Merge Dragons! User Reviews

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  • Storage

    I've been playing this game pretty much since it first came out, and I love it! Years later and I still play it. I know on one review I left some suggestions and eventually the developers added them in, so I have another consideration to improve the game: storage. Like, for anything, not just coin/silver storage. I have trees, flowers, eggs, buildings, chests, dead trees, coins, rare items, rewards, etc that I like to complete the merge chains on but either don't have space to do, or my dragons harvest the wrong item because they're on screen at the same time (I.e, harvesting from life flowers instead of stone sources when I'm trying to build dragon homes.) I don't want to delete or sell these items, but they take up a lot of space (especially the wonders!) Having a storage option, or the wonders going to their own island when they're unlocked, would be helpful. You could even make it so people can spend gems on increasing general storage after an initial level (five-twenty items,) so the game isn't losing money in anyway. Or you could let storage stack items without it taking a space, like 5x life flower sprout only takes 1 storage space and 1x pear tree takes 1 storage space and 23x life orbs takes 1 storage space up to an upper stack limit.
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  • Not Happy...

    Okay I just want to start off by saying, I used to love this game. I love the merging aspect and all the dragons are so cute. However, I am currently a very high level with only one space not unlocked on my home island. I know a lot of others have also expressed what I’m about to say but, we haven’t gotten any new maps in a very long time, so we have to keep redoing the old ones over and over. Also recently for the events on weekends, which I used to look forward to, I hate. The last several events I have gotten two rock dragons to use, which are extremely slow, and my point value system is lowered. I haven’t be able to complete the maps like I used to because I don’t have the time to sit on the game all weekend to farm. I wish the creators would pay attention to all the people who have been trying to voice their opinions on how to make this game more enjoyable. I know it’s probably expensive and time consuming but a new map system would be nice. Like maybe a way to have like a second version of all the islands for us to redo with different rewards. Another thing the weekend events would probably be much more enjoyable for everyone if you would give us better dragons. Even if the point system is docked with better dragons we can work faster and it wouldn’t be such a pain. That’s all I have to say, like I said I used to really love this game but I dread it now.
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  • A few suggestions...

    This game is honestly amazing and super fun to play. The levels get harder as you keep playing, and the camp can keep me busy for hours. One thing that annoys me slightly is the fact that you can accidentally tap your life essences, or you coins, or other things, and you can never get them back. I was working really hard to make the highest level of the life essence, the wonder, when I accidentally tapped my level 8 life essence. It was the highest one I had, and I had to restart, though all of my dead land in the camp was no longer dead. Another issue is with the events. The events are always extremely fun and I loved the recent Froopyland event (I think that’s what it was called? I forget) but I always make the mistake where I never tap the event points and instead keep merging them for the highest level, and in the end, the event is over before I can tap it. There should be like a thing where you can collect the event points after the event that you didn’t collect during the event. A last suggestion that I have is that there should be more things you can buy with coins. Almost all of the things in the shop are for gems, and the only way you can get them is to either buy them with real money, or get the gem star. All in all, this game is awesome and I highly recommend it.
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  • Super addicting game but it’s flawed

    So I started playing a few months ago and was addicted almost immediately, but as I play the game I realize more and more stuff, so if you’re one of the game developers listen up.....I understand the “incentive” behind make them hard to obtain playing the regular game so the easy way to get them is to buy them...but I don’t feel like spending all my money on a game 😂 so I obtain jewels the hard way...but the stuff at the store is WAY too’s almost impossible to buy anything if you don’t have an obscene amount of jewels. Next I wish when you click on an “un-mergeable” item that it would give you the option to collect or cancel, because in the events I like to see where I’m at in the merging combinations but you can’t see that unless you merge something new or collect the item. Also in the events, it takes forever for at least one of the dragons to “harvest” something so it takes twice as long to do a simple task, once you reach a certain point in the event everything is dead plants which aren’t mergeable so you have to clear land but you have to have 5000 life orbs which is pretty hard get to, the highest life orb flower you can get to is a double twin life flower so not much life orb power there.
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  • Love the game but hate the greed.

    This game can quickly become addicting. However, once the newness wears away, you notice how stacked certain things are. Dragon egg prices as well as most of the items in the store increase with each purchase. That’s frustrating.

    Worse are the bonus games that run for about three days. I don’t bother anymore. You cannot get ahead without buying chests to unlock the shadow keys. So I either spend hours upon hours creating large life orbs and can barely clear the first area or I try to mine whatever it is that gets me points for prizes. Again, extremely tedious work that consumes most of your day.

