Summoners Greed User Reviews

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  • FUN but one thing

    This game so much fun I could play all day it is so cool how in the corner the boss stands when the waves are about to finish I would recommend playing this game if I could live for 1 million years and I could only play one game or two one of them would be this. I cannot get over how cute the monsters are and how goofy the enemies look the animations are pretty good but if you place down one of the monsters at the bottom you cannot upgrade it that was really disturbing when I realize that but other than that, the game is really fun and I think it deserves to be more than just what it is at first the game might seem hard, but once you play it for a while it’s super fun and it is FREE I love games that are free again, I recommend to get the game now, but it is super unique how they added two different things that you could buy like a common one that gives us common thru legendary and then another one that gives us epic thru legendary I just wish for better graphics and to be able to upgrade my monsters at the bottom of the screen 😁😁😁😁😁😁😍😍😍😍😍😎😎😎😎 and the game is so calming in my opinion
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  • Funny how they didnt let me review it last time🙄

    Kills ur phone battery for no reason. They finally added idler gold but the whole design of combat is so stupid that they game isnt worth playing. Oh yay we can get idler gold. That doesnt help get copies of monsters or get the other currency you need to upgrade. Only one of the monsters is worth a crap and actually does enough damage to be useful in higher levels. These game creators didnt put any time or thought into the design. I mean. A kindergartener could have done a better job. You legit run out of uses for the the initial currency and there’s no way to change it and the amount of time wasted on pointless animations that just slow the game down is ridiculous. And the fact that the ONLY cosmic monster is ridiculously expensive makes it so that one element of the game takes EVEN LONGER for no apparent reason and there's NO OTHER WAY TO GET IT. Literally. Its literally trash. Fix the game of get rid of it. I waste my time when u do updates thinking you made it better but no. You threw a stick in a river and called it a dam. Your game is trash. Literal trash. That just destroys phones. I would believe they are paid by phone companies to destroy your battery life with their crappy game. Needs to be pulled from the app store tbh if they arent going to fix it.
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    Developer Response

    We're sorry to hear about your experience. If you can explain your spell issues in more detail as well as any other specific feedback you may have, we would love to hear more at =) Thank you
  • Great game with minor issues

    Saw this game on a Facebook ad, normally I don’t fall for ads but this seemed promising. I was pleasantly surprised. The game is great, however there are some minor issues. The placement of main menu tab to quit the game or restart aren’t there which makes it annoying. There is no bar that lets the player know what the enemy’s ability is doing to my monsters, it just shows a status effect but what is it doing exactly? Slowing me down? Weakening my attacks? There needs to be a speed up proccess so that the game play can be sped up when you are resetting to level 1 for faster coin farming. The last two issues are the trio. The monitor and seller, it’s annoying that the game does a force pause just for this. There should be another way to make it so that we have the option to keep playing without the interruption. And lastly…. The game has so much potential, but the setting is too linear, it becomes boring to the eyes because the aesthetic and placement of the monsters never changes. Other than that the gameplay is unique and a fun tower defense game. Just needs some minor tweaks tk make it top tier.
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    It’s a good game to play. It’s good when you don’t have anything else to do and what time to fly. One problem I have tho, when you get to a certain point in the game. Which is grinding to get mythics. The chance of getting a mythic is pretty much slim to none. And when you spend a good amount of time grinding to get 100 mythic shard things and end up with an epic or legendary just makes it a waste of time. Personally I think they should up the chance of getting a mythic higher or better yet make something you can get shards for the mythics easier. Say like being able to watch an ad for 10 from the tv guy or make it where you’re able to by some from the merchant but make it gems instead of coins. So overall. It’s a good game until you get nothing from the mythic draws.
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  • Fun with potential

