Funky Bay User Reviews

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  • Lots of bugs

    This game is good, the competition and goals are updated often. It provides a lot of mental stimulation. HOWEVER with lots of updates comes a lot of bugs and issues. After getting to level 40 I had to reset because my game wouldn’t load past 20% for days and I lost all of my progress. I’ve had problems with the game before and got help but it no longer seems like the developers are concerned with helping fix bugs. I couldn’t get any help from their support not even acknowledgment to my many requests and emails. So play but don’t expect to get help if you get hit with an unexpected glitch.🤷🏾‍♀️

    The changes have made it hard and expensive to upgrade. I still like the game but it’s off putting for those who have played for a while.
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  • It Tanked

    Preface- I LOVED this game. I was cruising right along, enjoying exploring every aspect of the game. There are many different facets to explore and I went through phases of all of them. There was always something new. Always a challenge. Then.... the update. They changed the market- prices for selling your own items tanked and essential items were no longer earn-able (e.g. hammers for storage upgrade). Prices to BUY in the market are several times more than what you the player can sell yours for. I couldn’t make any in-game money anymore! It took me so long to earn cash without the market anymore that I had to quit.

    Another update did nothing to fix these problems. I keep downloading the game again to check and see if they reverted back but alas. Then i delete it again. It would take me a year to earn enough cash to buy the food stand I was saving for at that rate. Until they fix it, it’s unplayable. There are many other options out there for similar gameplay.

    Too bad! The players are begging for change but it’s apparently fallen on deaf ears. This game was so much fun before.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! We apologize for any inconvenience the new updates may cause and would like to assure you that we have considered your feedback. In the future, we will try to meet players' expectations. However, we will not go back to the old market. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
  • The game was a frustrating money grab before the update.

    This new update is horrendous. The market update is ridiculous, did you test this idea with actual players? Have any of you ever played the game? It’s an out and out money grab with zero incentive for the players. It ruins the fun of playing with a neighborhood and the amount of money you get for selling items in the barn/silo is laughable. Why not just speed up the market turn over? My entire neighborhood is now quitting the game. Well done, you’ve utterly ruined the game for people who’ve been playing daily for a year. That’s truly quite a feat. It was bad enough that the adventures were recycled and there’s literally no way to get through them without spending a twenty at least. This game has gone from frustrating but still somewhat fun to straight garbage.

    Update: the game is still trash after the update. The silver lining is that I no longer spend money or time on this game.
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  • Don’t like new market

    Before they changed the market it was a really fun game, but now it’s like they changed the market so they can make more money. Now you can’t ask your neighbors for help with something you need and tools and things in the market that used to cost coins now cost gems so you have to buy gems in order to buy the tools you could get for coins before. It seems like the only reason they made the change was to make us spend more money. I’ve already complained about this and if they don’t change it back I will probably just delete the game because I already spent a lot of money on this game and I’m not gonna spend more and more because they want more and more. So please change it back to the old market so we can have help from our friends or else we’re just going to delete the game. I have three different accounts with this game and I will delete them all if it doesn’t change back to the old market thank you.
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  • Shady MONEY HUNGRY game

    This game was very exciting and fun early on. After a while I noticed that the game would do things to entice you to spend money such as making it impossible to finish tasks unless you purchase gems. Annoying but expected. Then I found that they would put gem purchases in places you weren’t expecting such that you would spend gems without realizing you were doing it and not confirming that you wanted to spend gems. It’s VERY SHADY. Customer service is a joke and responds with stock responses IF THEY EVEN RESPOND. The only thing keeping me from quitting entirely was the neighborhood and market. Well, they just updated this part of the game to what? YOU GUESSED IT MAKE MORE MONEY. It’s actually disgusting the way the game supports shady tactics. Do yourself a favor and find a new game to move on to like township or Golden farm which are similar to this game without the shady money grabs.
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  • Funky market

