Gymnastics Superstar Gold Girl User Reviews

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  • Not Realistic But Fun

    If you are a gymnast looking for an accurate game about competing as a gymnast, than you are looking at the wrong game. There are several things in the game that are breaking real rules for competing and just how to do gymnastics. In a REAL competition gymnasts are not allowed to wear nail polish or any jewelry otherwise they will get a deduction from their score. Gymnast absolutely NEVER wear skirts or tights. In this game during the training when your character does back walkovers on the beam they stay in the same place witch is extremely inaccurate. If your doing a skill twice in a row you don’t stay in the same place, you will move rather forward or backward. One of the WORST errors is there is only one judge for an event during a meet, but in this game there are three?!?! Last, I guess the makers of this game made it more fun it get better but when you first get the game your scores are all sevens. That is very rare and almost never happens in a real meet. I am a silver xcel level gymnast and I will change my rating to a five if they change these errors. Besides all this it is a fun game.
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  • I love this game but I wish the routines could be longer!

    This game is awesome I paid for the full version! It was worth every penny! However I hate how short the routines are I’d rather them be longer. Especially since I paid for the full version! some only have 3 slots, there should be at least 8 slots. I wish I could compete against other people like in a real gymnastics meet. I also wish I compete in all the events like one after another before medals like in a real gymnastics meet. I wish I could pick my mounts and dismounts, I don’t like that they are random. I wish there were requirements for each level. Like one turn one leap pass two flight skills one mount and one dismount. And in each requirements there were options. Also the practices you should be learning skills and then be able to compete it, you should have to earn them. You shouldn’t just press dots as practice. The levels should only go up to 10. Also the gymnast should where grips on bars. I would also be awesome if we could create our own leotards. Start with a type like short sleeve, long sleeve, and quarter length, half length. Then pick the color. Then pick a design with a custom team name “stick it” “world extreme” “zenith”.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, Thanks a lot for your thoughtful feedback! We love hearing suggestions from our players. You're a star! Gymnastic Superstar Team
  • Love this game from beginning(but not really now)

    I’m a gymnast myself so I know how this sport works! There is a few reasons why my rate on this game went down to 4 stars. The main reason is because the routine is way shorter than they used to be. You only get to choose 4 things in the routines. In gymnastics the routines aren’t really short, they are kind of long and have more things in them. Vault usually has 2 vaults during a competition, so you should choose to different vaults to compete during this game. On Bars the routine is kind of boring because you don’t really change bars as much as you used to. You also don’t really have much in the routine. On beam I think you should be able to choose your mount and dismount. Again the routines are really short and you have so many options but only choose 4. On floor I think you should get to decide the starting and ending poses in the routine. The floor routine should also be the longest so I think this routine should definitely be longer. The second reason why my rate went down to 4 stars is because there should be more skills to choose from in the routine. I’m kind of getting bored from the same skills over and over again. I don’t think you should take away skills I just think you should add skills. I really hope you can consider this in the next update.
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    Developer Response

    Hey, We appreciate the feedback! It's players like you who help us improve our game! We're so happy a true gymnast loves our game :-) Gymnastic Superstar Team
  • Love it!!! However...

    I really really (REALLY) love this game a lot! I love customizing my character, putting her makeup on (the available ones anyways..) and practically everything else about it! A few things bug me, however. For starters, am I really playing against real people? I mean, I suppose I am, but it just feels kind of computerized on the leaderboards. Also, I know that you say that you need money to continue making new games and updates, but you have so many (absolutely wonderful) games that already cost in game! I mean, maybe once in a while, (idk, maybe have just a few games) have a few games that are all free and have no in app purchases, because all your games have in app purchases for the best things! Overall, I really love Coco games and I’m hoping to come to love it even more if I could just see one teensy tiny change here and there to make it even better.😺😍😀😃
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  • More things unlocked! PLEASE!!!!😡😤

    When first downloaded the game, I thought, “ Well, this is gonna be a fun game. I just know it! “ So, I downloaded it, and you know it what? The skirts, a whole lot of nail polish, eye shadow, spa, clinic, photo shoot, dance moves, musics, and a BUNCH of other things were locked! What is wrong with you people?!?!?! I downloaded the game to have fun.! Not to purchase everything for a flippin’ 10$! No!!!! I will not. And all the other coco games you have, you only get about 15 things total. And that is plain dumb. And also very stupid! So fix it!!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤😒 You people who work to make all the coco games are very, VeRy, VERY disappointing and a dissatisfaction to me! VERY disappointing! I can not believe you people! Get it in your head that when somebody downloads a game, they expect to be satisfied and have a bunch of things unlocked. And if it is all NOT unlocked, the they expect to purchase everything that is locked to be purchased at a low price. I hope a lot of people will download your app after they see THIS review. When you write back, you better say sorry. And don’t say sorry just because I told you to. Say sorry because you MEAN it! Bye!! 😡😒
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  • Loved it, but now, not so much

