Mobile Legends User Reviews

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  • Ranked

    So ranked is where you give your best of the best, right? well with no sure system in place to ensure people stick to their selected role you end up with improper matchups like multiple MM and Mage. So with a start like you, your going to scrutinise a little more and if you use just ONCE the “try again” emote (made by moonton btw) upon the death of the ill geared and positioned double then you get a game and 4 hour ban. Meaning NO pre game comms, Very limited ingame pre worded scripts and of course nothing to say after your loss. This isn’t anything to do about the ransoms not utilising micro plays, active equipment or the map ect. It isn’t about people not understanding the core of the game and having the bloodthirsty exp/jg/mm chasing the tank across the map whilst leaving the mage and to “not try hard enough” at the half health inhibitor This isn’t a complaint about these legend ranked ending with negative kda ratios. It’s about ranked being a “whatever you feel like” game mode. Please… I’ve said it more in game than real life just about and now I’ll still try with you. Developers... Add a system in place to ensure a more nuclear lineup. Have a preque role select, Enforce a role block for mm mage ect once chosen Idk just some SOMETHING PLEASE I’m hating the colour brown and the number 3.0 from this game please just something Its just not fun and makes everyone in the team tilted and angry over it Please…
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  • MHO

    Yes, I have paid for a skin in the past haha however you do earn coins and skin fragments as you play to unlock them for free and the emblem building is also free as you go! Remember to collect all your rewards (plus bonus events) and use your coins to buy the weekly emblem chests to progress quicker!! It is definitely not a pay to win game but some skins are only available through purchasing or completing events. Also saw someone say you can’t progress due to being capped by the system to 50% wr, but I make it back to legend/mythic each season with no issues and have a higher wr than 50%, also I haven’t made a purchase in over two years.. so it can’t be because of favouritism.
    I will say occasionally you get toxic team mates but that exists in any game I have ever played so honestly it is whatever and very rarely you will run into a cheat but they have always been banned when reported so again it is whatever.
    All in all it is fun and engaging, I really enjoy it!
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  • Solo queue

    Many people including me have a hard time winning matching playing by themselves,since people call it a rip off version of league not many people play it and i doubt some of your friends play it aswell. When your solo queuing it randomly pairs you up with people in your rank. They could’ve been mythical immortal last season and they are ranking up now. Many people who have only reached mythic gets paired with new players or new mythics and the other team might be just full of mythical immortals. Can you please put each player into groups where people in that area can fight with eachother in ranked. If people play with their friends on a higher rank , please give them a warning if they are sure they want to play in high ranks. This is my problem all the time, many players might be afk on my team or feeding while im trying so hard to win. Ive managed to get a losing streak of 11 because of this. Check the players statistics before matchmaking. Put them in sections where people from that section can fight. If they reach a higher rank,move them into the next section where people from there fight. I know this sounds like your rank but base it off their highest rank. Section them based on their higher rank. Moontoon please do this.
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  • Good game but…

    Its a wonderful and fantastic game and ive been playing it for many years with my family / friends but the experience i have is that some people are so TOXIC in this game. Most of them curses at me for no reason and one time , someone reported me as cheating even though i didnt. He accused me of cheating because i kept killing him and he couldnt kill me. theres also other people who uses inappropriate profiles (some showing their breasts) theres kids playing this game also and their just innocent kids , and we dont want them to know about the inappropriate things. Theres also a trend going on named “born trend” basically you picture yourself at the lobby or selecting characters saying the year your born in and after that , your gonna show your hero like any , and a picture that will appear like 0.1sec or 1sec and that picture shows the private parts of a woman. its not just woman doing it , even boys do. its inappropriate to post your own private parts publicly. i reported every born trend videos i can find because kids are now seeing it these days and also making it. Some are just 12years old or 10yrs old , they are still a kid. Showing your own private part for clout is not just good. ive been playing for many years and ive seen many things. This things going on is not good , especially there’s also kids playing and watching.
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  • The game is good, but the problem is..

    So.. first of all, the game is pretty fun and good! And easy for getting rid of boredom. But the problem is toxic players and community, and I think changing our names for free will be good too because changing the name card is so expensive! And about the players, some players are VERY toxic. And some players have they’re profile as dirty stuff (what our parents do when our mom gave birth to us) if you know what I mean, and it creeps me out, some children are here playing this game. They can’t see those kind of stuffs, and for the toxic players, when they killed someone. They be typing in the chat like “haha you’re going to get clapped” or “you’re team is useless” and for the teammates, they didn’t even check the map nor care about some teammates, They’re just in they’re own world! And then when they didn’t check the map but I was protecting the hp so I died multiple times for saving them, but the toxic players said I’m useless! Like hello?? Excuse me? I’m protecting the hp! (Hp means hyper if you don’t know, hyper eats buffs and stuff like that) and some are just blind or something, they’re just standing in the bush while teammates are battling in front of them and when all the teammates died, that one teammate always solos the whole team of the enemy! Sooo annoying.. that made me want to quit Mobile Legends Bang Bang, and probably annoying for other players too. I hope you can find a way to fix that! Thank you for reading.
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  • Fun game but negative players