    I really like and enjoy playing this game but I don’t like the new market, it takes to long to refresh and the stuff we you sale already has a price. You can’t even buy fruit from your neighbors now you really have to grow it more and you don’t give us enough growing pads to do that. I’ve been at my limit for those did the longest. I like the old market better. It also takes to long to upgrade your silos. Some things I don’t get where they would be in my barn. Like the eggs and milk should be with my fruits then you could have more space in the barn. It fills up to fast. Some of the prices to unlock land land and buy other stands are way to expensive as well. If you could change the market back and be reasonable with the pricing of buy things thanks.
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  • New updates | Higher costs | Disappointing

    My wife and I spent a lot of money on this game over time. After this update we will no longer be doing this. The new market, the loss of extras daily/ no more selling for what you want in the market.. previously, things like this made the game more fun.. these aren’t the only changes.. they also changed the rewards for when you win on the submarine missions and boats. Reduction in energy winnings, to many changes in a short period of time. Everything went up, pays little, and requires more real money. Greed has a big part in this. I understand it’s just business, but if you want to keep the money coming in, don’t make a change that will break the app financially. Check out the Facebook Community page, the comments over the last few days are awful, and so many are upset and dropping the game.
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  • Waste of time and money

    After a year of playing and spending quite a bit of money (because they make it impossible to play unless you spend actual money)and glitch after glitch after glitch they recently updated a couple of the games features that literally everyone on the Facebook group I’m in including myself HATE!!!! And it makes it really impossible to play anymore...for instance one ring to buy is now 675 coins when you sell one you make it’s 67 coins🙄 you can’t talk or help your team members anymore so all this time everyone took building friendships within their neighborhoods is a waste there’s literally no reason to have a neighborhood anymore...I could go on and on but what I’m getting at is the creators are just money hungry and don’t care about making a good game which I kind of already knew but after this new update they have completely ruined any fun I had playing the game so there goes a years work and money I spent trying to better my land for nothing!!! Also let me add I have written to bug report numerous times, once because gems I bought with my actual money just kept disappearing from my account like A LOT of gems and they takes MONTHS to respond if they do at all and it’s just always the same automated message never actually fix anything!
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Thank you for the feedback. We are sorry for any way in which we may have inconvenienced you. Right now players do not have problems with cheaters, sold out goods, glitches with the market and other issues. We are still working on the new market, so we would like to assure you that we have taken into consideration your feedback.
  • Nerfing the market

    I have been playing the game for months now. And really enjoyed it. Finally found a fun and active neighborhood to join where we worked together to complete tasks and help each other out.
    Now with the latest update they have totally nerfed the market. Instead of players buying and selling with each other and the market updates every 10 minutes with several players with multiple bins of items they have replaced it with one that has 10 bins. And those items don’t change for 6 hours unless you spend 10 gems to get new items. On top of that where we had basically from over 100 possible bins when buying from other players we are down to 10...unless you spend gems to additional bins. The items they have vary and you cab find items that sold fast in the player’s market and you pay top price for them which was common in the player’s market as well. But you could also sell items at the highest price as well. Now you sell to no one (so you can’t sell to mates in need) but you can sell through your silo and the cheapest possible price. This also caused the regatta task to sell items to go away. One of my favorites to perform.
    Updates like this one will kill the game off because l am sure it is only the first in more to follow down the road to make you pay to play to get anywhere. I will give it some time to see what happens, but if money l spent on the game is going to upgrades like this...l will be keeping my money from now on.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Thank you for the feedback. We are sorry for any way in which we may have inconvenienced you. Right now players do not have problems with cheaters, sold out goods, glitches with the market and other issues. We are still working on the new market, so we would like to assure you that we have taken into consideration your feedback.
  • New Market

    As frustrating as it was to constantly have everything in the market purchased within seconds, this new market is a nightmare. We are now selling the things that we produce at a MASSIVE discount — how are we ever to purchase the necessary equipment to make the products needed to play this game when we barely make any money selling our products? ADDITIONALLY, there is a six hours wait for 10 new market products to become available. That is nonsensical.

    This has been a fun pandemic game, but I have put far too much money into buying gems to now have the rug ripped out from underneath me with the market change. Not to mention it’s an expensive game to play, and unless you have the patience of a saint, purchasing gems is mandatory in order to level up. Seriously disappointed with this “upgrade”.
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