Virtual Families 3 User Reviews

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  • Need some work

    The game isn’t bad I just don’t like how difficult it is to get them to pick up the collectibles. I have to constantly keep trying before they actually pick it up. Even when it shows that they see it and I drop them on it nothing happens and I have to try 6-7 times before they actually do. That’s extremely frustrating and a huge turn off from the game. Also it seems like each time I upgrade my home and add a new room I lose the maid and gardening services that I already paid for. I don’t remember that happening in VF2 and that’s not right at all that I had to purchase the service all over again.I’ll update my review when I see improvements. Update: another thing I’ve noticed is that my money keeps decreasing as the day goes by. I had over 4K in the bank but somehow it decreased to $2k then down to 1k by the end of the day. Second updated review: the game seem to bee running smoother now after the update. It’ll be nice if the visiting family members can still interact. Also daily gift boxes would be a nice touch.

    Third updated review: the costs to upgrade the resort is exorbitant and a huge turn off . I really wish the developers would decrease the price for a more fun experience. Hopefully they’re working on updates that’ll address that issue if not I’ll just delete the game and keep it moving because it’s not worth it
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! We're sorry to hear about your experience with the game on your device. Please contact our Customer Support Team by tapping the 'Contact Support' button in the Settings menu or email and provide them with details about your issue - they'll be happy to discuss this with you!
  • A game ruined by greed

    I recently dove into game that piqued my interest with its promise of creativity and fun—decorating and managing your virtual home. However, my experience was quickly overshadowed by the developers' blatant greed. The game's core mechanic revolves around earning money to buy furniture and make upgrades, but here's the catch: it feels almost impossible to earn enough coins to enjoy the game fully. The developers have clearly designed the gameplay loop to be painfully slow, likely to pressure players into purchasing in-game currency. The irony is that while they aim for a leisurely experience, what you get instead is a relentless grind that leaves you perpetually broke. To add insult to injury, they’ve lowered the rewards for watching ads, which were already meager, making it painfully obvious that the intention is to force players into watching even more ads—or worse, spending real money on coins. This systematic approach not only hampers the joy of playing but also screams of a profit-first mentality rather than a player-first experience. What could have been a delightful escape has turned into a frustrating exercise in futility, thanks to developers who prioritize their wallets over genuine player satisfaction. If you're looking for a game to enjoy without being bombarded by greed-driven monetization strategies, I would recommend looking elsewhere. Save your time and money—this game ultimately feels like a cash grab rather than a worthy pastime.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! Virtual Families 3 is definitely a deep and challenging game! Please visit our official support site for a comprehensive game guide with tips and tricks – We hope you continue to have fun with your Virtual Families!
  • love this game!! but..

    i’ve been playing virtual families for like 10 years off and on. i love it! i was so excited when i saw this one had come out, and i’ve been playing basically every day since. it was JUST easy enough to make upgrades on your house and stuff because you could watch ads and get 200 coins, you got 100 coins when you sold a collectible online, and more but in the past week or so i’ve noticed that they changed it!! you can only get 100 coins for watching an ad, you barely get 25 coins for collectibles, and the price of things like groceries and medicine have gone up!! makes it so much harder to get anywhere in the game and makes me not wanna play as much. i have generations under my belt so i only have a few more upgrades to do on my house but now it feels almost impossible bc the ones i have left are so expensive!! i’m going broke on the game trying to keep my family alive bc i went to sleep, got on, and 5 of them are sick!! it took almost 300 coins which is actually insane. and i used to be able to get 300 food for 50 coins by buying one type for 20 and the other for 30 but now the first one is 30 and the other one is 50!! i never leave reviews so this is important to me. virtual families pleaseeeeee change the prices back!!! i don’t wanna get bored of the game.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! Virtual Families 3 is definitely a deep and challenging game! Please visit our official support site for a comprehensive game guide with tips and tricks – We hope you continue to have fun with your Virtual Families!
  • Better, but still needs improvements

    Edit: changed to one star because of the canned response. Obviously they don’t want to make an enjoyable game for their long time users, they want to squeeze as much money as they can out of you for the short time you bother playing this version.

