead of 4. Definitely worth it.
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  • Great little app 🔥

    I’ve been using the pay version of this app for about two years now. It’s a great little app, it works with both Apple Watch and the health app, but it does a better job of putting the information I want in a visual format. Plus, it does a better job of summarizing by year. This month I’m using it for zones training. I have a competition going with a friend, where we’re trying to exercise for the greater number of minutes in our upper heart rate zones. As a result, I just set a PR this very afternoon. Kind of cool.
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  • Richard

    Great app, I rarely rate apps, but this one deserves a five star rating, provides so much information in user friendly format!
  • World Health Organization?

    The app is very intricate, without being confusing. After syncing the app with my current Health results I was not happy with my overall performance. This gave me tons more matrices to look at and see were I could personally do better. I bought the paid version and recommend you do also. If you find the free version intriguing, skip that morning coffee tomorrow, and grab the paid version. Well worth the Deeper Dive. My only comment is they reference using the WHO for some of its health guidelines. Maybe make them region specific? Dietary availability should be considered before using a source such as the WHO.
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