    Played this game off and on for awhile now and honestly it’s really fun. It’s simple and enjoyable. I also appreciate that the ads promoting the game are just a bunch of memes. I also haven’t had an issue with ads popping up in the game and it just seems to be only if you want to get something extra. With that in mind there are some things that could be improved. Not a fan of having to wait until I lose in order to change my unit placement, I wish I could level up the guys I summon when I’m not using them. It’s simple but kinda too simple as the area is the exact same just with different colors and enemies. Also while not every game needs lore/a story I wouldn’t mind if there was something more to it. There’s also something else missing, but I quite can’t put my finger on it. Don’t mistake the criticisms paragraph being longer than the positives mean I’m saying the game is bad. I do like this game quite a bit and would recommend it for some people. Not for everyone but eh others may like it.
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  • Amazing game one suggestion

    I found this game through Instagram and just downloaded it because the relentless ads convinced me. It’s such a simple game but it’s so fun.

    My one suggestion is maybe making a Home Screen that it goes to whenever you open the game? Every time I open the app it goes straight into battle or whatever but I think it’d be nice if there was a main screen with access to the idle waves, challenges, news, limited time things, a store, and then maybe things like social media links, and misters or something. I think it would make things a little easier to navigate and more user friendly.

    Otherwise great game, perfect for when I have a few minutes here and there which is what I’m always looking for.
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  • Good game

    I really enjoy this game it’s super casual yet satisfying. I have two things I would like to see change, one being I think it would feel better to be able to edit your towers every certain number of waves if you don’t lose to a wave beforehand instead of waiting until you lose to switch a towers position or take out a new tower you don’t actually like as much as another. It could pop up as a timed window like “The Seller.” Two the abilities don't seem to have much impact on the gameplay. It feels like it’s better to focus your upgrades on the towers themselves rather than upgrading abilities because by the time they really seem useful you’ve already lost. It could be I’m not leveling them enough and they’re actually fine but the AOE(Area of effect), timing of the fireball coming down, time the enemies are actually frozen, and overall damage all feel a little off making them all not seem super useful. Otherwise very good game and very user friendly especially with currency. I think this is actually one of if not the best game to take how you actually use currency into consideration and work with you on opportunities to both use and gain it.
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  • Ngl pretty baller

    I actually really like this game despite its debatably basic premise. It is wonderfully comedic at times and quite enjoyable to summon and collect all the monsters. After seeing ads for a long time about how this game dosent force you to watch ads or when it does they are basically memes, I must say they hold true to it. Every ad you’ll see (if any) won’t even feel like an ad and offers great rewards or opportunities and you are not forced to watch it you can simply reject the offer if you aren’t interested. I think it’s a great way to go about making ad revenue while still maintaining player satisfaction. My only gripe is when enemies are killed their bodies kinda just like very abruptly disappear instead of fading out. That is literally my only issue with the game. It’s great.
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  • Whoever runs that instagram and who runs advertising is brilliant and i hope they thrive

    Yes, i was finally convinced to check this out because of the “husbando” posts. no regrets though. as comical as it is, i see man, i go 👁👁

    Nice game, yes it is a bit grindy, and by a bit i mean i did roll my eyes at how much i aggressively struggled at points and still do as i don't make do in-app purchases. (i’m not the best at many games, for how often i play them) But, i have infinite patience for advertisements to get things in apps so that’s not too much of an issue on that front. lol
    On the whole i would recommend it! this wasn't a very coherent review but i literally only downloaded it like 12 hrs ago, but i wanted to show genuine appreciation for smart advertising, pleasant visuals, audio, and enough regular unlocks and such to keep things interesting.
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  • Good people

    The game doesn’t fake advertise. I respect that a lot… specially in these times. With that being said you should know that if you want coins quickly or things that will help you out in the long run.. You can choose to watch the ads they offer in game(those are crappy ads super crappy…) it’s okay tho. The game is fun.. a little repetitive, but you can’t run through the game on your first runs. You have to spend time on it, make your strategy better and upgrade your stuff. What I like most is how much coins you get for being idle. I could be angry for getting stuck then stop playing the game, come back a few hours later. I get 58k coins that I can double for watching an ad? OK let me do just that!
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