    I love all the Virtual Family and Villager games. They could keep your interest, but also passively continue while you slept. I love the added resort, it adds a lot of interest and is my favorite area to hang out in the game. This is my favorite design of the Virtual games. However, I am afraid that I am going to get bored for other reasons this time. The only real way to earn money is to actively sell collectibles. I really miss the daily interest, that was super helpful, especially as you got in higher levels with more expensive upgrades. It’s seems odd that you would take that away, and also make the praise and scold essentially stop working. You can praise and feed candy a million times, and your people aren’t going to work unless you make them. You can scold, and they will just do the exact same thing over and over. The kids won’t stop jumping on the bed. I hate browsing web and the adults still do that at least 70% of the time even though I scold them every time. Since you can no longer form your people’s behaviors, you can no longer progress in careers, and you don’t earn money from interest, the only other option is to play 12 hours a day selling collectibles.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! Virtual Families 3 is definitely a deep and challenging game! Please visit our official support site for a comprehensive game guide with tips and tricks – We hope you continue to have fun with your Virtual Families!
  • New update needs work

    I will start by saying I’ve played this game for years, and it is very dear to my heart. There are so many things I adore about this game. However, I just updated and I’m a bit frustrated with the new update. It seems that the developers have made it much harder to get coins in the game, yet raised the prices on basic items. Groceries have been raised exponentially, as has baby boost, and I’m sure many other things but those are just the two I’ve noticed. Speaking of baby boost, you now have to randomly find it in the Flea Market? Seeing as having children is a big part of the game, that seems a bit counterproductive to me. You used to get 200 coins for watching ads, and now that’s been lowered to just 100, which really lowers the players chances of watching ads, in my opinion. The collectibles in the yard are now being sold for pocket change, which was really disappointing as that’s how I made most of my family’s coins. On top of all this, the lawnmower glitch has yet to be fixed ever since the pets update. If they mow the lawn, they get stuck on the mower until you restart the app. I am not sure if all these price changes were an attempt to try and get the player to spend real money on coins, but I truly hope the developers will reconsider. Thanks.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! We're sorry to hear about your experience with the game on your device. Please contact our Customer Support Team by tapping the 'Contact Support' button in the Settings menu or email and provide them with details about your issue - they'll be happy to discuss this with you!
  • Been playing since 2010

    I am an avid Virtual family player. Been playing virtual families, villagers, tycoon, all the games for as long as they’ve been out. With that being said, the added upgrades being all the home upgrades, the resort, the trips that come up to take your family on. I think they’re all great. I’ve come so far that every new generation I start, my old ones have to delete. I can’t upgrade the house any more or gardens, everything is bought. Almost all of the achievements I have completed. I really play to pass time no longer for enjoyment and I was thinking of some fun things that the game could try to incorporate. The kids leave the house for school between 18-20 but what about school before? Make a “go to school” like you can go to the resort. You can send them to boarding school, but I’d like it if you sent them, you become the child and actually go away to boarding for awhile and you get to leave when you choose. The meals, i wish you could have like a dessert option, families can play family games. With pets I think there’s a lot more you can add, with more pet kinds and activities to do, like walking them, actually going to the vet. I feel like all of the things for you to do have honestly stayed the same over the years, things have been added yes but it’s been a long time for a big update. Hoping one will come soon. Also hoping, we can adopt twins and triplets(for the same large cost of $4000).
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! Virtual Families 3 is definitely a deep and challenging game! Please visit our official support site for a comprehensive game guide with tips and tricks – We hope you continue to have fun with your Virtual Families!
  • A good concept but needs to be rebalanced

    Other people have mentioned it before, but it truly is broken. It needs to be easier to make career progress. I get that it’s supposed to be a challenge, but I have praised my little people over 100 times each while working on their careers, as well as giving the father no less than 5 pieces of candy, and still he has barely gotten halfway through the first career level.

