Homescapes User Reviews

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  • Addictive but could use some work

    This game is addictive as all get out and I love it! However, I think the game would been benefit from having less difficult levels, or decreasing the difficulty in the very hard and hard levels. It’s possible to beat these levels without any power ups and coins, but that’s only if you’ve been dealt a good puzzle. I know a few people that loved the game but stopped playing because of the difficulty of some levels. I have even myself taken long breaks from the game for this reason. Also, sometimes just to call someone, it can take up to 2 or 3 stars just to do this. I believe the game should be a little more rewarding with lives, stars and power ups if just calling someone takes up to three stars(three games). And if this isn’t possible, there should be better rewards for completing levels, helping teammates, and/or just in general (hand out power ups). I think the game would be extremely successful if it were a little easier or if you could change which difficulty you would like to play as. I think the developers are more focused on making the game like the ads we see and less like keeping and improving what is already good about the game. Hopefully some of these issues are dealt with so mine and many other players I know experiences while playing the game are improved. All that said, it’s a great game that gets you sucked in, but just needs a few tweaks here and there.
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  • Levels and games

    Love the game, but needs some improvements. For starters some of the levels are to tough for the amount of moves you get. So to beat them you have to buy tokens. When a super hard level only gives you 8 moves to clear 16 cherry’s and 15 rings it’s unrealistic to beat in 8 moves.

    The Knights race is a joke! I was in 2nd place by three levels from third place, 4th place was 4 levels and 5th was 7 levels behind and first was a level ahead. I beat my level in 5 moves with double rainbow cubes. Took me less than a minute, but when it went to the main screen it said “hurry you just got past” and I was 2 levels behind in last place. That means the other so called players behind me beat 5, 6, and 7 levels in less than a minute. I don’t think so. Then the hard level I was two moves from completing and I ran out of moves and I bought tokens. I used a double airplane to win the level and the airplanes never went to the right spots and I couldn’t win, so I used 1200 tokens to get more moves. Again I had no moves to make. I sadly bought more tokens and was able to use the hammer twice to get my win. When it went to the main screen the knights race was over and I was 9 levels behind. What a joke. Please fix! It is a fun game, but at time beyond frustrating.
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  • Great game! But I want to say… (devs please read this)(P.S this is a bit long 😅)

    I love this game! But first off I want to say why I gave this game 4 stars instead of 5. my first problem with the game is the ads for this game, the ads for this game is the whole reason I downloaded it. I’m not gonna say the ads are lying because they do come every 20 levels (I think) but anyway back to the ads when people watch an add for an game that’s what they wanna play, they don’t want to play something else they didn’t know about and only play what they downloaded it for barely at all! Another thing about this is about the events in this game… see I have absolutely no problems with the actual events but most of the events have like only 2 OR 1 DAY TO FINISH IT!!!! To me that is un fair some of them have an decent time limit like 20 days but the others are WAY TO SHORT… kids also have school u know, and even if they didn’t it’s not like they could spend there whole day trying to finish an event because it’s leaving in an few hours! The last problem I have is the lives… YOU ONLY GET 5 LIVES, THEN HOW WOULD YOU COMPLETE THE REALLY HARD LEVELS… because when you get to the hard levels in the first place you probably don’t even have all five lives! And this complaint is only for when you don’t have unlimited lives. That’s all I can do for now because I don’t have anymore room. I hope this is helpful to new users and devs I hope that you can fix these things!
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! I'm so happy to hear that you enjoy our game! 😍 We read all of our reviews so fret not, you may see your proposed changes in a future update.🤗 Have a lovely day!
  • Read this! It’s very helpful!!

    I downloaded this game because some of my friends had it. It was fun in the beginning because the levels weren’t super hard and the stars added up quickly. So it was really fun when I first got it. I’ve looked at other reviews for this game and they all have one thing in common: at a certain point in the game, the levels get super hard and are impossible to beat without buying power-ups and coins with real money. This was very annoying to me and I’m sure it was to a lot of people. I eventually just gave up on the game because there was no way I could beat this one level, and I didn’t have enough coins or any power-ups. Since deleting this game I’ve seen so many adds for it. All the adds for Homescapes, and other playrix games, make these games seem like a whole bunch of minigames. This is not true! When I played Homescapes, I got really far. I was almost to level 2,000! This game uses the adds to make it seem like a whole lot of minigames after minigames after minigames! While there were a few minigames sprinkled throughout Homescapes, there weren’t nearly enough to justify that all the adds for this game show only minigames. When there were minigames they were super easy and not that fun. The developers need to make more realistic adds and make the levels doable for people who aren’t willing to spend money to beat them.
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  • Cash grab

    I downloaded this game as a joke thinking I’d delete it after the first couple levels....... then promptly played all the way up to lvl 50 in only one day. I’m perfectly obsessed with the game. The story is interesting, the rewards are gratifying, and rather than putting an ad wall in the players face every level, the game company sneak ads of their other games into the game play (that part specifically is very cool to me). All the levels before level 50 weren’t too challenging, but lvl 50 is in a whole other ball park. It is basically impossible without getting lucky. It’s not a strategy issue, it’s purposefully crippling the player by limiting the number of moves they have to a ridiculous level, and giving them a tiny 6x6 space to play the level. It’s very obvious that level 50 is made to be difficult to force players to spend out if pocket money on the boosters to progress the game but I’ll be taking no part in it. There’s no point in spending 2-15 dollars to solve this problem now, only to meet it later on down the road. It’s a cycle with this game. They draw you in with fun levels and interesting story and new sections of the mansion to decorate, and then trap you with basically a pay wall and force you to spend more money. This problem can only be fixed with real world cash and I am unwilling to pay it, but if you are then be my guest because the game is- at the very least- fun to play.
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  • Kind of disappointing..