    This is a fun game to play, I have fun playing alone and with friends, too. However, there are lots of negative players, they used words like “useless”, “dvmba$$” etc. Some of them would say “report (heroes’ name)”. It’s really stress to play with teammates like this, so this game don’t really have a good community. I know this is not a game’s problem, but players’ problem, but still, it makes the game less fun. I have never cursed anyone in this game despite how bad they cursed me, but really, sometimes I feel so bad and want to just stand up for myself, why are players in this game this bad? I don’t know if report them will help, but I hope they stop going around and curse anyone that plays bad in their eyes. I played Floryn, and somehow they said that hero useless and not cause any damage? Isn’t it a heal hero? Since when did roam or support needs damage? I have no clue what happened with players in this game. And of course not just Floryn, whether you play other heroes, they will still say those words to a hero that they think “useless” in their opinion. I don’t know how to fix this kind of problem in this game, but I hope you find a way that help players stop stressing people. Not all of them are, but most of them. So, the game is fun, but the communication is terrible. Still rated 5 stars since I have fun. Please do something to fix this, thank you. I appreciate it if you read this and think about it.
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  • Comparison and bugs

    If you came from league and expected something similar, just get league wild rift. Pace of game is very different, now moving on to other annoying things. You cant play on 90 ping and have the game go smoothly as league. Ui for internet is bugged showing anything else but what it actually is eg. showing 80 while showing 245 when pinged. Unlike league, any ping above 70 is unplayable. Apart from that the game is decent, game’s pace is extremely fast which is something you need to learn and adjust to, some character design and ability design is slightly to extremely similar in comparison to league so do keep that in mind if you’re going to complain. Game is quite fun and great if you plan to have play moba games but dont have time and tft or ml’s version (magic chess) is not the greatest but it is easier and faster run. It will heat your phone up a ton. Ingame social media system is nice and player settings are confusing but it’s something you’ll have to learn. Overall, unplayable even with slightly bad internet but decent if you can play
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  • Fun game but serious issues with matching and reporting systems

    This game is enjoyable to play but matching is poor and feedback/reporting system in Classic play is atrocious. In a recent match, I selected jungler as a role. Two other players, who had selected other roles, chose to jungle without Retribution. This made it impossible for me to level while at the same causing them to receive low exp and gold. I eventually gave up playing and got banned for three minutes. The devs need to implement a means to preselect roles to force better team construction and educate players about team construction. The way to report peoples’ violations doesn’t work well. On the one hand, people can get you banned simply because they don’t like you, which allows bullying. On the other, serious violations aren’t recognized by the dev moderation of reports. In the case of the latter, I was purposely killed by a teammate 3 times today. He used his push skill to push me into enemies that finished me while he hid behind a tower. I reported this and he simply was warned. In the former case, I was learning a new character and had three difficult games. In each game, people reported me and after the third I was banned temporarily. In one game of the three I even received MVP but the other players didn’t seem to like the way I was playing the character. I would urge the developers to rethink the reporting process. It’s current implementation lowers the customer experience rather than improves it.
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  • Good game but i not recommend

    It a fun game to play coop with your friend but there many things i have to said it worse than arena of valor and wildrift.
    First of all, this is pay to win game. Get a skin can help your stat a little bit higher. Beautiful skin are very expensive and it even difficult to save gold to buy a champion.
    Secondly, this game is not balance, VERY REALLY imbalance. An Ap champ can easily one shot with just 2 items. Sometime you dont know what happen on the combat because anyone use all they have and all die in a second without knowing anything. Some stun affect can be long as 3 seconds. On Aram mode, ap champ is king with long distance skill and broken damage. Some tanker is likely an assassin more than a tanker.
    Thirdly, control system is really difficult and sometime you will angry because of them. I do hold and drag many times to focus on enemy but sometime it work, sometime it not and i even dont know how to customize myself to make it easier, just join and spam skill.
    Finally, a lot of toxic player in the game. In normal mode and even rank, there alway have steal lane situation. Some player pick later and just pick what they want, go to the game and feed, that affect other player a lot because as i said, champion is not balance so if one champ have more item, the game is becoming really one side.
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  • I hate MOBAS

    I don’t like mobas I find them boring but this is the only one I’ve actually enjoyed and not just on mobile. I don’t like to play 40 minutes for a match like others most games are 8-15minutes I always solo queue in ranked and have no problems have won almost every match and no I have not spent money and still easily get kills with any character. Look through the recommended equipment and find one that works for how you play just make sure you buy the equipment while in a match or you will be destroyed by someone like me who does. Not a hard game at all but enjoyable and some matches are a challenge have met 2 cheaters so far dealing ridiculous 2-3 hit kills with their basic attacks but got a message saying action has been taken so they are doing more than others report systems. The chess game mode is usually easy but sometimes a person with lower starred and rarity destroys everyone and I don’t understand that unless they are cheating because the equipment in chess mode does not give you immortality for more than a second or a few seconds and have seen some characters be a 1 star common and be immortal the whole match while their other characters die easily but chess mode is just an extra challenge mode so no problem just annoying when you meet one of these players.
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