Smash Up User Reviews

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  • Good foundation, but could easily be better

    This game captures alot of the key aspects of smash up. The game is very easy to learn. I've oy encountered a couple if bugs so far, but its been fine so far. Decks like 'killer plants' where you have to do alot f deck searching and reshuffling run so smooth in this app. It saves alot of time that would normally be lost in the normal rl game. My only real concern is the audio. I'm just going to be honest, its terrible. Half the sound effects sound like a radio bugging out. The music is very simple and gets really old really quick. Plus only 2 expansions are out rn. Making the game really dull compared to the rl one. Overall I think this a goodbase, but needs much improvement.
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  • Fun but not perfect.

    This is a well built app, but it does have some flaws. For instance, unable to play cards when you should be able to, able to play cards when you shouldn’t be able to, some bases don’t do what they are supposed to after scoring etc. But once you get used to the app it is fun and plays faster than the actual game.
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  • Love the game but is anyone else ever on!?

    I login multiple times daily and there is never anyone online to play with, so I’m constantly playing the AI which is frustratingly difficult even on the easy setting. I would give this a five star if 1. I could play with other people 2. The AI wasn’t so difficult and 3. If I had a chance to read what the cards said when the AI does things like play three actions and four minions and win a base right out from under me!
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  • Smash up rules!

    Be careful though. When you play the AI they don’t miss a beat so you gotta pay attention to all the specials. It’s a little harder to read that the regular card game. It’s nice to be able to mess around and play when ever though.
  • Great game!

    Pretty good so far! I can’t wait for more expansions to be added.

    The cons:
    The AI is really tough, on easy it is like playing your buddy who knows everything about the game! Normal is crazy hard... I have lost every time out of 17 games. I would hard means impossible!

    The other bad thing is that there are no take undo button. Like say I play a card in the wrong base, it is now stuck there. Not a huge deal until your kids or dog jumps in your lap, and now your strategy crumbles.

    But over all a really great game with boundless potential!!!
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  • Buggy

    Nothing like a computer controlled creature moving back and forth between two bases forever to sour a gaming experience. Controlling other players creatures is also a risk as they often return if anything complex happens like a base move. Seems like they have so many bugs to fix they aren’t doing any expansions.
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  • SmashUp is amazing!

    This is one of the best games I’ve ever played and the app version does the card game justice! Occasionally the game will start to have an issue and I’ll have to close the app and start a new game, but it’s not a major issue. My only request is please add more of the expansion packs to the game! I want to have more factions to play with.
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  • Solid, but a couple suggestions

    Love the game. A fantastic card game, carries over well to mobile. There are a lot of complexities to this game & devs did a good job making the UI pretty decent for all of the options you have. Although sometimes the game pauses expecting me to do something, but it’s not clear (unless I know the cards really well) what action I should be taking.
    1. Add the other expansion packs. Would happily pay another .99 for more factions
    2. My stats are all jacked up, please fix the stats section.
    3. More of an indicator when a special is available or forced move is required what you actually need to be doing.
    4. Fix some glitchy interactions. 2nd game I played I had to abandon. CPU was using Steampunks and had 2 bases with a talent to move a minion. The AI got stuck in a loop just moving one of his minions back & forth over & over & over. Had to quit & start a new game.
    Otherwise well done putting a complicated card game to mobile.
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  • More expansions!!!!!

    I was pleasantly surprised today to see that the Level 9000 expansion has been added and is available for purchase!

    Now give us more! I will gladly, willingly, totally pay for more more more! Bring it on!
  • Stick to the cards....

    The game is fun. Easy to interact with. Super buggy. Freezes randomly during the CPU turns. Sometimes kicks back in, sometimes not. The price point is obnoxious. I own every expansion for the cards....why do I have to pay for the app? If anyone is looking for a recommendation, save your money.

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