Merge Dragons! User Reviews

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  • Pretty good

    Pretty good game. It’s fun to play a little at a time when ever your bored. The only problem, and reason for four stars, is the length of time it takes to get chalices. Chalices are what allows you to play levels, some levels only require 1 or 2 but most require 5 or more. You only have a max of 7 and they take an hour to regenerate so you beat one level and now you have to wait all day to beat another when they only take a minute or two to beat. The gem system is a little weird to, most games that have a system like this will change the amount of gems based on the time remaining. For instance you could start at 1 hour and need 50 gems to finish it now or wait and when you get to 3 minutes you might only need 5 gems. Not this game. If your time is an hour and it costs 50 gems it will still cost 50 gems when you literally only have 1 second left.

    Edit: I’m getting towards the end of the game and I do like that they put in some events every couple of days that help progress the game and give you something to do. But it the late game each level takes 7 chalices which means you can maybe beat 1 or 2 levels a day unless you use gems. In your home base you should have lots to do meaning you will never have nothing to do.
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  • Fun but...

    This is my go to game it is so fun but there are so many consumables there’s way too many jewels that need to be had and if you like me you don’t want to spend your money harder and money on a game. I just don’t understand. So there’s a lot of things that are wrong with this game the chess for one they frustrate me I mine and mine and mine and my poor little dragons only have two and three actions to be had. So now I can’t do much with these chests because for one they’re locked and require you guessed it jams. Then they lose their actions because they cannot go on any longer. Two and three actions for a level III Dragon is not enough especially when I paid so much for their eggs to hatch which by the way requires three of them which is fine but now I spent all my money for two actions. Fun game dragons are adorable and the chalices are horrible like why do I have five houses and the energy waiting of the game makes me not even want to go back because or makes me not even want to play because now I don’t wanna lose all my chalices so it’s play now and wait sixHours. Or wait and play one time for three Chelsea’s and then don’t play again for the rest of the day and wait again lots of fun but lots of changes that could be made to improve on this game
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  • I like the game but there’s one problem that may end my time playing it

    I like the game, but there is something that I think can be enhanced in the game. For someone who spends a good amount of time in the game I get bored with being in the camp and just trying to collect life seeds from the sky. I think the problem of the game is that getting the chalices for playing the levels take to long earn. You could fix the problem by simply reducing the time for receiving chalices or be implementing a way on which you can keep them if you beat the level, or you can do both. With the problem fixed it would allow more things to do other than sit bored in the camp waiting for chalices. For example I left for the night to sleep. The next morning I came back to play some levels. At the time I had to spend 3+ chalices per level. When I checked to see my chalices I had seen that I only had a total of 7 chalices which got me a total of 2 levels played. After I play them I’m all out and I’m forced to wait another 4 hours so I can play another level of the game. Please do something about this problem, you could get more people to stay and play the game and have a better experience of the game in general.
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  • Great game ! Gem suggestions

    First off, I don’t play mobile games for very long because I get bored but Merge Dragons is one of those games that have withstood that. It’s such a soothing game and a great time killer I love playing it every now and then. Theres so many different types of dragons and it’s cool that they offer people a chance to get the premium dragons through events.

    The only thing that makes it a tiny bit hard is the higher you get, the more harder the quests get and some of them are a bit too hard to do and require dragon gems to do. I wish Merge Dragons gave some ways to earn gems in addition to micro transactions. Some games I’ve seen, have an exchange system and it would be cool to see that in the game. Maybe like 1000coins to 10gems or something and vise versa. Before the game would allow players to work up to a dragon star (which gives gems) during events but they don’t do that anymore... it’s exceedingly hard to collect gems without purchasing micro transactions. I’m stuck on a mission that requires me to open 12 egg chests which the smallest egg chest costs 9 gems to open. And it takes gems to skip a quest too... so I’m stuck with these quests until I somehow get enough gems to finish or skip.

    Point being, if there was an exchange system for coins to gems and etc, or even just watching videos for gems that would be perfect!
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  • Go to game

    I have been playing for quite some time now, the kids even say to me mom your playing merge dragons aren't you. They even helped me play my game when I would hand them my phone to keep occupied if they forgot there tablets. I like the chances of being able to get premium dragons and items with the events. I really like that you can place things the way you want it and make it your own style. I have kept my at least 7 wonders in my dragon camp, and working on getting a bunch more. They give wonderful rewards when completing them and continuously. The friend gifting experience has even gotten better where you can see if a gift is waiting for you. It would be nice if the link to Facebook was better, I haven’t been able to do it for some time now. I wish there was a contest for dragon ideas, best dragon drawn maybe gets the final stage of that dragon as a reward and the choice of its name like if you wanted to call it Penelope or what ever they wanted to name it. So many likes and so many ideas. I don’t write many reviews so I am sorry that I have gone long or off topic. It the bottom line is this game is good and has been on my phone all the time since the first download of it and have enjoyed it ever since for the most part.
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  • Hmm