    I understand that this is a game for us and a business however when you spend weeks saving your yellow stars up to final merge to the biggest star and you get one flower, one small blue life orb, and a ton of locked boxes that cost a lot of gems, it feels greedy. I’m willing to spend money on the game but I can’t afford $100 a pop just to open a few boxes or to get somewhere in the bonus games. I think the buildup and excitement to the star and receiving virtually nothing is has pushed me away from this game. Saddens me because the concept is awesome.
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  • This is my “Number 1” Game... but

    Love this game. Love my Dragons. Spend many hours and much money playing. I would give 5 solid stars except for the following. Im honestly I’m about to delete it. I’ve been stuck on the same Chalice Challenge and no longer go out “into the world” There is no way to bypass and I am severely frustrated every time I attempt it. Now I solely farm my camp. But now that’s getting boring due to the unrealistic goals given. I cannot heal land due to the ASTRONOMICAL amount of dragon power needed. I have a large quantity of solo eggs that I can only get more by purchasing nests or Mystery Egg Nests. On the special events you can never get to far healing land. I mean 5000 points to heal and only 2 little hatchlings to aid you. And some locks only opened by spending even more money and some I haven’t figured out what item will actually unlock and remove the mist. I’m getting bored with just farming and even my cutesy dragons are getting not worth the money I have to spend to increase my dragon power. Lower the levels to be more obtainable so the cams can progress and remain a challenge. Let people know you can turn off “auto merge” so you stop accidentally merging items before you are ready. I tool me MONTHS to find that feature. Please fix because I will truly miss this game if something isn’t done soon. Thanks!!
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  • Problems

    It’s obvious the developers haven’t played the game, or that they’re so understanding of the game that they know what to do and when to do it. This especially shows up in the events and in the timed games where you can “win” extras (trophies) for your normal game. Right now I’m stuck on an event. I can’t go any further because of an accidental merge which took away my ability to match one of the hidden areas of the game to open it up in order to continue playing. I’m also stuck on the timed trophy games. Where I’m at there, the ground is dead (this happened before I learned about dead ground— you have to match an object on the dead ground with a live object in 3s or 5s to heal that land) and I don’t have any live objects left. And no amount of energy balls can heal it. There’s no way to end the trophy game or an event at the point you get stuck, and start over. On the timed games it’s ridiculous once you manage to win one. The next ones require you to move so fast it’s impossible to do what’s required to win anything. So I’m left frustrated in the normal game where I can’t progress and win trophies and also in this current event— which just started and I’m kaput in less than an hour of play. If they can’t fix this problem, I’m going to stop playing and uninstall the game.
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  • Game Ideas!!!!!

    This game is fun! My friend got me playing it. We’ve been playin it for a couple months now and we’ve noticed a few things that would make the game even better. Like being able to select specific things the player wants to select and it being locked on the grid square or unlocking it at the users choice. Say I wanted my fruit trees to stay in a specific place. The player should be able to select that item and choose to lock it there and it not move if you accidentally grab it or be able to unlock it and move it . I also think that if the gift giving was changed, the game play would be much more fun. For example, say I have too much of one thing on my islands weather that be eggs, fruit trees, dragons, stones, life tree, ...etc. if the game was changed so the player could select a specific item on his/her island so that could be then gifted to another player. I believe players would level up faster, heal dead land, and even possibly remove the evil fog but players will most definitely be able to get to WONDER items more quickly then what it is right now. Just some simple programming to the game to make my suggestions a reality would be greatly appreciated. These are just some ideas for the creators.
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  • Wants too much $ but...

    Has dragon chests that require hundreds of gems to open available immediately and taking up room in your spot cannot be merged unless identical but no instruction is given on how to merge gems to create more so therefore it is impossible to get more gems without buying them. That being said coins are fairly easy to obtain by just playing the game and not investing any actual real life world dollars. My personal policy is not to spend any money on a free game until played it for at least six months. When you decide to start this game make sure you link with FB to save especially if you have invested any money. I also recommend taking screenshots as wide as possible and occasional pictures of your dragon book pages. The development team is EXTRAORDINARILY HELPFUL AND SUPPORTIVE in helping you recover if you have the data and save your game often. Also Google Merge Dragons Wiki for great tips and tricks. So on one hand I find the beginning game too slow to live unless you spend money on gems. If you get through the beginning one way or another the game begins to get momentum and is more playable. Last criticism is beware of overused superlative language in game and trust wiki Merge Dragons instead.
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  • great game but limits on everything!

    why the limits on space in our camps? we could really use some more land for merging and maybe keeping some of the wonders we make a trophies or to decorate our camps. why the limit on cups? 7 is such a small amount, its basically only good for 1 or 2 levels a day. why does everything cost gems and so many gems? there should be a way for us to earn more gems of more items available to buy with gold. the events are fun and challenging keep up the good work on those I love when we get something new to do. I would love to see some stats on how we play like..... hours played, merges made, dragons dropped on fruit trees, life trees, etc., most chains made in a day, stuff like that. maybe also some hybrid merging for rare special items?? the limits on space and cups really make me feel there's only so much I can do on this game in a day and so I need to have other games lined up to play. I would love to see some expansion on things that would keep me playing this g game for longer than a few minutes a day. also what the heck is up with the friends tab?? half of people listed as friends aren't giftable because they're mailboxes are full. I would like to have a way to find more active players within the game. would love to give higher stars on this review in the future.
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