Smash Up User Reviews

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  • Fun Not Perfect

    I really enjoy playing this game. I stayed up until like 5 am last night playing it and have been playing it all day today. It’s kind of a problem lol. It does freeze sometimes and it’s disappointing that when I tried to play online no one else was playing. Guess I’m the only loser playing it. Could also use more factions. I recently bought the Marvel version of the actual card game and wish I could use them on the app too.
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  • Professionally designed - AI cheats

    Love Smash Up. It’s one of my favorite tabletop games. The app has nice presentation and works fine (for the most part). Not worth playing on higher difficulties because the AI very clearly cheats.

    I played a game against Princess’s where I destroyed Sleeping Beauty forcing her to be shuffled into the deck only for the AI to play her the very next turn. Card draws happen at the end of the turn, the AI player didn’t play anything to draw cards, simply mysteriously had a ‘one of’ card in hand that should have been in the deck.

    Played an entire game with Geeks/Mythic Horses where all my actions were top decked and then I played through minions, reshuffled the deck only to have all my actions top decked again. Having that happen once could be attributed to chance, twice in one game is infinitesimal.

    AI used Geeks to move one of my actions (Hissy Fit) from one base to another base then the game treated that card as though it belonged to the AI player, which isn’t how the Geeks card works. I thought maybe it was just programmed incorrectly but then I made the same play during a game and the card worked as intended. Then I started noticing how often card interactions working incorrectly almost always benefit the AI player. Programmers should legit be ashamed of themselves.
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  • Online doesn’t work

    I got the physical version of the game for Christmas and was really enjoying it until my brother left for college and I had no one to play it with anymore. We decided to get the game online so we could play together, but it seems the online servers aren’t even supported anymore. It defeats the whole purpose of buying it and I really wish they had it listed properly that online doesn’t work. Unless they somehow return to supporting the servers I won’t ever use this app. Biggest waste of $2 ever. I would get a refund if I could.
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  • Really fun when it’s working, but online play is down.

    I messaged Nomad support, as the online servers seem to be down. In the past this has led to them fixing the issue, but not this time. No reply, and it’s been nearly a month.

    You can still play against the AI opponents, but I wouldn’t recommend buying this app until the issue is resolved. Perhaps Nomad is no longer supporting this game? That would be a shame.
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  • Great game, but gets some things wrong

    Did the app designers even read the rules?

    Jammed Signal works improperly wth Cool Cat Alley. It should make all players ignore the bases ability. Including the player who played it.

    Magic Ward is supposed to prevent actions being played on a base and on minions on that base. This app interprets that as minions can't be played on the base, which is incorrect.

    Ornate Dome shouldn't block Invisible Bicycle or You're Pretty Much Borscht but it does in this app.

    Glymmer has the ability to lower a minion's power -4 until the start of the player's next turn. Sometimes, the -4 stays in effect several turns later, including long after Glymmer and the target minion are in the discard pile. If a player has the ability to retreive cards from the discard pile (like the Zombie faction) the retreived card will sometimes come back into play with -4 power. This seems more like a bug than a rules oversight.

    This isn't the end of the broken rules, I'm just tired of listing them.
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  • Better, but still some major problems

    Downloaded again after first disappointing try. AI still uses the same flood one base to break strategy. Also, Problems with special event cards like zombie lord ( no option to place minions on unoccupied bases, Rhodes Bally mall base gives NO victory points when breaks) ai Can use packs you haven’t bought. Still needs work. Get on it. Oh and no contact support feature.
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  • The best game ever needs some improvements!

    Smash Up is such a good game… Please add ALL the factions!! Gameplay can be smoother and faster as well. Needs lots of love and attention because this could introduce more people to this amazing game. Don’t give up on it devs! I went with 5 stars cuz it’s smash up. It’s that good. 4 is more accurate. 3 if in 6 months you guys don’t try here…
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  • Bigger FONT option please

    Good game. The stats are a nice touch that will keep me coming back to play. More games like this need to follow and add SOLO stats, wins/losses etc.

    The main problem with this game is the poor use of screen realestate. On iPad its probably great but on iPhone, the text is too small. The app should be able to upscale, display larger popups that make full use of the screen, with BIGGER FONTS. Waaaay too many iOS card games have this problem while the smarter apps detect and display easier to read, larger fonts.
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  • Digital game needs work

    I love smash up and I’ve owned the physical game for a long time and have had the digital version for a little while now. The AI cheats at times. Like certain cards you play have no effect. I’ve made sure to watch several times to ensure it’s not me and I’ve confirmed the AI negates certain actions. It’s a shame because a single card can make all the difference and when the AI can just go around your actions it puts a damper on the whole game. I still enjoy the digital version as it lets me play when I can’t find real people to play with but just be warned about the AI.
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  • A Limited Implementation With Bugs

    Currently the online play (March 6&7) is unavailable because of server issues.

    Besides that, it’s a limited implementation of a good game. When it works, it’s a lot of fun, but the developer didn’t do a good job implementing features which would help with the errors.

    The game freezes about once every ten games and won’t let you back in. It will boot you and let a bot finish the game. There should be a re-join feature.

    The game should also have a pause button that allows you to re-start the same game with a friend.

    The game needs all the factions, or at least some new packs.

    Finally the UI could use work. The cards are too small on a phone, and sometimes viewing a card causes an accidental choice. In addition, whenever another player plays an action, the opponent cannot easily read it. I would suggest showing the whole card over the playfield for a few seconds or showing the entirety of the card text in the space between the bases.
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