Score! Match User Reviews

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  • Generally fun but has its issues

    Overall I’d say I enjoy playing the game but one thing that really stands out is the fact that you barely have any control over your players. The only real control you have over them is when you have to the ball and you’re telling them where to pass or shoot it or when you’re defending and you’re selecting the player to attempt a tackle on the opponent with the ball. Anything else your players do is totally unpredictable, which is really frustrating. Sometimes you’d expect your player to get the ball and cross it in but instead they attempt a futile dribble and lose the ball, leaving what little defense you have to deal with the counter attack. Other times, you’re left with a couple defenders and one of them goes in for the tackle but completely mistimes it and slides into empty space but the other defender isn’t even there to support, hopefully making up for a defensive mistake that wasn’t even the player’s fault. Anyways, I’m not saying it’s a bad game but there are a few major gameplay issues.
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  • Fun but frustrating

    Fun and addictive game to get into easily my favorite mobile soccer game. Upgrading players is a struggle however and as you are progressing further and further it only gets harder. Basically once you get to Arena 10 you have to have either played 10,000 matches and not touched grass in years or have to have spent $100 just to be competitive. My players have been stuck on level 7 for a while now and I just get absolutely destroyed by teams that have level 9 and 10 players, to the point where I enjoy losing so I get put back into arena 9 so I can actually play against similar players. I wish you could choose to play in Arenas with people that have a similar average overall of players or something to make it more enjoyable.
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  • Fix the characters

    I don't know if the character needs update to become smart or the developers need to fix the game because My characters are dumb for example: The opponent is behind My character the ball is in the air close to my character and the opponent the opponent from behind my character jumps and My character does not jump and the opponent throws the ball to their teammate. Can you explain why did my character didn’t jump and why the opponent jump. That is stupid. Example 2: The opponent is about to get the ball because their teammate pass it to the opponent. My character is near the opponent that is about to get the ball and when the opponent gets the ball My character backs up instead stealing their ball. Im like confused because IDK why my character backs up instead getting the opponent ball Its not like the opponent character COVID-19. NGL this makes the character dumb
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  • Good game but I have some ideas for improvements

    This is a fun game with a really good concept, there are a few frustrating things though. When you advance a league you should get a one time prize or box of cards so that you have a chance to upgrade your players, otherwise it takes forever to upgrade them and then it takes just as long to become competitive in higher leagues. When you go up the leagues quickly your players quickly fall behind and end up being 3-5 levels behind everyone else’s players and it’s impossible to win. Also some of the animations are a little strange and can end up hindering your play. PKs are a huge problem in this game, pretty much anytime there’s a tackle in the box it’s a PK. This isn’t fun for anyone. I also wish there was some more customization for your captain such as new hairstyles, new cleats, and even tattoos. You could put these in boxes or special boxes and would keep people interested, and you could add new things to the game besides players that create a power creep. It seems impossible to get super players, which isn’t entirely a bad thing, but I have 3 accounts 1 in arena 10, 1 in arena 9, and 1 in arena 7, and haven’t gotten a single super player.

    Anyways I think these could be huge improvements to the game wich would keep people interested and elevate this game.
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  • Nothing but

    I agree with all most of the 1 star rating, I just feel 2 stars is what it deserve, 3 stars at most for being generous. For having played 12,000 games, my advice is:
    You need a certain mindset to play this game. Nothing makes sense, view it as a shaolin soccer game then you can deal with the fraustrations.

    Be comfortable with exiting a match, relegations, and consecutive loses, playing against those with cheat formations and tactics, etc.

    You can tell sometimes the match is predetermined that you win or lose. Everything you do right in the previous will go wrong in the next. You can win 7 consecutive matches and lose same.

    Most annoying of all is the cheat formations and players. All the users do is cross and head. When you’re matched with them, 9 out of 10 every cross with end up at the back of your net. The Hammers, Bulldozers, Commanders, now Majors are OP on attack. Either use 3-5-2 or 5-3-2, go to the touchline, cross-head and win.

    I don’t know much about the pay to win, but I won’t put it pass it.

    I’m pretty sure the developers are aware of the complaints and feedbacks, it’s either they’re okay with the game play or don’t know how to correct these issues.

    Try not to take it personal and you can pass time with it. And I wouldn’t recommend spending on unless they change things.
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  • It’s got a soccer ball but it’s not soccer.