    I used to love this game, but when I updated it, well let’s just say it became a bummer to play. 1 Everything is locked now. For example, the skirts and accessories in wardrobe used to be unlocked, but now they aren’t. Same with just choosing a color for my hair, now I have to pick a color and paint the hair, which takes FOREVER!!! Also, same with makeup, I lost mascara, other lipstick options, colors, and types. I also lost face paint! But, I’m not all negative. Some pros are: leotard colors changed, leggings too. But there is something I don’t understand, and it’s that I’m on champ level which is the highest, but all the other things (uneven bars, balance beam) which are lower than champ aren’t unlocked, so that should be unlocked. Last but not least, I’m America, but the flag paint is locked! DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT MY COUNTRY!!?!!!!!!!???????? This is very hurtful!! Also, when I use vault, I can only use one move! My own dad thought that someone else’s video was better than mine because of this!!! Please know that I’m a kind person but this game makes me mad/upset😡😢😭😕 please write back soon telling me why you do this!!! Please fix these and make them like they used to be! But keep the vault and just unlock the other moves. Please!!!! Thanks!!!!!!
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  • Loved it from beginning, now onto beam & disappointing changes

    We’ve had this game since the beginning when there was just the floor exercise, but the updates which are slowly but surely adding new events is a creative, unique & masterful way to keep old customers coming back & purchasing other games from this developer. Being a former gymnast, I was very impressed with the quality and amount of different skills you could choose with each event. However, w/the new update, you can now only choose 4 skills, which also shortened the length of the routine. For bars, this is fine, but for floor & beam, it’s not good, which is why my ranking went down to 4 stars. I am really hoping new skills to choose from will be added to beam and both floor & beam will allow u to choose more skills so you can pretty much put together a full routine like it used to be with the floor exercise. Would love to have the choice of mount and dismount, as well, but that wouldn’t change my ranking of this game. Another problem w/the new update is the game freezes after the routine is over, so you don’t get medals & the routine isn’t saved. I’m sure this will be corrected soon, as this developer has always been on top of everything. Just please don’t take away what you’ve already provided in the game! Thank you for providing such a unique gaming experience that constantly keeps us coming back to look for new games from you!
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, Thanks for being such a loyal gymnast and for sticking with us! We really appreciate your detailed review and feedback. We're always working on improving our game! Now, let's help you out with the issues you're experiencing. Please contact us at and let us know what device and iOS version you have (you can find this in your device settings). Thanks! Gymnastics Superstar Team
  • Game Crashes

    Being a gymnast myself, I bought the game immediately!! I seriously love it and didn’t have any issues until now. Whenever I complete a routine, I can no longer see my score. It crashes immediately after my routine. There’s no score, no judges or anything. I don’t want to delete my game because I’ve worked hard to get to first place in popularity and top gymnast. However, I have noticed that the game isn’t accurate to your standings. A couple of my friends have this game and on their devices, it shows that each of them is in first place in the popularity category. This for me, is not that big of a deal. A little annoying but not the end of the world. However, I would really appreciate it if you could fix the game from crashing. I seriously love this game and would really hate to loose all of my hard work.
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  • I love this game!!!

    This is a great game! I recently bought the full version and i LOVE IT! Theres just a couple things I recommend. First i think you should add some new skills. Depending on how long it takes for beam and vault i get tired of the same skills. Some new releases on bars and new passes on floor maybe? I love all the dancing skills on floor they're great but it would be great to have more tumbling passes! And i really want the beam and vault to come. Im so excited for it! Some recommendations for the non full version. Please lower the amount of ads thats a huge reason why i got the full version but not everyone can afford that. And maybe have an option just buy the skills? Honestly just lowering the amount of ads would be great theres just way too many ads. I really would like to know when to expect the beam and vault to arrive i cant wait!
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  • 👍♥️😁I ᒪOᐯE TᕼIᔕ GᗩᗰE ᗷᑌT…

    I play this game a lot. I love it. But there is some improvements I want to see in the game that I would love if you did. There are to many adds. I know that's how people get other people to by games but seriously there are WAY to much adds. Please get rid of them adds. And plus most stuff in the game is locked. Unlock some of it. And you guys keep asking me to buy the full version and to buy stuff I don't wanna. So please consider my ideas and please do them. I want people around the world to love this game. And please unlock the clinic and spa and the photo shoot please. I want people around the world to love this game. I would really appreciate it if you did all my ideas. I think everyone agrees with me. Im not trying to be mean or say that this game isn't good but please improve this. If you do improve this I will thank you a million times. Literally. I give this game 200 stars if you improve this. Thanks!

    Love a player on this game,
    Gymnastics girl♥️✨
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