Facetune AI Photo/Video Editor User Reviews

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  • Used to be good

    I have been using your app for a few years now and the refining and paint tools used to be free but now they aren’t. Honestly there’s not much you can do with the app anymore and it’s such a shame since it used to be so good. My friends have said the same about it too. Please bring it back!
  • Used to be amazing ... not so much now

    This has been my go to app for all my pics I need to edit quickly and simply. Up until recent... there is such a lag when I select any editing options. Especially if I’m just using the single tap to see and compare the original image to the one that I’m working on with. It used to toggle quickly between the two with just a tap which saved me a ton of time.

    This lag time is when working on the pic.... you could actually count to 3 while waiting for the selection to make the change.

    This app also won’t let you “patch” completely. It’s always transparent but I’m trying to get rid of an unwanted object in the photo, I literally can’t because you can still see the object through the transparent patched area.

    Lastly and very importantly... please fix this thing that makes it so I can’t edit any the bottom portion of my photo .... because the edited tools are in the way... the tools can’t be moved or minimized so in order for me to edit my photo at the bottom I have to turn my photo upside down just to reach the bottom part.

    Please fix these things! I used to LOVE this app but as of late I’ve been looking for another one that doesn’t have all these time consuming and frustrating issues.

    I should also add that I’ve been a paid member for several years.
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  • Destroyed photo + need email all of a sudden for support?

    I went back to the app after editing a photo. I was maybe exited out of the app for 20 minutes and when I entered again and went to edit the same photo I thought it obviously saved. My changes to the photo had been permanently altered, and I had not completely exited out of the app or refreshed it. Instead of the regular photo it was supposed to save, it saved a weird screenshot including some of the editing tools inside the photo. I had the blue curve marks permanently around my face from when I was previously editing my same photo. I also had the rest of the options for tools and editing options taking up most of the top and bottom of the photo. My face was the only part of the photo that was visible and the original photo included my whole entire body. I tried contacting support but it told me that I needed to two add an email to my account. From the beginning I have logged in with my gmail account email and password to use the app, because of this requested email issue I have searched the settings and found there is no option to add an email; therefore I cannot contact support about this issue. I am currently paying for the monthly membership and to experience these issues is inconvenient. Hopefully someone will reach out to me about this issue. Thank you.
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    Developer Response

    Sorry to hear this! We would like to help! Please email us with your input to facetune2.support@lightricks.com as we take user insight very seriously.
  • Made basic features subscription only

    Excellent app but basic features have since been made part of subscription only deeming the lite version void. Would benefit from reducing the mail price or adding more benefit to paying for a subscription as other apps offer similar for less.

    Developer Response

    We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback. Please email us at facetune2.support@lightricks.com so we continue this conversation and relay your feedback directly.
  • Quite Disappointed

    I purchased the subscription, because I liked the opportunity to edit some of my product photos, especially the backgrounds. But sadly the tools for adding/changing backgrounds do not work like the videos show. Supposedly you are supposed to be able to select a background and just paint it on the areas to change it and it would bump up sharply (as in crisp edges) against the objects in the foreground. It did not work for me that way. And I thought maybe it was because of the photo, so I tried it with a different photo to even worse problems. When I selected a background, it covered the entire picture and you can remove it from the center picture, but not crisply and is counter intuitive to the video instructions. It doesn’t work exactly as portrayed. I’m very disappointed and have cancelled y subscription because of it.
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  • Can do pretty much nothing for free.