    I cannot stress enough: THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED. I am a diehard LDW fan- my VF2 family has been thriving for over a year, and my VV villages are also doing great. But even I am discouraged by the lack of money and the constant brokenness. THE CAREER LEVELS NEED TO BE REBALANCED, or the whole game becomes pretty much irrelevant. Doesn’t matter if there are new rooms, new furniture, new options, IF YOU CANNOT MAKE MONEY THEN YOU CANNOT BUY ANYTHING.

    This is either a serious mistake on the part of LDW, or a straight-up cash grab to make people watch ads and buy coins. I am willing to wait for LDW to fix it if it is an honest gameplay mistake, but otherwise I will not be able to play VF3, which is very sad, because I have been looking forward to this game for a long time.
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  • Not much fun 😭

    I loved the VF2 game and played it for years. I randomly saw the VF3 app and gave it a try. Honestly I’m now on my 8th family generation and I’ll be deleting the app until things get fixed. Everytime I open the app, something in my house is broken and it’s so expensive to fix things. Or there are bugs and there needs to be an exterminator called. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal, except it’s IMPOSSIBLE to get promotions and make money. I am constantly praising my little people for working on their careers and the highest I’ve ever got anyone in their career level is level 2. Between buying food, fixing everything every 15 minutes, and buying medicine, there is no money left for anything extra. I’ve never had more than 2000 coins in the bank. I’ve hardly been able to do any house upgrades and I’ve had no money to buy furniture. This game is not as fun at the VF2, and I’m not saying that the game needs to be “easy”, but no one wants to have an app on their phone where their house is always broken, everyone is always sick, and you never have any money lol. The fun of VF2 is getting promotions, buying stuff, upgrading your house, etc. There’s none of that in VF3. So I’ll be going back to VF2. This game has potential, but unfortunately, it just literally is not fun.
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  • Interesting at first, now it changed

    Was really enjoying this game until yesterday. Devs are testing various game scenarios and mine got switched. Ads now pay 200 coins instead of 30. Which is good because it’s the only way to make money. I had peeps master careers in previous generations (20 levels). Now I’m on my second generation of peeps who will not work. I put them in career area, they say they are working and suddenly say no. I’ve had this couple for 6 “years” and they are both on level one. Previous generations were at least level 6 in 6 “years”. Prices for furniture, pets etc also increased. Was really enjoying game and spent real $$, now I am frustrated and thinking of deleting the app. I did contact support and they responded promptly, even if their response wasn’t very helpful. Plus I did everything I needed to solve mystery in generation 2. I’m on generation 7 and the mystery hasn’t resolved.
    After developer response, which wasn’t helpful, lowed to 2 stars. I’ve been playing LDW games since village sim and loved them. Now it’s turned into a money grab. I don’t mind paying for games or spending money in game, if I feel like I got my moneys worth. Reading the online guide isn’t going to help that I’m in a test mode.
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  • What happened to Virtual Families?

    No offense I love virtual families 3 and all but every since you guy’s came out with 2, you gotten very money hungry the game use to be really fair to play, even had offline “ mode “ and the house would always be completely finished not hard to complete the house now after virtual families 1, we now have to work hard to get money up and upgrade our house which nothing is wrong with that but come on these games are meant to be fun and enjoyable now we’re forced to play online and can’t even half way enjoy the game because It’s hard to get money on vf2&3 unless you actually buy a lot of coins with “ real “ money :/ and I hate how the games aren’t even offline play anymore like how it was in virtual families 1… bring back the fun that vf1 had where it wasn’t such a struggle :/ I liked how in the original virtual families, the house was already built up without minimal upgrades and we didn’t have to struggle buying furniture such as a “ bed “ or bathroom, it already had a full bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen and a work room :/ why take all that away in virtual families 2 and 3 it’s not right you guy’s have became so money hungry and threw the whole point of virtual families being fun and classy away… to becoming micro-managed like these other mobile games have become :/
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