Score! Match User Reviews

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  • So much potential!!!

    This game would be so fun, it is a really unique and amazing concept. It’s fun and and addictive but it lacks and can leave you with so much anger. The biggest problem is the A.I. It is horrible, they will usually never pass the ball, or just try to shoot it from a ridiculous spot. I had a Match where my player had the ball and all of a sudden he stopped running and the opponent got the ball and scored. I really wished they would fix the A.I. Because this would be such a fun game. In addition, Defending in this game is pretty weird, it can be frustrating because you have to tap the player you want to try to get the ball. There has been instances where one of my players could of easily taken the ball but ran the complete opposite direction because I didn’t tap that player. I hardly ever write reviews on games, and this is one of the first because I truly enjoy this game but can be frustrating and annoying. The biggest problem here is the A.I. From outrages passes to clunky mechanics this game could have so much potential
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  • Devs have probably never played football

    The developers obviously have not even watched an actual football match in preparation for this game. Standing tackles don’t exist; slide tackles only. When you do try to tackle, whatever player you select won’t stop if your opponent switches the play so he leaves a giant gap as he flies out of position. Your men hardly ever take space unless they’ve dodged a tackle and when they do try to dribble, it is always right at the defender. They need to switch these two actions however they can because they are completely opposite of what should be happening in those situations. Also, the offsides is pretty bad. It’s pretty clear that my opponent is behind my defensive line well before the pass is off, but somehow he’s on. So either your offsides call is bad or someone isn’t keeping the defensive shape. Both are serious problems that need to be fixed. In summary, none of the players play anything like real footballers would.
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  • Usually fun with a couple small issues

    I honestly like playing this game and I think most of the criticism towards the AI isn’t justified. Every pass/touch isn’t going to be exactly how you want it and every player won’t move exactly how you want them to. It can be aggravating at times with certain types of players but if used correctly they can be good too. My main issue is with connectivity where it doesn’t always let you remove your slide tackling player because it lags drawing your whole defense out of position. I like how punishing/rewarding it can be but it’s frustrating when you can’t select/deselect a player due to connection. Aside from that I’d like to be able to pick the numbers for all my players and make it easier to find/unlock different formations.
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  • Getting better but a long way to go

    If you play this for any length of time you’re going to realise the inherent limitations of the game as it stands today. The game emphasises the worst aspects of score hero (which I enjoyed and played a lot). Terrible AI, illogical player decisions and a random number generator that seems anything but random. There are games in which you tackle every ball, win every header and get to every breakdown first and there are games when you won’t catch a break on anything. Look at most of the players with a few hundred games under their belt and their win/loss ratio will be very close to 50%. When you see that time after time it’s telling.

    The good news is the developer is making positive changes with the new tackling system a welcome change. However it’s hard to be really enthusiastic about the game in its current state which is a shame as I really enjoyed score hero. Hopefully the developers will continue to improve the game.
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  • Fun but weirdly frustrating

    Update: yeah it’s rigged in favor of one team or the other, still fun though,,,,,,,

    This game is fun and a good concept and time waster. However like many reviews have noticed once you’ve played hundreds of games you begin to see a pattern. One game your players are passing beautifully, running great, getting every slide tackle and timing everything perfectly and you score beautiful goals and feel like you are really good.

    The next game you miss all your slide tackles cause fouls and penalties and the other team easily beats you. There comes a point where timing and skill have nothing to do with the game play and it all depends on how the AI decides to play. I’ll win two in a row then lose 10. Then win five. Like other reviewers have said this is probably on purpose to keep your buks low and force you to buy.

    Other than that weird defect in the game, the animations are good, the graphics are good and it’s pretty fun. If it was more consistent in the gameplay it would be the perfect game. They need to fix their algorithm so they don’t make you lose on purpose. Also I’m not sure all the players are real players. Maybe have a better in game chat so you can see if they are bots or not.
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  • Horrible and pointless

    This game isn’t even a game. It’s a little 2 minute video that leaves little options that make you think you’re running your team when in fact you have no control. The only control that you have is on offense you can decide in what general direction you want the ball to go and on defense you get a button that says at some point someone on your team will try to tackle the person. I liked it at first but that’s just because it was in my favor since I was a new user but the second I actually started playing consistently I lost every game. At that point you then are just in an endless loop of getting enough daily credits for three games and each of those games is more infuriating than the next. Your players don’t run the way you want, the opposition defense is flawless compared to yours even if yours is higher leveled, and almost all of your tackles end up as penalties in which case you just have to sit there for 15 seconds watching how pointless a defense is when they can’t tackle.

