AutoSleep Track Sleep on Watch User Reviews

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  • Information overload

    I love how much info this app tracks and translates for you. There is also options to dial in how you actually sleep. The graphs are a nice touch and i like being able to track trends and view history. I left a star off because i’m a terrible sleeper and having the stats of how bad i sleep made me worry about not sleeping. Is there a way to transfer data between phones? I can see you can extract the data but not sure if it can then be uploaded. One other thing i have noticed is after updating the app make sure you open it otherwise it tends not to record
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  • This app may have saved my life!

    I have a 20 year or more history of not sleeping well. I’m thin and I don’t snore so I thought maybe I just had anxiety that kept me awake at night. I’d tried all kinds of things to sleep including over the counter and prescription meds. After wearing my new watch and installing this app I noticed my SPO2 was always low but I live in high altitude so I thought that was normal I saw my GP and told her about the results and she didn’t seem alarmed that night after night my SPO2 was in the 80’s but I insisted on seeing a sleep specialist. After one look at thus app and my results my Pulmonologist said “it looks like you have sleep apnea. The watch and the apps are remarkably reliable and accurate.” We did a sleep study and sure enough I get dangerous levels of oxygen at night. I finally sleep at night now with my new CPAP. It makes my cry to think about how many times I’ve mentioned my horrific sleep to so many different doctors and it took an Apple Watch and this app to change my life. I’m am convinced it saved me from heart failure or stroke and cognitive decline. And as a side note, of course I woke up with my heart racing and feeling anxious because it turns out I wasn’t breathing, my body was trying to tell me it was in danger but I didn’t know it until I had this app! I am forever grateful!!!!!!
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  • Easy way to improve your sleep and your life

    Getting good sleep is SO critical to brain health and overall well-being and this App is an excellent tool to help you get more and better at this essential life recharge “activity”. Monitoring is essential to improve awareness and feedback for any positive change. The app has so many charts and graphics and links to information, it really delivers in this way. You will learn what “works and what doesn’t” in your quest of a good/better/best night’s sleep. You can track so many features of your sleep you will learn and grow proficient in sleeping and living your best life. Try it! They only problem I have is keeping my watch charged enough at bedtime; but, that is not the Apps fault. I have used it every night for years and I LOVE it.
    Yes, I’m an analytical type person, and I understand this App may not be for some people that don’t lean that way, nonetheless, I would recommend this App to every Apple Watch owner to try it. The potential improvement in your life is totally worth the cost of the App, and dare I say, even worth the cost of a watch if you don’t already have one. Sleep well, pleasant dreams!
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  • A great app that captures all the info I need!

    I found sleep related other apps much more costly than ‘AutoSleep’ - and I am finding the app really illuminating regarding my sleep patterns - especially the indicators that I actually need much more sleep than I usually get due to my being so distracted at night by ‘Netflix’ and the like - and therefore being much more preoccupied before attempting to sleep.
    I also like that the app shows me the quality of my sleep - and that the app breaks down the info in an easy to absorb format.
    I find ‘AutoSleep’ a fabulous app that is very cost effective - thank you!
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  • my sleep has improved w/ this app

    I've been using this app for a couple years now, it was the first thing I bought when I got an Apple Watch, and it has been instrumental in helping improve my sleep issues.
    The process has been long, and I've had to implement a lot of different things to support my sleep but AutoSleep has shown what works and what doesn't, it's helped me figure out the ideal time to wind down, it's shown me how alcohol impacts my heart rate and robs me of deep sleep, it's confirmed that my breathing patterns are problematic, it's shown how effective taking valerian root has been for me but how ineffective taking melatonin has been for me (you may have a different experience!) I could go on... It has provided a ton of helpful data and with that data I've experimented and have gone from averaging 4/5 hours of sleep to averaging 6/7 hours of sleep. I chose this app over other apps because of the one time fee and I love that you don't have to do anything except fall asleep with your watch on for it to start tracking.
    The only thing I haven't figured out is how to track my occasional 15/20 minute power naps. The app seems to only kick in if you've slept for over 30
    minutes. Not a complaint, just an observation.
    Sleep well!
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  • I Am Healthier Because Of This App