    It is pretty terrible. The app works and all but in order to do anything you have to buy a membership like OMG WHAT!?! I tried to edit one photo but every time I tried to save the photo it it pulled up the join membership page. This app said u could use it and it would be for free but you really can’t. I just wanted to play around with some photos but I can’t. I tried to take screenshots of the photos but because of lines they added around your face I can’t have a good looking photo. Honestly the app is dumb. I would understand having to some money for things you want to use but not have a membership I was going to use this app what twice every three months? But now I am deleting the app. It is useless to me. At least if u r going to have the membership thing show what u have to have a membership to use. Also what about the people that already bought everything? Now they can’t use it unless they also buy the membership. There are plenty of free app editors that I can use instead. I would try out the original Face-tune but it already costs money and I have no clue wether I need a membership there too. This app was a waste of my time. I had to put it at least a one star but honestly this is a zero star from me.
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    Developer Response

    Happy to explain, you don't have to pay to use the app. It is free to download and has many features you can use however you like. There are also Pro features that require making a purchase, but that's completely optional. If you feel Pro isn't for you, stick to the free tools and you will be able to save any Project - for free. In addition, we really appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback. Please email us so we can continue this conversation and reply to your feedback directly. To do so, tap on the settings icon in the top right corner and then tap on Contact Us, look forward to hearing from you and have a great week.
  • it’s ok

    I used to really like this app for some basic photo editing but they’ve added two features (paint and retouch) that were previously free to the subscription package. There are still features that I like but taking away these two features that were already free (esp since I really liked and used the paint feature to add more vibrancy to photos) was a bit of a turn off so I’m gonna look for a new editing app since I feel that the few free features that are left can be found others that have more to offer.
    Like I get it they need to make money but to be honest I only use the app for very basic photo editing so to me it’s not worth buying a subscription to. I honestly don’t really recommend this app unless you’re planning to buy the subscription. If you are they do have some cool features but if you’re not the only things you can do on here is put filters on your pics and smooth/conceal your skin. and like crop photos and mess around with photo exposure but you can already do that on your phone so yeah not rlly worth the storage space.
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  • I watched this happen, so not saying you should do it...

    So like many apps do, they have VIP membership subscriptions that enable you to unlock certain features. Well a friend of mine is a long time user of the app, but whenever she wanted to use a specific feature that could only be used in the VIP membership, she would just screenshot it. I’m not snitching on her or anything really, but I found this kinda funny. I guess there is a new update on that app that when someone tries to screenshot the photo edited with features without paying for the membership it now will say “It was worth a shot”—it was funny seeing her reaction! But what I thought was even funnier is that when that happened, it didn’t stop her for any longer than 3 seconds. All she had to do was screenrecord her screen for 5 seconds then once it was in her album, she screenshot it from the video & got her picture 😂😂
    SO I say that all to say... you all miiiiight want to update your system a little bit to make more of a profit— I guess Gen Z is rather fast 😂🤷🏾‍♀️ Hope this helps!
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  • The makeup features and Subscriptions

    FaceTune, I used the app to practice makeup, not to pay to draw makeup on a character/human. The tools also won’t help or won’t attach to the right place when it’s clear and solid so it should. You also have way to many payed items to the point where you can literally just make your character smile and have glowing hair and some people really wanna practice makeup, now FaceTune 1 may have the feature but I am looking forward for FaceTune 2. I hate how almost everything you have to pay for. No one will use your app because how everything you have to pay. I’m 100% sure it had way better reviews when the new features of the subscription’s or blah blah blah wasn’t out. I still really hate how I can’t even practice makeup on a human!? You really think I will buy subscription’s no way! I don’t care if it’s 3 dollars I’m still mad because some people want it’s free because they don’t have the money! Sorry if the review didn’t make since or if it was mean but no one is gonna use your app if you have your subscriptions like this any longer so I recommend you change the app.
    ~Thank you for reading
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    Developer Response

    We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback. Please email us at facetune2.support@lightricks.com so we continue this conversation and relay your feedback directly.
  • Completely useless now. This is bait.

    This app was great. I get that the developers wanted to make something out of developing an app that fixes imperfections and gives people their dream body or face. But it got to a point where you can’t even use the most basic features anymore. What’s the point if it’s advertised as free on the App Store but when you access it, you have to pay an unreasonable amount of money? I’d rather watch ads to access features than having to pay for an app. The whole appeal of this app was because you got to make modifications without having to access photoshop, but now it’s just not worth it. Good job lightricks. You’re going to lose customers if you keep this up.
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