    Anyone that understands the beautiful game of fútbol, when playing this app you’ll see that the ideology of this app is not like fútbol. You have the ball and you got someone far left who is wide open where you can pass and gain yards. Instead it gives you the options where you can only pass to your men who are well covered. You pass the ball and it gets stolen. Obviously!
    Next problem I see is when your forward has the ball and he’s about 20 yards clear from the goalie and no one is on him nor any defenders in front of him, instead of getting closer to the goalie to score. It stops and tells you to pass to someone who’s covered. And further away to from the goalie. That’s when I knew this app was way too off.
    & another problem is how all the players are just scattered around not playing in formation. There’s no idea or strategy in this game. It’s Basically just a pass and shoot game. I gave it a try for like 2 weeks but never got any better.
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  • Scripted beyond belief

    This game is unbelievably scripted. It seems that it is predetermined before the match who the AI wants to win, and that team almost always wins. The team that the AI doesn’t want to win will see their players dribble out of bounds, keepers botch easy saves, dribble right into tackles of defenders, and pass to absolutely nobody. All of these will occur in the 5 offensive touches you get in the match. Most of your time in the match will be spent playing defense against a player who has spent a lot of money in game. Their players will be higher levels, dribble around your players or draw fouls, and win the ball back with ease if you ever happen to get a hold of it. One time when I was on the right end of a scripted match I took a free kick that my player hit pretty directly at the keeper. His keeper should’ve caught it easily, yet he parried it, it hit the post, then his center back took a donkey touch from 6 yards out to knock it into his own net. This game is a pay to win designed to make you spend money and it is not worth wasting your time on.
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  • Please, just kill me!!!

    I’m going to start with something positive... I actually really enjoy this game. HOWEVER. I can’t stand trying to play smart and feeling like my players (even my Facebook friends’ players) are playing with a mental handicap or something. There’s no reason for these players to be fumbling around with the ball for a few seconds just to get absurdly slide tackled. With that said, I’m surprised there’s no injuries in this game because the amount of ankle breaking and knee jerking is off the freakin’ charts. I know for a fact the player AI works against you because you can rematch another human player multiple times just to win the first couple matches then lose repeatedly to them or other players from around the globe without ever getting to the opposing half of the field. Without a shadow of a doubt, there is a mechanic that purposely makes you lose so you struggle to advance through the Arenas so you’re almost forced to spend money on better players. But, I’m not spending a freakin’ penny on this game...

    tl;dr The game can be really fun to play, but be prepared to get very angry to the point of rage-quitting and complaining about AI defects 🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿
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  • Don’t do it

    This game is horrible. ew the recent reviews and you will see that anyone who hasn’t been paid by the Dev team to rate this game has the same opinion on this trash af game. The AI has to have a bug or had to be designed by North Korea or something. No matter what your player levels are if the game wants you to lose you will! I’ve been playing the game for about a full year now coming back to it every now and then to see if the dev team finally finished watching a single soccer game. I get my hopes up because this game could be decent at best but they would rather continue to force you to have to spend money to get any sense of satisfaction. I have 6 level 10 players on my team and I frequently play with players either way below my level and I crush them or I play the most OP squad the game has and they just use the long ball glitch to either out run my entire squad or they slide tackle me until I rage quit . I’ve played so many games where I can’t advance the ball past my side of the field without being knee capped for what should be a red card but guess what no red card lucky to get a free kick. You will never get any of the actual good players without spending money FYI and even if you Happen to get one the way you have to level them up insures you spend money. FTG has never watched or played soccer ever! This game will make you want to throw your phone. Don’t download it. I’d rather break my thumbs.
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  • It’s All Fake

    I’m guessing you occasionally play human players in the beginning levels but after so long it’s all AI. They’ve gone so far as to have the AI rage quit at the end of matches to create the illusion it’s a real player. You have to give it to the developers. There’s been a ton of care put into a variety of ways to make it feel like you’re really playing other people around the world. You’re not. I wonder how many people have “played me” when I wasn’t logged in to the game using my FB picture and stats. I have level 9 players across the board, all of the unique players they started rolling out, and have been playing in the 10+ ( now infinity) for most of the time the last 4 months. I’m over it. I’ve payed money to up level players and put in countless hours having nearly 5k games under my belt. I would pay serious money if I could play this game for real...but you just can’t. It’s all a mirage and geared to making you angry so you’ll spend incremental money to improve.l your player stats. Do. Not. Download.
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