    My Apple Watch is the best thing I’ve ever bought. I first started tracking sleep when I realised how bad my recovery was. I’m a gym owner so I’m fit but I’m also stressed. I also have a disabled child so my life is very hectic. I realised I had to do something about my sleep. AutoSleep is like having a coach. I feel accountable. Tracking sleep is so fascinating. Hormones really effect my sleep so now I’m tracking my cycle too. I’ve become T total. One glass of wine would completely ruin a good week of sleep. It became pointless to drink. Eating too late also ruins sleep so my eating routine has also improved. All of these adaptations have made me a better healthier person. Gym sessions are better, I can deal with my son without getting exhausted and I am a less stressed person overall. This app is amazing.
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  • Fantastic app. Worth the money as it’s one off payment

    Great app. Has exceeded my expectations. Even thought me how to use my watch better. Very well with it. Not a rip off like the annoyance subscription ones. Well done to the developers. Will now be looking for other aps you make to support you.
  • Best Sleep App Ever!

    Love this app. I used to track my sleep on my Fitbit, but it didn’t give me enough details. Once I bought my Apple watch, I was interested in digging deeper into my sleep health. It was great, but once I downloaded the app, it has been a game changer! And by the way, this app is much less expensive than others.

    I have had sleeping issues for years. I have no problem falling asleep, but I wake up and my mind starts racing, from one thought to the next. Sometimes my thoughts are about things I need to do, or I replay a scenario in my head and what I should have said or done. Other nights, I feel like they’re someone else’s thoughts because they make no sense.

    I always blamed it on my fast paced, stressful and demanding job. However, now that I’m retired, that doesn’t apply. This app measures everything my body goes through during the night, when I’m sleeping. I especially like the sleep bank - shows how much sleep you’ve recorded, and whether you have accumulated more sleep than you need or if you have a sleep debt. I always have a sleep debt and app the app details exactly how you can reduce it. A big thanks to the developers!! Outstanding technology!!
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  • Does everything I need, and does it well

    I tried a few of these sleep trackers, and I used to use the one on the Fitbit, and I like this one the best. It has the visual niceties like reusing the rings concept that Apple Health uses, and is attractive and pleasant to use. I'm happy with the number and presentation of the graphs. In terms of accuracy, I can't second guess what it says about light vs deep sleep, but it gives me confidence that the asleep/awake determination is surprisingly accurate. Importantly, when it is mistaken, there are ways provided to correct it--including one that doesn't just override the data but is meant to calibrate it for future accuracy. Maybe the only thing I don't like is the relationship to AutoWake and HeartWatch which seem to be companion apps. It's slightly confusing (though ultimately convenient) that these are accessible via the app. Since the app uses wake data and heart rate data, I wasn't sure (and I guess am still not sure) whether they were dependencies that needed to be configured for the sleep tracking to work optimally or merely companion apps that present another lens through which to view some of the data AutoSleep uses.
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  • Sleeps Issues

    Approaching 68 yrs old now & at 60 got Afib & a ablation at 65 yrs old returned me to Sinus Rhythm, then encountered cardio / cholesterol issues which changed my lifestyle of eating & hill walking started & now have retuned to my HS weight & no longer was throwing up when surfing. One issue continually bothering me was my sleeping habits. Got my iwatch to monitor my heart & would look at the sleep data & not satisfied with the built in sleep app & looking thru the App Store saw AutoSleep & added to my iPhone, what a great impulse decision !

    This app, along with changes in my bedtime rituals & bedroom environment has taken me from 2 to 4 hrs nightly with 6 to 7 “wake-ups” to 5 to 7 hrs with 3 to 4 wakeups & I am actually obtaining “deep” sleep minutes.

    Funny, in deciding to write this review, noticed this developer does a heart app & going to load that as well to complement my apple heart app as I can imagine that app is going to be as excellent as this AutoSleep app !

    I recommend AutoSleep as the interface is so easy to utilized and visually excellent, the 6.8 version I noticed additional improvement right after I did the App Store update.

    Keep up the great work with your App !

    I luv the techno improvements & my doctors know I am a data guy as an engineer but these apps that provide support & aids in life provide such improvement to my quality of life ! I get my labs results right to my iPhone where usually I had to wait until my appt to see my results.
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