Mobile Legends User Reviews

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  • This game sucks when you play alone

    Always matched up with lower level player, this game is toxic to players who play alone. Be aware of this and dont play this trash game.
  • Hi yyyyyes I got a text back to you when you call

    Hi there is a reminder of the school for your graduation from the office of the students at the university in north east campus on campus and they will call me back to discuss what they do to make the work easier and then to get the work done and then they will call the office and they will be closed at all this is why we are trying to call the school and call you to call you when they will be done at work so I don’t have time for work and I can’t call the school and they are trying on a different day and I will be in office in the office on Friday so if I can get you done at the office then you will be on your tutted every time you go back and forth I can go back and forth to work and work out your office work for you to do the same thing lol I have to call the police to do a call to work lol I can’t text back to work on my call lol lol I got to call you bye lol I got a text back and forth with my mom and my year
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  • Good but not perfect

    As a person who has played most MOBAS i can safely say that mlbb is the best moba for mobile gaming. This is because the gameplay is fluent and with every update the feel to the game is being improved. However one major problem of mlbb is that, the developers dont care about 50% of the hero pool. Only popular heroes gets supervised and the rest are left to fall behind the meta. This causes rank matchmaking in higher tier ml to really get boring. There are 6 bans available, which means frm the start 6 meta heroes get banned and leaving a few select viable picks left for the players to pick. And the players have to pick those meta heroes in higher ranked games cuz the others are far behind in efficiency, this makes games unbearable in the higher tiers. U just end up spamming heroes cuz of that. Now, to tackle this isssue i think moonton should implement what dota did with their talent trees. Talent trees made it so that any hero could be played in any way, it was up to players. I m not saying they should exactly copy what dota did but atleast make it so that all heroes are somehow viable in every ranked game so that players can try new variations of plays. I hope moonton makes ministar playable since i havent seen that hero in games for ages now, that hero is now officially dead.
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  • My 2 complaints

    There is only two things that bug me. 1. When you get reported by someone and it’s not true, you still get penalized. I lost 10 credit score off of something I didn’t do. It has a stupid rule that if you do 2 penalties then you lose a ton of credit, which makes no sense considering you have to have a 90 to play ranked and you lose 8 plus how many you just lost cause you got reported. I don’t play classic or anything besides ranked, so it’s annoying when people falsely report you. There has to be some kind of method to reporting that stops people from just reporting because they want to. The only thing imo, that should be reportable is feeding, inactivity, and verbal abuse. Which all should be seen by the game. Reporting people over a poor performance is just a way to ruin game experience. Especially if your new to a character or your whole team brings you down.

    2. I don’t think making the new characters OP is the right idea, Julian has been out for some time now, and I can’t play him in ranked. Hes always banned for good reason. He’s completely overpowered. I hate playing against him because his regen is crazy, his mobility is still good, and he has insane damage for a fighter that can regen, he even has stuns. Think of ruby, she can regen and stun. But she cant do much damage. There’s gotta be some kind of negative about Julian and there just isn’t one. If you want players to use him, don’t make him so OP that he gets banned every single game.
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  • Good game however..

    This game is really good. The competitive 5v5 team work is very fun. The vast amount of Heroes(characters) having different abilities with having weak points for other heroes and advantages to other heroes. This isn’t a pay to win game, it’s teamwork and skill and it’s optional to buy things from the game to make your favorite heroes look stylish and having cool in-game effects. This game is really amazing and inviting friends to play will be totally worth it!

    There are some people who are just toxic and are willing to blame other teammates for making their match terrible. If you’re looking at this review, I honestly just recommend muting the person and just reporting them for negative behavior. Anything so far from that is good and worth it.

    However, there’s one flaw in this game. It’s a very simple flaw but everyone hates it: limiting the amount of battle points you can gain in a week. You’re only basically allowed to get 8000 battle points in a week, and if you get 8000 in that week, you have to wait until next week to get battle points. You’re still able to play matches with people and everything, you just can’t gain anymore battle points until the next week. Honestly, it’s pointless and so unnecessary. Totally hope that the game can just make battle points unlimited gaining after playing matches. But so far, the game is great!
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  • Mmm what should I say