    I love this game. I really do. It’s quite lovely to look at, and the premise is simple and endearing. The levels are fun and gradually become more challenging, and the camp can keep one occupied for hours. The story-despite being presented in a cutesy manner-is subtly dark enough for an older player to appreciate. However, I have two problems. Starting with the more trivial one: trophies. Needing them to play levels is fine, and even the time it takes for them to refill them is no real issue. But the fact that the max number you can have at one time is seven? I don’t know, I think it would be better at ten. Seven just seems like such a random number, and lets you play maybe one or two levels-ten is a more sensible number, and would allow you to get through three or so before running out. But that isn’t enough to ruin this game. What really bothers me is the gems. I really hate the fact that there is no reliable way to get gems. You will never have enough to take advantage of all the cool gem-based features like the royal hatchery or the zen temple. I love those features-but I can’t use them because the only way to get gems is through purchase with real money. I understand that money needs to be made somehow-so rather than charging for a crucial part of gameplay, it would improve the game infinitely if a price of two, three, even four bucks was charged for the app, and a way to collect gems within the game was added.
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  • Fun to play, too easy to lose things.

    I love playing this game and it’s really rewarding, but when ever I go on, there are times that I find I have lost dragons in my camp, they are mostly the event dragons or the owl griffons, this is the second time I have gotten on and found that an entire species of dragon is just gone. I worked hard for those. There are also times when I will be playing and my hand will brush against the sell or delete button and then it’s gone. I am asked about the big things, if I am sure but the smaller things that are still hard to get, I am not asked about and they are just gone. Like with the event challenges, if you are not really careful you can delete your only way of obtaining the objects you need. There are also times when I think I need to get rid of chests because I cannot open them without paying money to get a small amount of gems first. I don’t know about everyone else but I don’t feel like paying an obscene amount of money for only a few gems. The the purple crystal nest chests, I am fine getting rid of the others but those chests don’t come around a lot and I am running out of room. If there was just a little more room at your camp or an easier way of obtaining the room so you could keep those chests till you could open them, I would love that. Or a way of consolidating them for a different prize or something would also be welcome.
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  • Fun but disappointing

    I started playing this game about a month ago since my 13 year old daughter was playing it and thought it would be fun to have this in common. I quickly became addicted, trying to clear land and get dragon stuff. About 2 weeks into playing I obtained a zen temple, apparently a prized item that cost me 250 coins. It isn’t an item that you can purchase over and over, just one chance and that was it. A while after I got the temple I realized it was gone and I have no idea how. I figured I must have accidentally sold it, but had a hard time believing but couldn’t come up with any other reason for it to be gone. More recently I had a larger dinosaur skeleton head disappear, again I figured I must have accidentally sold the item. Well two days ago I had 12 jewels in my bank, 7 that I had for a while and 5 more that I just obtained. I was very excited and decided to hold onto them to see how many I could get. Two days later when I logged into my game, all 12 jewels were gone. Now, with the loss of my jewels, which I know I did not “accidentally” use, I’m sure that items are just deleting from my game. I shared this with my daughter and she said she lost a dragon and thinks this must be a glitch in the game. Very frustrating to work for these items and then to have them just disappear. Consequently my passion for the game has decreased dramatically.
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  • My love is quickly ending...

    I do LOVE this game! BUT.... like the majority of the reviews say, everything is extremely high. There are few opportunities to earn gems. Also, if I work for weeks or months to get my chest to the highest level... I should be able to open the egg chests that emerge from it for FREE instead of having to pay a ridiculously high amount of gems to open them. The hard work in this game is NOT WORTH IT! There also needs to be a revamp in the chalice system. If I beat a level, I should be able to replay the levels for maybe 1 chalice. There should be a way, like most games, to level up your max amount of chalices. Maybe when you unlock a new piece of land? It takes 50 minutes to restore 1 chalice and some levels are all 7 chalices to play, which results in 1 level in 5 1/2 hours. I have beaten all of the levels, now I’m trying to get all stars and the challenges are hard to complete. But I lose interest when I can’t beat it and I have to wait several hours to play again. Considering every review has something along these lines, there will clearly not be a change unless perhaps someone else creates a similar game for competition. I bought one of the islands because it was 1.99. But I’m not spending 7 bucks for something that will only be stretched just a little ways.
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  • Amazing but FRUSTRATING

    This game is really fun and addicting because you constantly want to level everything up. I have been playing it consistently which mean that is isn’t getting boring or repetitive. The most irritating thing about this app is that when the weekend events come, they end at a very awkward time. For me, they end Monday at 12. I am in school at that time so I can’t check my phone to make sure I’ve collected everything. Twice in a row now I have had a level 8 or 9 token things that are worth a couple thousand tokens, they disappear if I didn’t collect it. I like to play the events to the very last second to get as much as I can, but sometimes I don’t have enough time to collect my tokens. If there was a way where you could automatically collect all your tokens and receive the items you deserve after the timed event is over, that would make this app a 5/5. The one that just ended today was one that I was most excited for, it was the Zen themed one and I’m sure I would’ve have had enough for the last prize, the Zen dragon. But the time ran out before I collected all of my tokens and it seems like I just wasted so much of my time. It’s very disappointing. Please fix this.
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