Toot! for Mastodon User Reviews

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  • Near perfect app

    I’ve been using Toot! (after trying other apps) for nearly two years and LOVE it. It does (almost) everything I could ask for as a Mastodon/Fediverse user, and it does it without any apparent bugs.

    The one exception is not limiting posts to a specific designated language — unless I just can’t find that setting. I know I can select a language on the Mastodon app, but that setting doesn’t flow through to Toot! (Is there a fix?)

    Otherwise it’s a 10/10.
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  • Not my app

    Purchased and tried Toot! for a couple weeks, but have too many complaints and went back to my old fav app. Some are personal preference, some are more general, but the gripe list includes:

    No swipe actions on posts in timeline (eg left to star, right to reply).
    Many excessive animations that can’t be turned off.
    UX customization options are low in general.
    Post privacy isn’t easy to see in the timeline.
    When creating a new post, I have to scroll a page length down for privacy and CW options, causing me to forget them regularly.
    “Load more” system doesn’t make sense to me - hard to find posts between now and last logon. Would like to see it work more like Mastoot.
    Gives 3 options to create a toot (text, image, video) when I really just want a text box with some nearby media upload buttons.
    Text posts don’t always format the way you expect after posting
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  • Some basic UX issues for scrolling

    Please just add infinite scrolling on "now" without the suboptimal "show more" features below:

    1. Selecting "show more" is really easy to miss, and I have to press it all the time as I scan down the feed.

    2. Once you miss pressing "show more" the units shift from "Xm" to "Ymn" which I assume is supposed to mean months, typically mo and hard to see either way. The unit is actually useful here but not standard. Consider "min" and "mo" or "m" and "months".

    3. Scrolling back up to find "show more" is quite easy to miss, so much that I start to look for the splitting point where the top right units shift from "mn" back to "m"

    4. Confusing mechanic where the direction you show more from is based on where you came from, so when you overshoot (always), you then have to scroll back, next you have to slightly go forwards again to reorient the direction you want to scroll.

    5. Oh sorry, you accidentally hit "show more" the wrong direction. Please progress back to step 3, scroll up hunting for the seam, and try again.

    Otherwise no complaints but this kills the core usability for me.
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  • Nice, but could be so much better

    When I bought this app, it was one of the best at the time. It is such an impressive change of UI thinking that is really nice once you poke around to figure things out. Now, it is lagging behind, and the developer seems to have just given up. It lacks media playback control, still crops images to 16x9. I understand that the developer has an opinion for not including notifications, and I respect that. However, not everyone holds that opinion, and if we pay for things there is a certain level of expected minimum features. In the 3 months since the last update a lot has changed on the back end of the fedi, and even the last update only brought it to the bare minimum of features then!
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  • My Favorite Mastodon Fedi App

    It’s fun, welcoming, intuitive with little cool surprises here and there. Some of the free ones are ok but limited and I was a little confused at first. For me it was worth a few bucks to get something more intuitive.

    Only thing on my wish list is a visible warning when your post is going over the limit. That’s it. So far all updates have been improvements. Great app for fedi/mastodon or whatever we’re calling it.
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  • Mostly Terrific but One Persistent Issue

    I love most things about this app and enjoy it more than the other apps available right now. Thoughtful interface, robust functions, dependable and easy to use. And I like that it collects none of my data.

    The one persistent issue I’ve had is with loading older toots. I usually scroll long enough to reach the Load Older Toots button. When I hit it, how it loads is a crap shoot. Sometimes it’s perfect, loading the next most recent batch of toots. But as often as not, it jogs down to where I’d left off in my previous session and loads the oldest of the toots I haven’t yet seen. Doesn’t matter which timeline I’m in—home, local, or federated. Not impossible to work around, but annoying enough that it keeps me on the edge of leaving.
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  • A few lacking features

    It’s a nice, polished and fast app but needs a few basic features added. Like the ability to disable the viewing of alt text. On some images the alt text is so verbose it covers the entire image and there’s no way I can find to dismiss it without closing the image too. Just in general the settings also feel bare bones compared to other mastodon iOS apps.
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  • Nice / so far my favorite Mastodon app

    So far, my favorite of the M6n apps. Novel rotary way to swap between accounts, if you’re working on 2+ accounts (mine, my company’s, a moderator acct, etc).

    Would like easier access to search. It’s one of several in a drop-down rather than an icon on main screen.
  • Great app but

    It’s a great mastodon app but I would like to have ability to change different timeline (home, local, federated etc.) from top easily and also it’d be nice to have an option to see count of reblogs and favorites.
  • Love it!

    Thanks to the reviewer whose main complaint was that the app defaulted to blocking white-supremacist servers. Bought it on the spot lol!

    Turns out it’s also a great app. I was using free Mastodon apps but found myself switching between them to get various features. This one is the most complete I tried but also most intuitive. Wish I’d gotten it when I first signed up because I was confused not being able to edit posts with one or access lists on another. Plus very whimsical and charming. Little surprises here and there. Very much worth a few bucks. And if you’re wondering what the in-app versions are, they’re just fun ways to tip this one person operation if you want. None of the features are held back, no pop ups or ads.

    (No connection to the developer, just an enthusiastic user.)
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