    Hi my friends, about this game it’s great and after u play this game u can’t play other game like this one because u feel for this one here, and the problem that is killing me is worse matchmaking and worse status for hero u need lvl up mage or assassin or magic or …….. and it will take so long to finish up great and u will be in Mach with a lot of people that old player and u simply lose because of status- Mach making here is so mess up that I broke my phone and stream in game is like ur go to wander lang u watch and losses money for streamer to give u free skin lol what are u doing it not like something nice more like give me 50$ a will than give u 60$ but u need watch me every day even I’m worse player just because money 😵‍💫 in this game u hear a lot of bad stuff so no good for children and a lot of people be good or bad because of ur country and I become hate this game for it I don’t get it why is punishing in just not good enough in this game it like mafia here and like weird stuff going on and it take so much time to update aaaaaa just shot me in the head and let me feel good - and hero here are great but nothing special compared to other game like this it’s disappointing! I hope it’s get better some day and stop banned in country it’s game what the point of banding it for some country it’s not politic so stop making people feel worse 😒
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  • Good game

    This game is a really good game and its currently my favourite mobile game. It’s fun to play and has lots of different game modes and characters to choose from which doesn’t let you get bored.

    I have concerns about the matchmakings though. I am a mythic 5 player that just dropped to epic because of season reset. I keep getting matched up with people who feed every game and have skill under the rank they are in currently. This gives me a disadvantage in game because enemy focuses me and I can’t do anything on my own. I think Moonton should check these people out because even when I was mythic 5 I kept getting people who wouldn’t play well and I couldn’t rank up. This happens 95% of the time I play rank. Literally everytime I match up I play with bad players.

    Apart from the matchmaking issues I think the game is great and if we had a good matchmaking everytime even if losing the game it would be more fun as everyone plays well and it’s a fair game.
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  • Toxic players and unfair matchup

    I have been playing this game since Nov 2021 and I used to love it very much. It was fun when I was still a warrior, elite and a master but when I ranked up to grandmaster, I started getting unfair matchups. I remember getting matched up with a literal mythic player and that’s not all. I believe that if you’re a grandmaster ll for example then you have to be matched up with another grandmaster ll to be fair. Grandmaster I is more experienced than normal IV grandmasters, so mixing up all grandmasters together isn’t a good idea. Second of all, the highest rank I get to, the more toxic enemies I encounter. What’s even worse is the fact that I always get inexperienced teammates, literally my whole team. It gets so frustrating because the enemy has higher rank than most of us and I can’t even depend on any of my teammates. So of course, we ended losing then the enemy started talking trash about how we play like dogs. They get so confident that they spam recalls in our face, what I want is just a feature where players aren’t allowed to spam recalls too many times, there need to be a 2s break between each recalls. And players that are suspected of trash talking or being toxic will get severe punishment. Not deduction of credit score but someone more serious. Because of these toxic players and unfair matchups that I never really play ml anymore. Thank you for reading.
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  • Great game but difficult to navigate between acc

    As you saw on the title this game is he king good I’ve been playing it for a while now I love every aspect of this game the details heroes and updates quite often. But the main problem to me is navigating to different acc or creating new accounts I feel like the game should have a create new account button and have people to type in their password to the account or whatever they connected the account too my main reason to why I want to restart my account is because the account I have right now is really old and just isn’t the best right now so I just want to Smurf and have some fun restarting. But I can’t because for some reason I can delete the acc but it will always sign me back in I tried to connect with my other acts I have connected on my phone still doesn’t work if you can please add an “Creat New Account” or “Restart Account” Button to save or delete the progress on the acc and then bring us back to the creat new acc screen or something would be easier and better. Also I can’t reset my Moonton password so uhhh yeah I’m basically stuck with that I tried to have an email sent to me but I tried it and wouldn’t reset it stayed the same and now I’m stuck with it. But other this game is awesome thank you for making this game it’s the only way for me to have some fun please look more into the stuff I wrote I’m sorry it’s really long but yeah keep it up Moonton! :)
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  • Fun, Engaging, Challenging

    This game is so fun in that the dynamic is fleshed out and this game is always updating with new, cool stuff. I’ve spent my money on here because I want to support a great team and a great game. If you see how much it has improved you would be thoroughly impressed. The community has its share of toxic players but that’s if you want to get serious about this game because this game is a big name in other countries. It is challenging to improve your play style and ranks but that ensures that only the great players rank up. It is possible to get carried, it happens a lot, but these developers are always on the look out for cheaters and unfair gameplay. There is security within the community that you will enjoy your play experience and not feel penalized for someone else’s lackluster involvement. The matches can last 40 minutes and it is no doubt stressful when you try really hard. It is a fun packed game in a tiny mobile device and it does not disappoint. The player screen is user friendly and isn’t hard to navigate at all. Can’t wait to continue with this game and making new friends and new teams, especially now that it is more personal with besties, partners and bros. Get this game if you love MOBA games!!
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