    Hey there, first let me say that the game is beautifully designed and has so much potential. When I first downloaded this game I was glued to my phone and obsessed immediately, and then I hit level 24. I’ve watched videos of people completing these levels in the past and they had over 20 moves for the same level. And now it’s only 10?? I understand and was fully expecting that once you get to a certain point in the game levels will get pretty difficult since I know this game has been around for awhile, but level 24?!?! I haven’t even made it out of the first room!! You have to play a perfect game to be able to beat the level and it took me several heart refills as I kept failing. You basically have no choice but to either take your time on this level (which could last several days) or to buy a pack of coins to continue playing. As someone who generally does spend on in-app purchases, it’s frustrating when you feel as if you are basically forced to do so, and in turn, makes me want to delete the app. I really don’t want to do this as I said this game is really entertaining and a ton is fun, but I refuse to spend a small fortune to be able to play a game on my phone. I would love to be able to continue playing, and you have PLENTY of levels to keep people playing without forcing them into purchases. Please consider making some changes.
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  • 2 Cons

    I have had this game for 3 years now and I am enjoying it very much. But there is two problems My first problem is that you beat levels to get stars right? Well in the beginning you only need 1 star to do a task. Well as you get up higher you need more stars per task. So if I want to let’s say, put up a statue it would take 3 stars to do so; that means beat 3 levels. And that is something that I am not a fan of. There is one other con. In Homescapes, there is ALWAYS some sort of event going on, like the things where you get points per level, and rewards once you reach a certain point. Sound fun, right? Well once in a while it is fun, but when there is constantly a 30-day long event, and you just can’t get a break, it gets annoying. If you are reading this, and you work on the Homescapes team, please make a change because I hate this and it is something that bugs me so much and I would love it if there was just 1 month where there was no event going on. That is why I stopped playing Matchingtown Mansion, and it might be why I delete Homescapes in the future. But other than that is is a super fun game, there are limited bugs and I enjoy the mini-games (separate from the events) I play it every day!
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  • Developers, PLEASE read this.

    This game is fun, engaging, and challenging! Not to mention it doesn’t have any ad’s (THANK YOU!!). However, sometimes the levels can get TOO challenging. I’m currently on level 60 and it’s near impossible. I’ve been on it for a couple of days now and I just can’t get past it. They only give you about 12 moves to get so much stuff, and it’s not even worth it. I’m not sure if this is a marketing strategy, but it’s a crappy one. I swear the creators don’t even try to do the levels themselves, because if they did they would be able to see that there is no way to get past the level without paying for anything. There should be some sort of “skip” level or something similar so that you aren’t stuck on the same level for weeks on end. Especially since the game won’t go on if you don’t complete these levels. I always end up deleting the game because of this. I mean isn’t the whole point to decorate? Speaking of decorating, there should be more options. To be honest, I don’t ever really like the choices I have for decorating and I’m always just settling for something I don’t like. I just wish there was more variety, and i’m sure some other people feel the same. So overall, the game can be fun, but Please fix these “impossible” levels. This problem makes me very irritated, and i’ve seen almost all the reviews complaining about this same problem.
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  • Very Fun; Very Frustrating

    Okay, so I started playing this game and love the concept— it’s fun, addicting, and keeps you wanting more. And THEN, once you’re hooked, the levels are so hard it will boggle your mind. Now, I love a challenge...but...this is stupid. Sometimes you get a half hour or so of unlimited lives, but mostly you’re stuck with 5. Each time you fail to complete a level, you lose a life and it takes (not 100% sure on this) at least 20 minutes, possibly 30, to get another one. You can ask your team for lives after an allotted amount of time, but you’re pretty much going to wait and wait. And boy have I!

    I am not lying when I say I spent three days and 60+ lives to finish level 163. The worst part is that to makeover your mansion, you have to collect stars. One star per level completed...soooo...I haven’t been able to move forward on the game for that long in any capacity. I finally, FINALLY, beat level 163, beat a couple more...and then hit another one that is very nearly impossible. I only had two lives left from level 163. So I burnt those pretty quick and I’m uninstalling the game.

    If your levels are going to be this hard, give us more power ups. Best Fiends, for instance, is really hard sometimes—but they also offer a lot of opportunities for infinite energy for X amount of time. I’m going back to that one! Boooo!
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  • Why is there no bathroom?

    Overall a great and interesting game to play. Fun and challenging. Love: the extra rooms, added updates, extra “decor” you can earn by playing the seasonal games, graphics, some of the storylines, the cat, easy game within the game that earns stars/lives, garden is truly beautiful, no (direct) ads
    Confused by: no bathroom, the parents have no bedrooms, some colour and design choices
    Can do better: some storylines esp Katherine who is supposed to be the romantic interest but always looks on the verge of crying, the “ friends” are made to seem inclusive but can come off as tokenism, father is just plain annoying. Game forces you to play constantly by withholding some of the extra rooms. No ads which is a plus but then indirectly pushes you to purchase by not allowing you to proceed. (It is possible to play without purchasing, you just may be stuck on a level until game decides to let you go on, the level will be impossible to win until you’ve failed enough times and suddenly will become super easy) which brings me to next point which is game is neither skill based or luck but seem driven by trying to get you to purchase stuff through it. Some levels are so easy and then impossible until the same level becomes impossibly easy after you’ve either bought some bonus or tried enough times that it gives up on you purchasing. I get it, that’s the point of these things but still.
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