Darkest Dungeon User Reviews

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  • R.I.P battery

    We need more developers like these guys to make the App Store better, who the hell would play “Blade maker” or some crappy puzzle game when you could get great story, and real effort in a game.

    Only complaint I can’t play it for more than 2 1/2 without my battery dying.

    It’s a price I’m willing to pay for
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  • Some good ideas but overall an awful game

    This has some creative takes on the traditional dungeon crawler game, but sadly the game mechanics and playability make it a waste of time. It’s too hard to be entertaining and the twist on the psychological effects of dungeon exploring are over the top and more annoying than entertaining. It’s hard to complete any mission or get any characters up a level. This one is best left on the shelf.
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  • Has bugs

    I really like this game, however after losing my best trinkets in the well documented embark crash bug I'm struggling with motivation to continue. That's right, I'm setting up my group plugging in trinkets and the game crashes, something it does often. I restart the app and the trinkets have vanished. I can't believe this bug that was documented in 2017 hasn't been fixed. These were top tier trinkets.
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  • Amazing

    It’s not often I can say the price is too low. With all the hours of enjoyment I’ve been given I feel it’s a steal. Be prepared to do some research before going in blind... as the narrator warns.. ‘overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer’
  • A terrible port

    First of all, I am a fan of Darkest Dungeon as a game. But this iOS version of it specifically is terrible.
    I have an iPad Air 2, so it isn’t that terribly old with some odd aspect ratio or small screen. In spite of this the game letterboxes everything by nearly an inch on both the top and bottom, severely shrinking things down. On top of this, the UI and text in the game is tiny even relative to the available screen real estate.
    Then on top of that, all the descriptive popups that come up when pressing stuff appear DIRECTLY BENEATH YOUR FINGER! How does a rational human being even do that? The tiny text can’t even be read because your own finger is obscuring most of it.
    Interacting with the interface is rough as well, because there’s no distinction made between selecting something and actually activating it. You have to press and hold stuff to get those pop up descriptions telling you what it actually does, and if you just tap something it immediately activates it. The game was originally built to be played with a mouse, so a lot of vital information on what the hell UI elements or items actually do is completely hidden from you, normally requiring you to hover the mouse over it to see a pop up. So you have to press and hold on EVERYTHING just to see what it does, and if you accidentally tap it instead, it instantly activates it. And those vital pop up windows will be tiny and hidden by your finger anyway!
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  • Full of bugs - but great game

    I have played this game previously on other platforms. Got this for iPad and is full of bugs. Creating a new file when naming dungeon the keyboard comes up and pushes the game screen off and does not return properly when keyboard is removed. Also if you go off the app temporarily once you return to it the audio goes.
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  • Terrible Documentation/Help Features

    I’m not sure where all of the multi-star ratings are coming from — maybe people who are impressed by the artwork? The game itself is a complete mess. There is no tutorial. You are presented with a list of literally dozens of abbreviations and statistics, with no idea of how they work. The game boasts a “context-specific help menu,” but I’ll be damned if I can ever find it; just a generic five-sentence help screen that says things like “touch something to activate it.” I’ve spent most of my time randomly touching and clicking on things hoping they’ll do something. Imagine being sat down at a chessboard for the first time ever and told “OK, go ahead and play” without ever being told what the rules are, how the pieces move, or even what the object of the game is. There appear to be quite a few wikis and articles on Steam — maybe that is how people learn how to play?
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  • Great game, only had one minor issue.

    Awesome game. Really challenging. One minor issue i had was once I was pretty far in my playthrough when I logged in and all my team members disappeared, along with and potential recruits. This made it so I could not proceed, therefore losing all my progress and upgrades, making it so my only option was starting over. Considering this, I honestly wasn’t that mad because half the fun is the struggle.
    Every other moment of this game was awesome. The art style is very unique as well.
    Would absolutely recommend this game.
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  • Crash, Crash, then Crash

    Worst purchase I’ve ever made.
    I arrived at the hamlet, game crashed.
    I got the tutorial about adding people into my party, game crashed.
    I added people, game crashed.
    I was told to add provisions before starting my adventure, game crashed.
  • Game doesn’t save properly

    I’ve repeated lost progress because the game doesn’t seem to auto save or sync properly. My characters are always on the latest week and at the right lvl but all guild and blacksmith upgrades get reset to lvl 1 whenever I login without refunding me the gold for the upgrades....Game runs fine otherwise but does crash occasionally in town. Same as the pc version but with the bugs and crashes still happening in Jan 2020 this game isn’t worth your money.
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