Virtual Families 3 User Reviews

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  • It’s good but...

    This is a fairly decent game. I like the fact that there is a little more diversity, with the same sex marriages, both parents being able to care for the child, and POC avatars. This series is my childhood, so my rating might be a bit bias, but I would like to talk about a few things. The first thing is the pricing. Everything is priced really high, so it’s almost impossible to upgrade everything in a short amount of time unless you buy money, which is really disappointing. Second, is the little ghost girl. She gets really annoying after a while because she doesn’t have a story, she can’t be interacted with, and she doesn’t let the player receive a reward for anything. She just spawns there and leaves. Everytime, she does the same action, so I stopped checking in on her. Third, special events. I haven’t played this particular game for long, but so far I haven’t gotten any special events. Those events being Adoption events, or Item events, which were fairly common in the second game and I was able to earn children and items that way. Those are the only complaints I wanted to make. Sorry for the long review. Thanks for the amazing game :)
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  • It’s a good game

    I love all the last day of work games v families 1 and 2 are really good and v villagers are also really good. This game is really good. Just a few suggestions can you maybe let stuff be a bit less money and maybe we could change the people’s hair. But I do like how when you change their clothes and keep the old ones. I also think I know about the ghost girl SPOIlER ALERT (I think she falls into a frozen lake and dies and the parents move away and forget her favorite teddy bear so she is looking for it and maybe you’ve gotta collect it and the pieces of that picture I keep finding in the yard.) Maybe you could make it so when you collect a piece of a picture it doesn’t show up again cause I keep thinking that it is new and then it’s not and also I was gone for not even 24 hours and it said WOAH where have you been we thought you weren’t coming back. I was sleeping and eating. I think it should be a week to say WOAH where have you been. When you are gone for less days maybe they could say Thank goodnesses your back or something like that. Anyway these are just suggestions so bye 👋🏾

    P.S what do the trash cans do if they do do anything.
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  • Best one yet

    Best virtual families game yet with all the new features. A few updates may be necessary however because every time I leave the app without closing it completely and go back to it it tells me there’s an error. After resetting it all is well but it’s annoying still. I have a few suggestions as well. It needs to be easier to make money. That is my biggest complaint and the reason why I always stop playing the virtual families games. Takes too long to make enough to make upgrades and have fun decorating. Also, when choosing a marriage partner there needs to be a back button because I have passed people before and then it won’t let you go back so you have to wait for an email again or marry the last person on the list. One more thing, why can we still only have a max of six kids? The game has progressed to be more inclusive of different types of families so players should be able to have more than six kids just like so many real families.
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  • Good, but could definitely improve!

    I grew up playing these games and just recently saw that this new third one has come out. I was really excited and downloaded it ASAP. I chose my person and started re-exploring everything. Now, I want to say everything is perfect, but unfortunately it isn’t. I feel like the house upgrades cost a LOT of coins that you will not have for a long time unless you buy coins from the store for real money. I was disappointed at this, because coins are spent very easily, especially if one of your friends gets sick- and let’s not forget about groceries. If something breaks, you can end up paying quite a bit as well. I am glad that there is an option to watch a couple videos a day in order to gain some extra coins, but unfortunately everything is priced so high I’m not getting to where I want to be :(

    I would love it if things were placed at a cheaper price/it is easier to gain coins or there are more videos to watch. It would make things a lot more fun! I know it’s to encourage people to buy coins to make some profit to continue making this game great, but this would really help those who don’t wish/can’t afford to pay :)

    I’m almost done with generation 1 and I’m sad to see my starting couple go, but I’ve got 6 kids to choose from to continue the legacy... I guess we’ll see who ends up inheriting everything! I’m looking forward to seeing the new updates with the pets!
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! Virtual Families 3 is definitely a deep and challenging game! Please visit our official support site for a comprehensive game guide with tips and tricks – We hope you continue to have fun with your Virtual Family!
  • Can’t put out oven fire

    I was excited to get this game, and it had honestly been enjoyable to play it for the first few days, which is why this review isn’t a complete one star. I had my little people and their six kids, everything was going good.
    However, when the oven caught on fire, I found out that they needed the fire extinguisher to put it out. I didn’t see one anywhere in the house or store, so I googled it and found out that it’s in the workshop room, a room you can’t even unlock until level two! So I couldn’t put the oven fire out, and all my little people did was freak out in front of it. I eventually tried evicting them, which sucked because I had really liked that family, but I did it hoping that would put the fire out. But nope, it’s still going for the new person.
    I’m really hoping that I’m just missing something here, because I was really liking this game, but this oven thing is just ridiculous! Please, if the developers see this tell me if there is another way to put out the fire, otherwise I am deleting the game because it’s just not fun like this.
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  • Very expensive

    I loved VF2 and I really enjoy VF3. The only problem I have is how hard it is to earn any money. On top of that, I need to buy them food to keep them alive and pay for things that seem to get broken multiple times a day. So I’m always spending more than I’m making and it feels like I’m never going to be able to start on any of the renovations for the house. Other than that, it’s a good game but I prefer VF2 because it’s easier to get enough money for renovations, food, everything.