    I wouldn’t wish this game on my worst enemy because of the true anger that comes from thinking each day will be the day it turns around. The developers of this game are true spawns of Satan if they believe that this is a fun game and they should fix their issues before even thinking of ever making another game in their lives.
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  • Occasionally fun, usually aggravating

    It’s certainly an addictive game, but mostly because it’s so frustrating and seems designed to make you feel like you were sooo close to winning. The AI is brutal - my players will be running and I try to play a thru ball to them but the defense is SO much more reactive. Players never step to the ball on offense. On breakaways they always choose to shoot from outside the box instead of running in a bit farther, and I lose the ball multiple times a game because my players choose to pass when no one is open - doesn’t matter what the player type is. Also had a hilarious PK loss where the opposing player just tapped the ball down the middle and my goalie put his hands up after a moment pauses, lifted his foot, and got megged. It was actually funny but indicative of the serious deficits in AI. The slide tackle function is terrible - it should be a button that you can hold when you want to tackle and then gets recharged over some time once you release or do a tackle. Or you can tackle as much as you want but it happens immediately and the dribblers are better are going around the tackle. Current system is terrible.
    Beautiful graphics and animation. Sooo close to a 5/5 but the AI is just too awful to give higher than a 3.
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  • Too obvious is made to make you loose

    The base game by itself is pretty fun, simple and intuitive, the progression system is as expected, you unlock “cards” and after a certain amount of cards collected you can upgrade the player or unlock different things. Up to that it’s fairly common phone gameplay, but where it certainly flops is how it’s too obvious that the game is rigged to make you win or make you loose after you win/loose X amount of times. One game your players will be top of the game, will make every tackle and every intervention and make amazing goals, and another they will stare directly at the ball as the enemy team makes their way to score. If you think it’s just gameplay, the other team sometimes is better and you can’t do anything, it’s not like that, looking at the stats you can verify it yourself, there is not a single player that doesn’t has 50/50 win/loose stats, every single player has lost half of their games. I think this has to be fix right away otherwise players will get bored of wining and losing at randomly.
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  • Frustrating

    This game should be good. It is made beautifully. It looks and sounds nice and the passes and shots feel good when you complete them. But there are countless frustrating things about this game. As so many have mentioned the AI is terrible on both sides of the ball. Your defense is all based on a tackle button which is random. You should be more in control. Instead you hope the randomness works in your favor. The biggest problem I have with the game is the currency system. If you can stay above .500 you are fine, but if you string together some losses you will get stuck. Playing games costs the currency. So does upgrading your players and unlocking things. There will be a time when you keep losing and you want to upgrade your guys to help you win but you can’t because you don’t have enough of that currency to upgrade( or even play another game). It’s a weird system that is not consumer friendly. Once you reach that point you will either uninstall out of frustration or pay real money. I personally don’t think a company using those tactics deserve my money. There is so much potential with this game, but greed and some odd game mechanics really bring it down for me.
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  • Wasted potential

    The game design and layout is beautiful. Tackling leveling your players different lvls etc all good. But it adds no value to the game since its all random you hit tackle button and wait 10 different passes before one of your furthest players tries to slide from a mile away instead of the one that you wanted to tackle right away. You give an awesome open pass that lets your player go down town and take an easy shot guess what happens instead of completing the run he stops and turns back til a defender can catch up. Score hero was always fun to play but just to make it freebie they rigged it up so badly. Instead of trying something shady charge 5 dollars your previous work would sell the game for you. But as the way it is there is no way i am spending a dime on this!
    Edit: forgot to mention it leveling players has no effect on the outcome of the result as my lvl 4 speedster player can be easily caught up by a lvl 1 defender
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