AutoSleep Track Sleep on Watch User Reviews

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  • Another great input into Apple Health

    Great app! I’ve been using this ever since I heard Federico Viticci talking about this on the Connected podcast. I’m using this along with a Bluetooth blood pressure cuff (Omron 10 series) and a Bluetooth scale to get a detailed baseline of basic health indicators, and track it to see if there are any subtle changes I should take action on. (I also track everything I eat and drink using LoseIt!).

    AutoSleep, along with the Apple bedtime reminder is doing a lot to keep me on track to getting more regular sleep. (I also try to manually correlate the foods I eat and my overall hydration with better sleep. I tend to get heartburn that bothers me when I lie down. Watching what, when and how much I eat helps with this. ). The Workout app on my Apple Watch also motivates me to get more exercise which also helps me sleep better.

    I heard that people who regularly get less than 6 hours of sleep are at significantly greater risk of heart attacks. So I eat better and exercise more to sleep better and hopefully it will all synergistically help me enjoy watching my daughter grow up at least through middle age.
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  • Deep data - very useful

    I saw the other reviews which said don't let the amount of data put you off, and got the app.

    I love checking my fitness, heart rate, sleep data etc and recently got an Apple Watch. I only need to charge the watch for 30 mins or so every day before I go to bed to keep the battery topped up so I wear it all night. And the app works really well with the watch.

    There is a lot of data. But you can use to it just to get the basic data and start to delve into the deep data and comparison stuff at your own pace.

    There's a great ability to adjust the sleep feedback and tell the app if you are a restless sleeper, average and a very still sleeper. This will adjust your feedback time asleep. I had a fitbit for a couple of years and there is way more data and adjustments you can make in this app than in fitbit.

    I feel like I'm still scratching the surface of what this app can do after installing a few months ago. The detail in this app is awesome. So much data. Yes it can be overwhelming at first but trust me - install it and go with it. And start to explore at your own rate. I wish more of the health and fitness apps gave me this much information and feedback on my fitness training etc
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  • AutoSleep

    I’ve used a Garmin in previous years that worked really well, I was keen to get another sleep app when I bought my Apple Watch. I tend to wake up multiple times a night with a medical condition, so it helps to know how much sleep I’m missing. I looked around at comparison reviews of sleep apps first.. somehow I managed to buy another more expensive app that never recorded when I was awake and added an average 1.5 hours to my total sleep time per night (SleepMatic). I went by the App Store reviews when deciding to try a second app. AutoSleep has been really accurate, no need for me to be buy another app. Would absolutely recommend.
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  • Good but not that good

    This gives you lots of information on your sleep which is good the UI is nice it’s smooth and colourful too. I’ve tweaked the settings a few times however this app isn’t 100% correct or maybe it’s the Apple Watch which I’ve told the app I wear to bed? Either way pretty much every night I’ve woken to use the bathroom last night it was 1.09am and I was back in bed by 1.11am however the app never picked up that I was awake but the Apple Watch did record that I was active between 1/2am, the other problem is during the day if you’re not active or moving around for 20 minutes the app records that as sleep which then means going in to it and editing it also there’s been occasions when it’s said I’ve been awake which I don’t remember. A ‘set and forgot’ app would be much better than having to go into it faffing about editing sleep when you wasn’t actually sleeping and for it to record sleep and movement more accurately so for those reasons this app is rated 3 stars.
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  • One of the most in-depth sleep apps...

    I’ve been using this app for around 3 weeks, and it is probably one of the most in-depth sleep trackers on the App Store today. Other sleep apps such as Pillow on the App Store offer similar services, but if you’re looking for something to track your sleep just by going to bed, you’re in the right place. Optionally you are able to press the button on your Apple Watch to tell the App you’re going to bed and it will tell you how long it takes to fall asleep at night. If you’re like me and don’t sleep very well (I’m disabled in a wheelchair) it is an interesting statistic to add to your Health data.

    Be advised though, if you are somewhat inactive during the day for example, sitting watching TV, playing a game on a laptop, or Xbox; the app may detect that through your inactivity “you are asleep” when you’re actually wide awake defeating a whole lot of baddies on that level you’ve been stuck on... but the app being as in depth as it is, allows you to go into your day and adjust accordingly, and instantly updates through your Health App on your next visit. I’ve found myself opening this app when I wake and comparing my sleep data to the previous days and being given some interesting information.

    Intuitive, in depth and a comprehensive app for your sleep data. Fantastic app for all kinds of sleepers.
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  • Simply the best Sleep App I’ve used

    I’ve used quite a few sleep apps over the last year or two and this is by far the best. You have two options - use it with an Apple Watch or without. If you don’t have a watch, the app correlates the data from when you plug your phone in vs unplugging it, but it also takes into effect when your phones screen is on and subtracts it from your total sleep hours! This is the first app I’ve ever seen do this!