    Update: I just found out how ridiculously expensive the maid and gardening services are. I saw the 1000 coins and thought it was the same as VF2 but they also charge 750 coins DAILY. Which connects back to the previous problem of how hard it is to earn any money in the first place. I highly doubt anyone playing the game makes up to 750 coins so having to charge that much daily for maid and gardening services is ridiculous. Seriously considering deleting VF3 because there isn’t as much to do. VF3 came with some great upgrades in terms of story design but that was apparently at the cost of being able to really do anything in the game without spending insane amounts of real money.
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  • Nowhere to go, nowhere to drive, and nothing else to see!!

    I feel like this game should allow you to go others places than just the same old house. People and myself are getting tired of staying in one place. If your parents need to go to work then they should leave the house and work, and if you need to go to the store you leave to go to the store. I’m just saying you should add that stuff.
    I’m also saying the kids who go to college should come back to their house for holidays, or come back for good and they can become a big family.
    Also the parents can have more family members. I only was able to have five children with my first generation, and my parents weren’t in the mood to have any more.
    The kids should be able to drive places when they’re sixteen, and the parents shouldn’t die sooo quickly.
    In conclusion, I really do like this game, but I just had some thoughts and that’s what writing reviews are for. I do not believe they’re for griping at how bad something is like a lot of reviews I see people make. WELL THANKS FOR CREATING THIS GAME!!!
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  • Please read, game developer

    I really enjoy this game. I’ve played v. Families 1&2 for quite some time. Although I do like v. Families 3 I wish there would be some changes. I wish you could change how your little person looked and maybe even what they like or dislike. I like the challenge of earning money but it may be a little too difficult. My little people hardly ever make enough money for upgrades or furniture costs. At this rate it will be a few years before I’m able to save up money to but a new room. Maybe you could add hobbies where you can sell what you make. Like selling baked goods if you want your hobby to be in the kitchen, write books in the office, or do woodworking or something in the workshop. Anything to make a steady flow of income. Just something where we can interact with them a bit more. I feel like after I feed them and do some laundry I have nothing else to do, and then I wait a few hours to do the same things over again. I also wish we could be able to make different meal options or the number of servings so we don’t have to waste any food.
    I would really appreciate if you considered some of my thoughts. I really do love the game. I love how you can share the baby with both parents, the ghost girl, the phone, the option for more than one marriage proposal at a time, and how you can customize your house to a degree.
    Thanks for reading this far!
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! Thank you so much for your feedback, we really appreciate it! This truly helps us build new content and make the game better, and your comments have helped contribute to the game's success! We hope you continue to have fun with your Virtual Family!
  • Great game, but a few suggestions

    I love this game. I think that it is a lot better than the other virtual families games. A lot of stereotypes were fixed. They added a lot more diversity and people of color. I also love same sex marriages. Both of the adults are able to carry he baby. Now I can actually have my women progress in her career. Finally, when you buy a car and kitchen set, it just says that they are driving and cooking like a grownup. Some things that I would like to change though, would be the ghost girl. I fell like there is not a storyline for her and she just shows up. Lately I haven’t even been looking at what she is doing because I know that it will be the same thing. Another thing that I think should change is all of the malfunctions that happen in the house. I bought a tool box and fire extinguisher, but I still have to spend at least $1000 a week on malfunctions alone. And that leads me to my next problem. I think that the parent don’t make nearly enough money to pay for everything in this house. I am almost always broke to the point where I cannot even afford to buy groceries and medicine. I know that everyone is going to say that I should just watch ads but usually I can’t. I only get some ads once a week and even if I watch them nonstop I only make $4000 - $5000. Overall i think that this game is fun and enjoyable and I am glad that the game makers fixed some of the problems that happened in the last one.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! Virtual Families 3 is definitely a deep and challenging game! Please visit our official support site for a comprehensive game guide with tips and tricks – We hope you continue to have fun with your Virtual Family!
  • I love this game so much,I also have a few suggestions

    This game is so much fun I play this game everyday I also have a few suggestions, A job website do they could pick out jobs as a teen or after college. you guys should add a neighborhood where the virtual family can go beyond the gates of the house and visit neighbors or the people can go around and explore the neighborhood and also a multiplayer neighborhood feature and can you also add cars and they can get a license at 15 or 16 to drive around to friends houses or stores. Also can you add the ability to build your own home layout and have the ability to sell it on a home marketplace, and also different homes you can start off with in the game and also phones and consoles and adults have the ability to take away the phones and consoles from teens and kids and also have the ability to ground them when misbehaving or when sneaking out with friends. Also the ability to move around the counters and appliances in the kitchen and move around the prebuilt and unmovable furniture that the house comes with and also the ability to make the rooms smaller and paint them and more or less windows, And can you add radios so teens or adults can jam out to music while driving a car or in their bedrooms.
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