Encounter+ VTT for D&D 5E User Reviews

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  • Amazing

    I love this app. I was able to get all the books added in and now I run everything from this free app. Encounters are so easy to run with the stat blocks assigned to the markers in such a user friendly way. So much easier to use than roll20.
    Initiative tracking, hp tracking, battle maps, screen casting, magic items, monster stats, easy to find campaign notes. I cannot day enough good things about this app. And it’s free??
    There are some parts you have to pay for. I am using it entirely free for the time being.
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  • Best IOS DM tool, helpful developer, fast updates

    This is by far the best IOS app for DM/GMs. With features like an easily-navigable compendium (you can import xml files from online communities for additional content), a multi-tab battle map tool, an initiative/conditions/damage counter, and an intuitively integrated dice roller, apps like Game Master just don’t compare.

    I joined the discord and was greeted by a developer focused on user feedback and a very welcoming and supportive community. There is also a GitHub where anyone can post issues/feature requests.

    Since I got the app updates have been rolling out extremely fast. Dice rollers, tabs to quickly switch between battle maps, he is currently working on making it Mac-compatible and mirror on a website where players can move their own characters.

    You can buy all the necessary features for $9. If you want some nice add-ons and further support $25 a year. This is a very fair price to support a developer full-time and get all these amazing features.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for the nice review!
  • Amazing app!

    You guys are doing a great job with the updates to this app! It just keeps getting better and better! One quick request for future updates: could you add the advantage/disadvantage option to the Initiative calculator? I would really like to use the initiative system you have in the app, but it won’t let me plug in the initiatives manually either. Just a little request. Keep up the great work!👍🏻

    Ok, so I decided to expand on my request a little. It would be a lot more convenient if there was some way you could save the position of the enemies and allies of your encounter on the map, so you don’t have to reposition them every time you load a new encounter or map. Maybe there’s some way you can combine the features. Idk, just a thought 💭 keep up the good work as before!

    Alright, I was also wondering if you could make it possible to rotate the images 360 degrees so as to be able to view the battle map from multiple angles👍🏻
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  • Great but needs a few tiny extras

    The app is great. I haven't made any of the in-app purchases and I still find it very useful, primarily for tracking HP, initiative, and monster positions. The ability to build and drop encounters is great too.
    The major thing I want is the ability to record the loot from an encounter on the encounter other than simply writing it on the description. Something along the lines of a third bar. One for monsters, one for NPCs and one for rewards/loot.
    Another helpful feature in my opinion would be to calculate the needed Average Party Level (APL) needed for an encounter to be of Medium difficulty.
    Another useful addition is some way to record player wealth in gp.
    Otherwise I love this app, and I intend to use it for a long time.
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  • Absolutely amazing

    I just got this app since i’ve been trying to figure out a better way to dm encounters and after exploring this app for a little while I’ve already figured it out and can tell that this is the best d&d app i’ve downloaded. I would highly recommend this to any dms as you can not ably run games with it but give other players an airplay battle map and add whatever you want. amazing.
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  • Multiplayer?

    Seriously, guys. If you add multiplayer capability where players can log into a DM’s campaign and have the ability to move their own tokens, reveal their personalized fog of war and line of sight, you can name your price. Physical maps and tokens take time and a boat load of money. You could literally change the game.

    Roll20 should have done this years ago, but they’re dropping the ball by being stuck with a battery draining, memory hogging web interface that doesn’t have an iOS version that is even remotely interesting. Step up!
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  • Monthly subscriptions?

    I love this app and swear by it as a DM. Compared to other tools that are online based and even other comparable apps, this program stands out. I was willing to purchase all the extra purchases to fully experience this app as well as support the developers. However, monthly subscriptions? Really? How come this couldn’t have just been another in-app purchase? This seems like a cheap ploy to get money from those who have already chosen to support you and your software. This app was a 5-star rating from me until that monthly subscription.
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  • An amazing app!!!

    I’m a first time DM who’s been playing since AD&D 2nd edition and never really took the plunge to DM my own campaign. I finally decided to do it and found this app which was a game changer. Not only did it help me consolidate my home brew campaign but it allowed me to build my own maps and import them as well as even use photos I took of actual maps from Tactical Maps 5e and use them in my games with fog of war. What’s also amazing is that I can use my large TV as our tabletop more or less and control everything from my phone so that all my players feel fully immersed in the storytelling and world-building. I can’t recommend this app enough to all levels of DM since it puts so much power in the palm of your hand from tracking initiative to tracking XP to organizing all the necessary materials for the adventure in a totally accessible way. Thank you and keep up the great work!!

    PS The developer is SUPER helpful if anything is needed.
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  • Really enjoying

    I really like this app. My players really enjoy the casting to another screen for ease of tracking movement and enemies and stuff. I just wish I could cast to a chrome cast as well as AppleTV.

    Also, when can I have a desktop version? I use Arkenforge to create maps themselves and would love to use them together with this app. Maybe y’all can reach out to each other to get your features to combine. Arkenforge makes building maps easy, you make encounters on those maps so slick. I want the best of both worlds in one!

    I’m on an iPhone and am sure that iPad would be better, but I don’t have the funds for a new device at this time to get the bigger screen size that will make it easier to use your amazing app.
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  • Certainly well made, but could be better

    First off, let’s get the good stuff out of the way. I LOVE making monsters from scratch with this app, and tracking initiative is easier, (although I usually try to use my memory, but that’s besides the point.) Making player characters is easier, but it also takes some of the fun out from making them on paper. Now for the bad stuff. Why is fireball the only spell? Why are there no mundane items? Also, some of the monsters are left behind, so am I supposed to make them from scratch? All in all, it’s a pretty good app, but it could use an update or two.

    Edit: Nevermind, found the policy. Sorry to bother you! :)
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