AutoSleep Track Sleep on Watch User Reviews

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    App has been glitchy for days and when I reached out to try and get support I keep getting the run around. Owner keeps blaming Apple and not entering the passcode even though any idiot knows that in order to use any feature on the Apple Watch you have to entree the passcode after securing it to your wrist. As I explained to him that it can’t be my Apple Watch ( fully update Apple Watch 7) this is the response I got. Your Watch did not capture any heart rate data from 10:30pm to 3:15am. Other apps do not report system errors and just fill in the blanks so they don't have to support you. But my morals prevent me from doing this. If you follow the instructions sent to you, press error help and turn on the switch to ignore the error then the error will go away for this day. The most common reason for this problem is forgetting to enter your passcode. Kind regards, David

    OK so this man just gave me the entire runaround on Twitter would not even let me explain my problem kept dismissing my problem as it being a glitch with Apple once again and then when I proved it wasn’t he blocked me from his Twitter account. Definitely report an apple do not buy this app.
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  • App continues to satisfy

    After Jawbone shut down their servers I had to scramble for a sleep tracker. Decided on Apple Watch, and then Pillow as the engine. It worked great for a couple years or so and thought it was as good as I could get from Apple Watch.

    But then, discovered AutoSleep. And for under $10 I got an entire package of apps that I “own” without the subscription monkey on my back. I still use Pillow (unsubscribed) for an alternate opinion on my sleep, but AutoSleep has become my favorite. So many better graphs and insights, and the included (in the package) Heart insights make this a great deal that no Apple Watch user should be without. In one glance I can see a visually clear picture of the stages of sleep, quantity of the stages, and I have the ability to drill down as need be. Only bummer is I have to trigger Apple’s “sleep” mode in order to capture respiratory data (grrr, Apple!!). Other than that, everything is indeed automatic.

    Great deal, and I hope this app serves as an example of how excellent programming and design combined with a fair price out the door can eliminate “subscriptions” as a pricing model, especially when there is little outside data or server space involved. Hope they keep the doors open and their staff well fed.
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  • Genuinely life changing

    This app is by far the most accurate I’ve come across. I’m a shift worker and other apps usually try to separate sleep into days, whereas this one records accurately whatever time of day I’m sleeping. If I’ve ever fallen asleep on a plane, or on the sofa, it’s caught it, and recorded it. The deep and light sleep seems to roughly correlate, and it records when you are awake at night

    Life changing is a big statement I know, but for me it has been. The app allowed me to notice things that help me sleep better. For example, I noticed that on the days post night shift that I just fell into bed and didn’t have breakfast, I woke up 2 hours earlier. On the days that were emotionally tough at work, it took much longer for me to fall asleep (I now meditate on those evenings instead of watching tv). On days or evenings that I had been drinking, I got next to no deep sleep, so still woke feeling tired

    In a world where we are always looking for external validation, this works. I can ‘feel’ if I’ve not had enough sleep, but being able to see it clearly in front of you helps to correct sleep or plan for sleep. I feel MUCH less guilty taking a nap in the middle of the day, when I can see that if I do, I will reach a sleep goal, and it has helped me make healthier choices when it comes to sleep. Sleep affects everything, so it’s worth putting some work in to
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  • Best Sleep App!!

    I’ve tried several and this is by far the best and I have been using it for years. At first it seems a little intimidating with all the information, but you get use to it pretty quickly. In order to record you sleep accurately you must make sure your phone is not on the bed with you and that you adjust your sleep/wake calibration in setting. You may need to set it a couple of times before it accurately records your sleep. When you first get the app, the around the first week or so when you get up look at the app and see if you agree with the amount of sleep you got. Some is of move more the others while we sleep and that is what sleep/wake calibration is for. Go to settings on bottom right and scroll down until you see sleep/wake calibration and use the setting the best represents what you think you really slept. So this a couple of times to check out the results and after that it will accurately auto record your sleep. Even this naps you take in the afternoon.

    I lowered my rating to four stars since by now it should be tracking Sleep Apnea and Snoring like other apps.

    But I still thinks it’s great, and just need a few updates.
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  • Eye opening to say the least!

    I have always been a night owl (or my preferred term, vampire) As a kid and teen when I had ice time at 5:30am, I would be wide awake long after 11pm with my Mom nagging me to get my tush in bed. In my 20’s my attitude was “I’ll sleep when I’m dead”. My average bedtime until I turned 50 was 2am. Over the last decade, if I get to bed before 5am it’s a miracle. The pandemic lockdown made my sleep even more erratic. When my Fitbit died, I ended up replacing it with an Apple Watch. This app really details your sleep cycle. I never realized how little quality sleep I get and how it has affected me health wise - especially my mental health. After studying the data collected by the app, I started to correlate poor sleep with my ongoing battle with severe depression. After sharing my thoughts and a bit of the data with my therapist, he agreed working on getting my circadian rhythms back on track was vital. Hopefully with continued tracking with the app and some changes to my meds, I will be able to get my life back on track.
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  • Still an awesome app

    I’ve been using this for 2 years now and often use it to help encourage better habits like getting to bed earlier for a good sleep when I need it. The only suggestion I have is adding location tracking. More out of interest than anything really practical but with a lot of travel it’d be good to see where I was when I had good/bad sleep.
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  • Incredible

    Incredible daily info.

    New pillows
    Cpap machine
    Painting my bedroom
    New sheets

    Every improvement shows up in my sleep from one capacity to another. Sold 10+ people also loving this app… love it! No subscription… awesome!
  • Helping me out of insomnia

    So this app has been great, I’ve tried a number of different ones and this is the one I’ve stuck with, in return, it’s helping me out of insomnia that I’ve had for years, being able to look through the history and identify what things I was doing in the lead up to a good nights sleep, I’ve been trialling different sleep setups and funnily enough, I began to notice I had better sleep on the sofa, with the blinds blacking out all light, and a smaller pillow than I had in bed, so I changed up my mattress and pillow in the bedroom and now I’m getting 7-8 hours sleep at least 5 nights a week, having the sleep debt stats has been great at motivating me to try harder at going to bed/sleep earlier than normal, to try and catch up, which then has the knock on effect of actually feeling good the day after a good nights sleep, and it always feels good to see a 100% good night sleep rating with all the factors green, great job!
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  • Nice app

    Enjoying using this and only paying one price. That was a big factor in choosing which app. I don’t like permanent subscription apps. I

    I don’t usually sleep in one long session. I’m usually awake for half an hour or so two or three times in the night. The app doesn’t always detect my full sleep pattern it only gets the first two or three hour session. But it is getting more accurate as I learn the features in the software.
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  • Confusing and inaccurate

    I bought this app because I did not want to be paying a subscription to monitor my sleep with my new Apple Watch…. The downside to that is the fact that I did not get to have a “free trial” like every other paid sleep monitoring app, and regret paying for this at all. The app is confusing, and viewing information is extremely convoluted. Not only that, but the information is straight up wrong. It will say I am asleep long past the time I had woken up, and then I’ll have to go in and manually edit it out. Sometimes it will randomly decide I was sleeping in the middle of the day for no reason even when I was using my phone and have the phone motion detection on to prevent the app from thinking I’m asleep. Now, I’m going to have to find and use a different sleep tracking app, and even though I’ve only used this one for two nights, I had to waste money on it.
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