    When you use it with your watch, if you turn it into “Theater Mode”, it gets really detailed information about your sleep and tells you when you were in different sleep levels, but with Theater mode all night it uses a whopping 2% battery. It still correlates phone screen time into sleep totals, and subtracts that from your sleep, so you get a much more accurate picture of how long and well you’ve slept. The only bad thing is you have to remember to charge the watch before you get to the point of being in bed.

    Probably my only gripe is I think metrics for heart correlation could maybe be broken down a bit more (average HR in REM, average in Deep Sleep, etc), but it does give graphs of where your HR attended out over time so that’s nice.
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  • Best Sleep Tracking App

    When I first purchased my Apple Watch I didn’t think I would care too much about my sleep pattern but this app soon became my favourite and most valuable app. I love being able to track the quality of my sleep including how long I’ve been in deep sleep!! It’s just so freaking cool and accurate. I am aware now if I don’t get a certain amount of quality sleep that it impacts my day greatly. The app works wonders with the watch but if you don’t wear your watch to bed it will use your phone to track your sleep instead. It tracks the number of hours you slept and within that it tracks the quality, hr (for watch users), deep sleep and how recharge you are. The analysis is very easy to read! Plus support on this app is so great, I asked a question about tracking naps and the developer got back to me super fast and with a very detailed response!
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  • Give it time!

    So I go and download this app and use it for the first time, I have an Apple Watch (series 1) so was pretty excited to see how I slept when I woke the following day.

    When I did I checked the app out and was like what the hell do all the figures and fancy graphs mean??? I was SO confused I had no idea what it all meant as there is TONNES of info. I'll be honest, I nearly uninstalled the app straight away as it just looked far too much - information overload!

    HOWEVER.... In short, my honest opinion is to NOT expect instant insight into you sleeping patterns/habits!! You need to give this app TIME to do its thing.

    I've been using it now for 3 months and when I look back at trends it's actually quite interesting and I can now see the value in this app.

    My only gripe is that perhaps (even after all that above!) the App is still a tad over complicated for what it is... and also I find wearing my Apple Watch to bed is a little uncomfortable but that's nothing to do with the App lol. I know I can use this App without my watch but that would be stupid as I guess it's more accurate with it on! (I.e. detecting movement)

    So again - like I did, GIVE IT TIME and you will slowly start to see that this app is pretty cool, interesting albeit slightly hard to get your head around.

    Night night 😴👍🏼
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  • Works great when wearing watch.

    Can only recommend when wearing your apple watch. There is another mode, but you still need to trigger sensors in your phone the right way for that to work and it doesn't fit the way I use my phone (i.e. I'll put it on charge early in the evening and not pick it up again until the next day) so I'll regularly get a report that I slept 14 hours or something if I sleep without my watch. So depending on how you use your phone, ymmv.

    Four stars for missing one basic feature - it appears you can't edit sleep or delete data more than a week earlier. I went on a trip, still had the phone tracking turned on, barely wore my watch and now I have 5 days in the middle of May with bad data which is throwing off my averages. I can't find any way to deleted data from three weeks ago. I don't look at the app every day or even every week so being able to access and edit data from all dates would make this 5 stars for the watch tracking mode. (Again the phone tracking mode doesn't work for me, but I don't count that against the app.)
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    THIS SHOULD BE ON THE APPLE WATCH OUT OF THE BOX!!! Both apps are $5 bucks total. NOTHING when you consider the cheapest apple band is $50!! And this offers soooo much versatility for your watch. I literally would have sold this Apple Watch if it were not for these apps! They NEVER CRASH AND NEVER HAVE AN ISSUE!! also the heart watch can ALERT YOU WHEN YOUR HEART RATE IS TOO HIGH OR TOO LOW WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT THE WATCH SHOULD DO!!!

    THE AUTO SLEEP TRACKING IS AS GOOD AND AS DETAILED AS FITBIT! For 2 bucks?!!? Come on that's a crazy deal, and the watch still has a full day battery even if you wear it to bed. I use it for voice to text alerts and emails all day at work and tracking a workout in morning with continuous heart rate tracking and still from putting it on at 10pm to track sleep , exercise at 6am, to work till 5 pm the watch still has about 20% left at 7-8pm. And if I charge it after waking from tracking sleep, for just 5 - 10 mins while I get ready in morning, brush and make coffee, it is back to 100%!! Again, Apple should be sooooo grateful that this company made these apps. I love that cardiogram is doing heart health studies with their apps and it's free, so we should all do it for the study, but THESE APPS, heart watch and auto sleep are waayy better cleaner and absolutely worth every cent. They are ESSENTIAL if you have an Apple Watch!
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